Maintaining your reputation as the largest actor in the world takes a lot of work. Just ask Dwayne ‘the Rock’ Johnson! Much has been written about the Dwayne Johnson workout regime that keeps the Rock in prime shape and bulked up with muscle but Dwayne Johnson wasn’t always this big. Before and after photos of him clearly show this. Granted, he’s always been a tall lad with an athletic build but it wasn’t until he stepped into the world of WWE that he really started working on his physique in earnest.
Dwayne Johnson Before And After Hercules
Dwayne Johnson also became involved in the movie industry during his WWE career. When he took on the role of Hercules in the movie of the same name in 2014 he needed to step up his bodybuilding and muscle bulk. Large though Dwayne already was, Hercules has a build the stuff legends are made of.
So how did a mere mortal, albeit a well built one, turn himself into the legendary action hero son of Zeus and Alcmene?
Herculean Dwayne Johnson Workout And Diet
It all comes down to diet and exercise. Doesn’t it always!! However, in the Rock’s case we’re not talking your standard ordinary everyday menu or exercise routine. The now famous Dwayne Johnson diet he used during his physical preparation for Hercules involved the consumption of over 5000 calories on a daily basis. To get that many calories Dwayne ate 4 ½ kilos of food spread out over 7 meals. Every single day. The cost - $56 a day or nearly $1,700 a month! That’s an awe-inspiring amount of food to tuck away on a daily basis.
Dwayne Johnson’s Famous Muscle Bulk
The Hercules diet was designed to support the intensive and rigorous workout regime that gave Dwayne Johnson the muscle bulk he needed to play Herc. It was high in protein, always an essential part of any muscle-building program.
It also contained plenty of carbohydrates, another vital component in a successful work out routine. Plus fats and a host of necessary vitamins and minerals. The complete work out diet in fact.
Only it’s designed for a guy who weighs in at 252 pounds and stands nearly 6 and a half feet tall rather than the average man!
Exercise And The Current Dwayne Johnson Diet
So exactly what does Dwayne Johnson’s workout and diet involve? Apart from being of Herculean proportions that is!
His most recent daily menu plan still reads like something from the menu board of a health restaurant. Four meals include a source of animal protein – steak (2 x 10 oz pieces), chicken (2 pieces) and 10 oz of salmon. The fifth has 20gms of casein protein instead. It also includes 3 whole eggs, 13 egg whites, 6 cups of broccoli, 3 cups of mushrooms, 2 bell peppers, 3 potatoes, 16 asparagus tips, 2 cups of oatmeal, 2 cups of rice, one glass of watermelon juice and one of orange juice, and a protein shake. Spread over 5 meals.
Dwayne Johnson Weight Loss Exercises
If you’re thinking right about now that a calorie intake like that requires a massive amount of exercise to avoid putting on weight, you’re right. Fortunately though Dwayne Johnson has a workout routine for weight loss that burns calories like a jet engine burns jet fuel.
Dwayne Johnson - Working Out To Avoid Weight Gain
For Dwayne Johnson working out is a way of life. Six days a week his day starts with a 4am ‘jog’ around the streets near his home in Florida just to get his heart going nicely. However, that jog leaves him wringing wet, which gives you some idea of how intense it actually is. The jog usually takes him an hour or so and then it’s time to tuck into his first meal of the day.

The Dwayne Johnson Muscle Gain Workouts
After breakfast it’s time to hit the gym for a bit of weight lifting and power workouts. Like his diet, Dwayne Johnson’s daily workouts are designed to achieve maximum muscle gain. Each day focuses on a particular part of the body. He may vary the routines slightly depending on what he’s working to achieve but the fundamentals remain the same. For Dwayne Johnson that’s always building lean muscle and maintaining peak fitness.
Dwayne Johnson Training For Muscle And Fitness
Day One is legs day. All his routines on this day are designed to give his legs a good workout and includes work on the treadmill, some barbell walking lunges, leg presses, leg extensions, barbell squats, hack squats, Romanian deadlift, seated leg curls and some thigh abductor work.

How Dwayne Johnson Gets Those Abs
Day 4 focuses on those massive arms and ripped abs! If you’ve ever wondered just how Dwayne Johnson gets those ripped abs, here’s how. He starts off with his usual half an hour to an hour on the treadmill followed by dumbbell bicep curls, hammer curls, spider curls, triceps pushdowns, overhead triceps, hanging leg raises, rope crunches and Russian twists. Day 5 is legs again and he rounds off the week with some chest exercises – treadmill, barbell bench presses, incline dumbbell presses, dumbbell bench presses, flat bench cable flyes, incline hammer curls and chest dips. And on the seventh day he takes a well-earned rest.
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