Saturday, November 5, 2016

Acne Alternative Treatments

One can have acne for more than one reason. So, for the different types of acne, there are different treatments available. Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing which type of treatment will work best for any particular patient. Because of this, most patients have to try several different treatments and even try different combinations to see which one works the best. This is because acne is not the result of any one cause. There are several factors that contribute to the development of acne problems.

Though there is no conventional medication or treatment that can produce instantly noticeable results, there are many alternative treatments for acne.

Some of these acne alternative treatments can assist in clearing the skin quite remarkably. They can improve the general health of your skin in the process of treating the acne.

Some of the commonly known acne alternative treatments are listed below.

Herbal Remedy

This is one of the most powerful forms of acne alternative treatments meant for those people who are averse to taking strong acne drugs that are likely to produce side effects. However, one of the problems with herbal remedies is that they are very slow acting and while the results are worth waiting for, it can take up to a month of consistent use with these remedies before results are visible. So if you opt for an herbal remedy, then be patient. Herbal remedies have also not been thoroughly studied in a scientific manner to clearly understand how they work or how effective they can be as acne alternative treatments.

Home Remedies

Home remedies are possibly one of the only forms of acne alternative treatments that can be as effective as some of the expensive acne drugs that are available today. But like herbal remedies, these acne alternative treatments have also not been thoroughly studied in a science lab, so results and side effects cannot be verified. Most drugs available today will help you with acne faster than home remedies but then, home remedies will not have the side effects that are a common consequence of all modern medicines.

Natural Treatments

Yet another way to avoid the cost of expensive acne drugs and all the side effects they might cause is the use of natural remedies as acne alternative treatments. The same problem of not having enough scientific data to really substantiate the benefits of natural treatments is apparent here as well. Like herbal and home remedies, it is not possible to predict the time it takes to cure and how exactly the cure works in the fight against acne. All methods of acne alternative treatments are usually subject to such a lack of scientific insight because it is usually reserved for synthetic treatments that can be prepared by a pharmaceutical company. Remedies that can be prepared by anyone in their home using natural ingredients are not studied carefully because research funds are under the control of pharmaceutical companies.


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