Saturday, August 26, 2017

Losing Pregnancy Weight - Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Imagine losing pregnancy weight simply by eating. Okay, there’s more to it than that. But did you know that there are certain foods that boost your metabolism and help you burn fat? It’s true, and by eating these foods, you can turn your body into a fat burning machine!

These are a few of the most beneficial and delicious fat burning foods out there:

Losing Pregnancy Weight with Ginger & Citrus

As a child, if you felt like you were getting a cold, your mother most likely gave you loads of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a great immunity booster, but it also has a hidden talent: It improves your body’s fat-burning power!

Vitamin C helps your body burn fat in two ways. First, it quickens the fat metabolizing process. Second, it has an interesting effect on fat deposits. Citric acid breaks down fat molecules, making them more likely to be expelled from the body and less likely to be stored inside of it.

Citrus fruits are ranked at the top among fat burning foods, thanks to their Vitamin C content. Make an effort to add several types of citrus fruits to your diet, such as lemons, limes, oranges and tangerines. Rather than just drinking the juice, it’s better to try to eat the whole fruit. Here’s why: Fruit contains another fat burning ingredient – fiber! Are these citrus fruits not really your thing? Well, another fat fighter is the tomato. Get a metabolic boost by using fresh tomatoes in your homemade sauces.

Ginger is a enjoyably tangy fat-burner. As a vasodilator, it improves blood circulation by expanding the blood vessels. This can considerably increase your metabolism. As a matter of fact, recent studies show that those who eat ginger may lose up to 20% more fat than their peers.

In Asian dishes citrus and ginger flavors complement each other rather well. Try experimenting with this unique combination, and you can find yourself losing pregnancy weight without ever feeling deprived.

Losing Pregnancy Weight With Whole Grains & Oatmeal

There’s nothing like starting your day with a bowl of warm oatmeal. Oatmeal stabilizes blood sugar levels and prevents fatigue.  It also helps you avoid those big energy crashes. Oatmeal can do all of this because it has large amounts of fiber. Try adding some fat-free milk to your oatmeal to make it even more satisfying.  Doing so will give you an even better fat-burning advantage. (Fiber and calcium have been shown to be excellent fat burning nutrients.)

Oatmeal’s’ carbohydrates provide a boost in energy helping you wake up quicker. These carbs are complex carbohydrates that digest slowly, which keeps your energy high and your appetite low for several hours after breakfast. As a bonus, oatmeal also lowers cholesterol, which makes losing pregnancy weight with oatmeal a smart way to go!

Go Nuts!

Nuts are a healthy fat burning food that can also fight hunger for extended periods. Some nuts are rich in fiber which helps to rev up your metabolism. They also consist of generous amounts of protein. Protein is essential for gaining lean muscle mass, which burns calories even while you sleep!

Losing Pregnancy Weight With Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Olive oil’s contributions to heart health have been praised by doctors for a very long time. Olive oil has unsaturated fat which raises the amount of high-density lipids in the bloodstream. These lipids, also known as HDL, or “good cholesterol”, are great for clearing bad cholesterol out of the arteries. By using olive oil instead of margarine or butter, you can actually boost your metabolism while you reduce your bad cholesterol.

The bottom line: You’ll be losing pregnancy weight double time if you take advantage of these fat burning foods. Also, include some fun cardio activities and lots of water, and you’ll have a formula for success!

So far we discussed four amazing foods that burn fat.  It's time we’ll be uncovering a few more of these wonderful fat-fighters.

Eating food for the sake of losing pregnancy weight is an exciting thought.  What’s more, scientific evidence shows that people who ate certain foods lost more weight than those who didn’t – even when all other conditions ware alike! Here’s a review of a few more highly effective fat burning foods:

Losing Pregnancy Weight With Beans, Beans

Beans are a popular source of protein for dieters all over the world. They contain a healthy mix of carbohydrates and protein. Your body takes more time to digest beans because they are harder to process. This is actually a good thing, since it helps you feel full for longer periods, and it also stabilizes your blood glucose levels.

The bean’s fiber content is where it’s true magic lies. Fiber is great for losing pregnancy weight because it gives your digestive system a workout. Not only does it keep your system regular, but it also keeps your blood sugar stable. Plain beans are your healthiest option. Fatty re-fried beans and sugary baked beans can ruin your dieting efforts by introducing too many simple carbohydrates and calories into your diet.

Skim Milk, It Does A Body Great

As you learn more about losing pregnancy weight, you’ll find that a high metabolism is key and the metabolism booster that is most preferred over all the fat burning foods, is calcium. Studies have shown that calcium does, in deed, promote fat loss. In one study, two groups of test subjects were analyzed. One group received several servings of calcium each day, while the other did not.  Other than that, the groups did everything else the same. The study showed that the group receiving the extra calcium lost nearly three times the amount of weight as the other group.

While dairy products are still the preferred way to consume calcium, you can also get calcium from vegetables like spinach, broccoli and celery. When it comes to dairy foods, choose products made from low-fat or non-fat milk. They provide a higher amount of calcium with the least amount of calories.

Green Tea, For Me?

For years now green tea has been praised as a dieter’s wonder food. With it’s robust antioxidants, green tea helps reduce the amount of dangerous free radicals in the body. Green tea often contains small amounts of caffeine – far less than most sodas, coffee, or energy drinks.  This small bit of caffeine helps to pep up your metabolism and heart rate, without putting unnecessary or overwhelming stress on your body. Also, due to it’s gentle diuretic nature, it can be useful for expelling retained fluids from your system.

Studies of green tea as a fat-burner have yielded some interesting evidence. Individuals who consume 3 – 6 cups of green tea each day enjoy quicker weight loss than those who drink none.

(A Very) Honorable Mention: Water

Although water lacks any actual nutrition, it’s still very high ranking on any list of fat burning foods. Water plays many important roles within our bodies, including: Forcing retained fluids out of our systems, dissolving sodium to reduce bloating, curtailing hunger, and stimulating our body’s natural healing.

Water is also responsible for keeping your metabolism running at peak performance. Here’s why: Our kidney’s mission is to remove waste fluids and toxins from our systems. However, in order to work properly, they need lots of water. The kidney’s ask the liver for back-up whenever they are lacking water.

And the Liver?

Although the liver is able to, acting as a secondary filtration system is not it’s main purpose. The liver’s job is converting body fat into usable energy. However, if the liver is working overtime to assist the kidneys, it’s ability to metabolize fat is greatly reduced. By drinking enough water, you can keep your body’s metabolism at maximum efficiency.

For a fast, effective diet change, start eating more fat burning foods. One of the easiest ways for losing pregnancy weight is to stay hydrated.  Adding 8 cups of water to your diet every day will put you on the fast track to rewarding and lasting weight loss.

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