The tricky thing about building muscles: We all know that in order to lose fat you need to burn off calories. However, in order to build muscle you need to consume calories. So, this can be a tad confusing when you are trying to do both. So it is really important that you eat enough of the proper foods for your resistance training so you don’t lose muscle instead of fat.
One very important food that you need to include in your diet when you are working out is milk. It has been discovered that if you drink two cups of skim milk when doing resistance training that you can lose 2 pounds of body fat over a 12 week period.
This is twice as much as people who drank sports drinks and soy beverages instead. Milk also helps you to gain muscle and can result in 2.5 pounds of more muscle than drinking soy beverages and 3.3 more pounds of muscle than when drinking sports drinks.
Eggs are also an important food that needs to be included in your muscle building diet. If you eat two eggs for breakfast you are actually consuming 400 less calories less the rest of the day and this reduction in calories will help you lost fat and enable you to manage your weight by controlling your calorie intake. Eggs are also full of high quality protein and this is essential in building as well as repairing your muscles.
Apples are another great food source packed with nutritional value. It has also been discovered that those who eat three apples each day will lose more weight on a lower calorie diet than those on the same diet who didn’t eat the apples.
Apples are filled with fiber and fiber has been found to actually bind to fat in your digestive tract. This then causes it to be gotten rid of as a waste instead of being absorbed into the body. The carbs that are found in apples are beneficial for the growth of muscles as well.
Including whole grain cereals in your diet is also going to be of benefit. When a person eats 100% whole grain cereal with some nonfat milk after they lift weights has been proven to promote muscle growth. It provides the body with the proper carbohydrate to protein ratio along with all the amino acids that your muscles need to store energy and to make new muscle. Whole grain cereal also helps keep glucose levels stead and curbs hunger.
Vitamin E is very important during weigh training because it protects your muscles and shortens the recovery time that is needed for muscle repair. It also limits damage to muscles. This is why peanuts are important to add to your diet because they are high in vitamin E as well as being a great source of protein.
By including peanuts in the diet, it’s also been noted that they help curb a persons hunger and they are able to maintain their weight easier than those who don’t include peanuts in their diet plan.
Need a little "inspiration" to speed up your muscle building process?
For the last couple of months we’ve been hearing stories about how guys in Hollywood such as Vin Diesel and Zac Efron or top NBA players have been using two insane new products to lose body fat and add some incredible muscle bulk in mere weeks. Needless to say, when word of these ‘wonder-products’ leaked out men everywhere went crazy over them and their popularity simply exploded! Understandably, our readers have also been going mad over them too and why wouldn’t they?
THIS muscle-building supplement stack has been clinically proven to:
Get rid of body fat – it just melts away
Help flush toxins from your body
Pack on muscle – tons of it
As anyone who is into bodybuilding knows, this is an amazing combination if you want to get insanely ripped in short order. So we decided it warranted a special report and we’ll also tell you just why these alternative steroid products work, and work so insanely well.
Building Muscles With Supplements
Everything There Is To Know About Them
We’ve assessed many ‘trendy’ muscle programs, only to be disappointed by the cost and the lack of real results. It’s not that there is anything ‘bad’ about many of the programs. It’s just that they impose on your daily life with often-unrealistic restrictions, particularly in relation to diet. Some programs emphasize the importance of eating a lot of protein.
Others stress the importance of carbs. Either way, it generally involves some pretty radical changes to your diet and who really wants to have to do that?! So when we heard about these supplements for building muscles we decided to take a closer look at them. We figured that if they did even half of what they’re purported to do then we could be looking at the start of a new and promising trend that is easy to use AND brings real results.
One of the things we discovered is that trainers are calling this new supplement stack “nature’s steroid alternatives”. Steroids are a key component in building muscle and burning fat so it’s exciting news to find a completely natural product that does not have the bad rap of chemical steroids yet still works exceptionally well to achieve the same muscle building and fat-burning results!
So what are these products we’ve heard so much about?

