Saturday, November 26, 2016

Think Yourself Thin! Fool Your Brain in Healthy Ways!

Can you get to your ideal size by just thinking so? Yes, you can. We know people who have done it. You can give up having a weight issue. Just walk away from it. Convince yourself that you are already at your ideal size.

How can you do this? By using your mental and emotional resources to make it so. Notice that we didn’t say to use willpower and self-discipline. By now you have enough experience with weight loss to know these don’t work.

So let’s take a different approach. We suspect it is one you haven’t tried before.

Fool Your Brain

You Can Fool Your Brain in Healthy Ways.  Never underestimate the power of your mental outlook. Researchers tell us that the brain doesn’t distinguish between what you imagine and what is real. Yes, if you imagine that you are at your ideal size, your subconscious doesn’t know whether it is fact or fiction. The more you imagine and the more you turn away conflicting thoughts, the closer you get to being effortlessly thin.

People who are naturally thin do not think they are fat. They don’t worry about what to eat, when to diet, or how to diet. The thoughts wouldn’t cross their minds. Do the same for yourself. can work for you.

If you find yourself wanting to make excuses for your size, stop mid-word (just like you should stop mid-bite if you were done eating). Then take it back, rephrase it, and say it in such a way that you are responsible and in charge. For example, if you say or even think, “I feel fat today,” reword it and instead say aloud, “I feel thin today.” Turning around your thoughts like this gives you power.

The Ideal Size Affirmation

Think Yourself Thin! Fool Your Brain in Healthy Ways!Directing your thoughts to being thin is really hard. After all, you have years of scripts and self-talk that do anything but affirm your thin self. That’s why we recommend you use the ideal size affirmation. This is the only one you need to use.

It goes like this: “I, (insert your first name), am now a healthy and thin person. I wear a size (insert desired size), and I do what healthy and thin people do.”

The secret of this affirmation is that it declares you are already there. Yes, you will be shaking things up in your mind. You will be creating what's called "cognitive dissonance." Since this makes you uncomfortable, your insides will work hard to bring about compliance with your affirmation. Getting to your ideal size will require less and less thought and effort. In fact, you will be amazed at how easy it is to eat 0-5 after a couple months of using the affirmation.

To use the affirmation, say it aloud at least three times in a row three times a day. If a situation comes up that challenges you, such as the desire to stress eat or if your favorite donuts show up at work and you aren’t at 0, say your affirmation to yourself. Save the donut until you are once again at a 0.

In a sense, you already affirm every day all day long. You have been affirming that you have an overweight body for years. Now change the “CD” and get what you really want.

Not enough? Let’s try again!

Directing your thoughts to being thin is really hard. After all, you have years of scripts and self-talk that do anything but affirm your thin self. That’s why we recommend you use the ideal size affirmation. It goes like this:

“I, (insert first name), am now a healthy and thin person. I wear a size (insert desired size), and I do what healthy and thin people do.”

If the word “thin” for you doesn’t mean what it means to us, change it so that you are comfortable. Most often a person will change it to “lean.” But we urge you not to change anything else. For example, don’t change it to say, “I deserve to be thin.” That is a lame and actually ineffective affirmation. Our response would be, “So what if you deserve to be thin? Deserving and being are two different things.”

The Secret to a Great Affirmation

The secret of this affirmation is that it declares you are already there. Yes, you’ll be shaking things up in your mind. This is good. You’ll be creating cognitive dissonance in your mind. Since this makes you uncomfortable, your insides will work hard to bring about compliance with your affirmation. Getting to your ideal size will require less and less thought and effort. In fact, you will be amazed at how easy it is to eat 0 to 5 after a couple months of using the affirmation.

To use the affirmation, say it aloud at least three times in a row three times a day. Yes, you can say it in private. That’s a great start. It works even more quickly if you write it. That’s right, write the affirmation 10 times every day. Purchase a spiral notebook or a journal and write the affirmation 10 times every day. Do it with meaning and care. At first, parts of your psyche will rebel. Let them. The writing will, over time, convince them that you are indeed a healthy and thin person.

If a situation comes up that challenges you, such as the desire to stress eat or if your favorite donuts show up at work, and you aren’t at 0, say your affirmation to yourself. Save the donut until you are once again at a 0.

Affirm Your Ideal Size and Watch It Come True

Affirmations are one of the strongest and most effective tools for achieving your ideal size. We know plenty of people for whom this has worked. We also know people who have met their life’s soul mate, improved their vision, and found terrific jobs by using the power of affirmations.

In a sense, you already affirm every day all day long. You have been affirming that you have an overweight body for years. Now change your inner programming and get what you really want.

Some Additional Affirmations that Help

Here are suggested affirmations so you can get started right now:

  • I am now a naturally thin person. I wear a size (say your ideal size) and I do what thin people do.

  • I eat only when my stomach is hungry and stop eating before I am full.

  • I eat slowly and I eat while seated.

  • I eat only when I am relaxed.

  • When eating, I focus only on my food.

  • I eat only foods that are appealing to me.

  • I love to exercise lavishly for health and well being.

  • I AM now a size ______ in body, mind, emotions, and lifestyle.

  • I AM happy, healthy, comfortable, and safe being at my ideal size.

  • I honor my body and its messages.

  • I love, enjoy, and appreciate my body.

  • I honor all of my emotions and use them responsibly.

  • I AM in harmony with being at my ideal size.

  • I honor my sexual energy and express it appropriately.

  • I radiate Light in body, mind, and spirit.


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