Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Fibromyalgia Relief - 7 Secrets To Fibromyalgia Relief

Effective management strategies for dealing with the pain of fibromyalgia depends a lot on the individual suffering it. In other words, just putting up with pain and doing nothing about it is asking for trouble.

There are many ways to ease those painful periods when you are absolutely laid flat by the way you feel.  However, one of the first things you should consider is a long term management.

Okay, that’s easier said than done but the reality is, one thing you’ve got to remember is not to keep doing the same things over and over again which result in stressed-ridden situations.

You’ve got to be prepared to make some changes and one of these is looking at your current routine. Are there times of the day when you feel worse and is there a pattern established.

Reorganizing Daily Routine

It’s simple really, pick those times of the day when fibromyalgia seems to be an issue and then organize necessary chores around them.

Fibromyalgia relief is an ongoing process. Whether you’re taking medication or doing stretching exercise the ultimate aim is to relieve pain.

So with this in mind, we’re going to give you some fibromyalgia pain relief tips which can either be adopted or re-arranged to suit your own needs.

Fibromyalgia Pain Relief Tips

These won’t cure fibromyalgia, only help you get through a day with the minimum of fuss.

1. Organization is gold when it comes to a fibro sufferer. For example, organizing your grooming stuff in order, clothing, kitchen utensils or simply making a list of the things you need done on a daily basis can make a big difference.

2. Have a small notebook or pad handy because sometimes remembering what needs to be attended to can prove a real challenge in a fibromyalgia sufferer’s day.

3. Work out what time of the day pain or muscle stiffness seems to be less of a nuisance and use this time to get things like shopping done. This is one of the more sensible fibromyalgia pain relief tips you’ll hear and you will be amazed how this simple tactic can help your productivity levels.

4. If you simply don’t want to get out and do the shopping, consider shopping online. It’s delivered to your door and convenient.

5. If you can establish a good routine of when you rest during the day and when you attend to chores you will be much better prepared to manage any pain.

6. Be consistent with stretching exercise. It will be a big help in keeping the stiffness out of your muscles and a recommended part of and overall fibromyalgia pain relief plan.

7. If you love gardening and find it becomes difficult at times to maintain a good grip on your gardening chores then consider a low maintenance yard. Things such as automatic sprinklers are ideal and hiring outside help is not expensive today and another alternative to consider.

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