They’re called XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x. If you watch TV or read the news, you’ve possibly seen or heard about a supplement touted as the “secret”, and absolutely safe, alternative to chemical steroids that celebrities and body builders everywhere have been using to build those incredible bodies.
Well, today it’s a secret no longer because we’re here to tell you all about it. And we’ll also teach you (for free) how you too can build the same celebrity type muscular body. It’s all here in the special report we’ve put together about XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x, two of the most exciting new products to hit the fitness and body building scene for some time.
Building muscles like the Sports Elite
When it comes to losing excess body-fat and gaining action star muscle nothing works quite like XtremeNO. This muscle builder is very high in anti-oxidants and has some pretty powerful strength building properties which combine to make it a standout performer among muscle building supplements. XtremeNO is made from pure, high quality ingredients combined into a proprietary formula that is intended to provide the energy and additional strength required to do some incredible lifting. And even better, it revs up your metabolism and melts away body-fat at a rate of knots. When combined with HyperGH 14x, a testosterone booster bar none, the results are nothing short of an automatic muscle-building machine.
Testosterone is an essential hormone that plays a critical role in regulating a number of fundamental bodily processes including bone formation, muscle building, efficient metabolism of fat, and regulating mood and energy. The proven, all natural formula of Hyper GH 14x provides a testosterone boost like no other similar supplement currently available. Small wonder then that when Hyper GH 14x and Xtreme NO are taken in combination the results are simply mind-blowing.
However, one certainly understands if you’re a little bit skeptical because, to be honest, so was our team. Everything about this muscle building/fat-burning combination absolutely screamed ‘fad’ to us when our team first heard about it. But despite the fact that our ‘it’s just a fad’ radar was blaring loudly at us the numerous success stories just kept rolling in. From everywhere. That more than anything convinced us to take another look at this product that was causing such a furor. And our team found that they liked what they saw. Particularly the fact that people were getting awesome results without having to radically change their eating habits or their lifestyles. That’s a huge win/win situation in our book. Another thing that impressed us is that both Xtreme NO and Hyper GH 14x are clinically proven.
HyperGH 14x Clinically Proven To
- Boost testosterone levels
- Shorten recovery time
- Increase fat-burning
- Super-charge muscle development
- Improve sexual performance
XtremeNO Clinically Proven To
- Improve strength
- Boost energy naturally
- Delay the onset of muscle fatigue
- Increase metabolism and destroy fat
- Maximize sexual stamina
One guy our team heard about – Jeremy Evans from California, describes on his blog how he lost 8 lbs of fat and stacked on 20 lbs of muscle simply by taking the recommended daily dose of the Xtreme NO and Hyper GH 14x muscle building stack over a 5 week period. He wrote that he “really didn't believe it could be so easy. There were no changes to my diet or to my daily routine. All I had to do was pop two pills every day and the fat just melted off me like hot butter. At the same time all these muscles that were hiding underneath the fat appeared; most of them I didn't realize I had. And as for my new 6-pack... Well, suffice to say that the girls don't mind it at all."
So the upshot of all our research was that our team thought they’d try Xtreme NO and Hyper GH 14x for themselves just to see if this muscle building supplement stack really did do everything it was purported to do. I’d wanted to make some healthy changes to my body for a while now plus I’d entered a fitness competition so I put my hand up to be the guinea pig.
First up I contacted the manufacturers of Xtreme NO and Hyper GH 14x, introduced myself and explained that I was interested in trying their products with a view to writing about the results for you, our readers. Both companies were keen to help out and agreed to ship me a month’s worth of free product. It duly arrived within a couple of days and the experiment was on……
In the interests of accuracy, I took my initial body-fat measurement and made a note of my weight at the start. I was a very unimpressive 150 lbs with a body-fat score of 14% and I needed to get down to 7 – 8% to get the results I was aiming for and for the fitness competition.
And so I began ...

I followed a fairly simple routine. Just two pills each of Xtreme NO and Hyper GH 14x twice daily. On days that I worked out I took the pills before and after the workout otherwise I just took one dose in the morning and the other at night. My diet and exercise regime did not change at all. At the end of the 4 weeks, I’d packed on 15 lbs of lean muscle!!
Week 1:
One of the things I noticed during the first week on the new regime was how quickly and dramatically these muscle building supplements kicked in. For a start my energy levels were noticeably higher. I also wasn’t nearly as hungry thanks to the appetite curbing effects of the amino acids in Hyper GH 14x. All in all I felt unbelievable and I hadn’t had to change my daily routine at all. When Day 7 came around I hopped on the scales and got out the caliper to measure my body fat. Unbelievably I’d gained 4 lbs of lean muscle!
However, impressive though the results appeared to be, I still wasn’t 100% convinced. At the start of most muscle programs you tend to lose a fair amount of water without producing any lasting effect on the composition of your body. The tricky part would be seeing if I could sustain this amount of muscle gain over the remaining weeks. However, it was certainly a great feeling to be weighing less than 150 lbs for the first time in more years than I care to remember and I was keen to see how the next few weeks panned out.
Week 2:
My energy levels and focus continued to improve through the second week. I also found that I was sleeping much better due to the detoxifying effects of Xtreme NO, which in turn allowed more time for the muscles to recover and grow. As I shed another 6lbs of fat I could see the outline of the 6-pack starting to develop, much to my girlfriend’s delight. By now I was starting to believe that these muscle building supplements really were everything they were cracked up to be.
Week 3:
My muscle mass continued to develop whilst the body fat simultaneously continued to disappear. The fat around my stomach and hips was no longer and I was now sporting quite an impressive 6 pack. Energy levels were also staying consistently sky high right throughout the day.
By the end of the week I’d lost an impressive 14 lbs of fat whilst gaining 12 lbs of lean muscle. Amazing results considering that it was generally around about this time that previous programs I’d tried started to peter out and the water I’d lost during the first week returned.
Week 4:
The results of the trial were now clearly evident. Since starting a mere 4 weeks ago, I’d built up an amazing 16 lbs of lean muscle mass and with the loss of a further 6 lbs of fat, the body fat percentage was now in the single digit figures that I’d been aiming for! Watch out fitness comp, here I come! Needless to say, everyone else here is now trying to get hold of free trials of Xtreme NO and Hyper GH 14x….
Will I continue to use XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x?
Well, I think the results speak for themselves as to the consistent and amazing results of this product so yes, I will continue to use them. All in all, I really could not be happier with how the trial of Xtreme NO and Hyper GH 14x panned out. In just 4 weeks, without any special diet and with no severe exercise, I’d gained an amazing 16 lbs of lean muscle.

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