Atkins Diet & The Low-Carb Mania: Unless you’ve been living in a cave for the last year, you’ve probably noticed that low-carb mania keeps on sweeping the nation. Food manufacturers are in a heated race to see who can get the most low-carb fare into the grocery stores, and every advertiser.... Read the full article at
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Zac Efron Supplements – How He Bulked Up For Baywatch
Zac Efron Supplements – How He Bulked Up For Baywatch
Bronze bodies, sand, surf and beach babes. The TV series of the same name was popular in the 1990s and starred several big names including David Hasselhoff, who also produced it. Now the lifesaving team at Malibu Beach are set to make a.... Read the full article at
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Losing Pregnancy Weight - Weight Loss After Pregnancy
Imagine losing pregnancy weight simply by eating. Okay, there’s more to it than that. But did you know that there are certain foods that boost your metabolism and help you burn fat? It’s true, and by eating these foods, you can turn your body into a fat burning machine!
These are a few of the most beneficial and delicious fat burning foods out there:
Losing Pregnancy Weight with Ginger & Citrus
As a child, if you felt like you were getting a cold, your mother most likely gave you loads of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a great immunity booster, but it also has a hidden talent: It improves your body’s fat-burning power!
Vitamin C helps your body burn fat in two ways. First, it quickens the fat metabolizing process. Second, it has an interesting effect on fat deposits. Citric acid breaks down fat molecules, making them more likely to be expelled from the body and less likely to be stored inside of it.
Citrus fruits are ranked at the top among fat burning foods, thanks to their Vitamin C content. Make an effort to add several types of citrus fruits to your diet, such as lemons, limes, oranges and tangerines. Rather than just drinking the juice, it’s better to try to eat the whole fruit. Here’s why: Fruit contains another fat burning ingredient – fiber! Are these citrus fruits not really your thing? Well, another fat fighter is the tomato. Get a metabolic boost by using fresh tomatoes in your homemade sauces.
Ginger is a enjoyably tangy fat-burner. As a vasodilator, it improves blood circulation by expanding the blood vessels. This can considerably increase your metabolism. As a matter of fact, recent studies show that those who eat ginger may lose up to 20% more fat than their peers.
In Asian dishes citrus and ginger flavors complement each other rather well. Try experimenting with this unique combination, and you can find yourself losing pregnancy weight without ever feeling deprived.
Losing Pregnancy Weight With Whole Grains & Oatmeal
There’s nothing like starting your day with a bowl of warm oatmeal. Oatmeal stabilizes blood sugar levels and prevents fatigue. It also helps you avoid those big energy crashes. Oatmeal can do all of this because it has large amounts of fiber. Try adding some fat-free milk to your oatmeal to make it even more satisfying. Doing so will give you an even better fat-burning advantage. (Fiber and calcium have been shown to be excellent fat burning nutrients.)
Oatmeal’s’ carbohydrates provide a boost in energy helping you wake up quicker. These carbs are complex carbohydrates that digest slowly, which keeps your energy high and your appetite low for several hours after breakfast. As a bonus, oatmeal also lowers cholesterol, which makes losing pregnancy weight with oatmeal a smart way to go!
Go Nuts!
Nuts are a healthy fat burning food that can also fight hunger for extended periods. Some nuts are rich in fiber which helps to rev up your metabolism. They also consist of generous amounts of protein. Protein is essential for gaining lean muscle mass, which burns calories even while you sleep!
Losing Pregnancy Weight With Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Olive oil’s contributions to heart health have been praised by doctors for a very long time. Olive oil has unsaturated fat which raises the amount of high-density lipids in the bloodstream. These lipids, also known as HDL, or “good cholesterol”, are great for clearing bad cholesterol out of the arteries. By using olive oil instead of margarine or butter, you can actually boost your metabolism while you reduce your bad cholesterol.
The bottom line: You’ll be losing pregnancy weight double time if you take advantage of these fat burning foods. Also, include some fun cardio activities and lots of water, and you’ll have a formula for success!
So far we discussed four amazing foods that burn fat. It's time we’ll be uncovering a few more of these wonderful fat-fighters.
Eating food for the sake of losing pregnancy weight is an exciting thought. What’s more, scientific evidence shows that people who ate certain foods lost more weight than those who didn’t – even when all other conditions ware alike! Here’s a review of a few more highly effective fat burning foods:
Losing Pregnancy Weight With Beans, Beans
Beans are a popular source of protein for dieters all over the world. They contain a healthy mix of carbohydrates and protein. Your body takes more time to digest beans because they are harder to process. This is actually a good thing, since it helps you feel full for longer periods, and it also stabilizes your blood glucose levels.
The bean’s fiber content is where it’s true magic lies. Fiber is great for losing pregnancy weight because it gives your digestive system a workout. Not only does it keep your system regular, but it also keeps your blood sugar stable. Plain beans are your healthiest option. Fatty re-fried beans and sugary baked beans can ruin your dieting efforts by introducing too many simple carbohydrates and calories into your diet.
Skim Milk, It Does A Body Great
As you learn more about losing pregnancy weight, you’ll find that a high metabolism is key and the metabolism booster that is most preferred over all the fat burning foods, is calcium. Studies have shown that calcium does, in deed, promote fat loss. In one study, two groups of test subjects were analyzed. One group received several servings of calcium each day, while the other did not. Other than that, the groups did everything else the same. The study showed that the group receiving the extra calcium lost nearly three times the amount of weight as the other group.
While dairy products are still the preferred way to consume calcium, you can also get calcium from vegetables like spinach, broccoli and celery. When it comes to dairy foods, choose products made from low-fat or non-fat milk. They provide a higher amount of calcium with the least amount of calories.
Green Tea, For Me?
For years now green tea has been praised as a dieter’s wonder food. With it’s robust antioxidants, green tea helps reduce the amount of dangerous free radicals in the body. Green tea often contains small amounts of caffeine – far less than most sodas, coffee, or energy drinks. This small bit of caffeine helps to pep up your metabolism and heart rate, without putting unnecessary or overwhelming stress on your body. Also, due to it’s gentle diuretic nature, it can be useful for expelling retained fluids from your system.
Studies of green tea as a fat-burner have yielded some interesting evidence. Individuals who consume 3 – 6 cups of green tea each day enjoy quicker weight loss than those who drink none.
(A Very) Honorable Mention: Water
Although water lacks any actual nutrition, it’s still very high ranking on any list of fat burning foods. Water plays many important roles within our bodies, including: Forcing retained fluids out of our systems, dissolving sodium to reduce bloating, curtailing hunger, and stimulating our body’s natural healing.
Water is also responsible for keeping your metabolism running at peak performance. Here’s why: Our kidney’s mission is to remove waste fluids and toxins from our systems. However, in order to work properly, they need lots of water. The kidney’s ask the liver for back-up whenever they are lacking water.
And the Liver?
Although the liver is able to, acting as a secondary filtration system is not it’s main purpose. The liver’s job is converting body fat into usable energy. However, if the liver is working overtime to assist the kidneys, it’s ability to metabolize fat is greatly reduced. By drinking enough water, you can keep your body’s metabolism at maximum efficiency.
For a fast, effective diet change, start eating more fat burning foods. One of the easiest ways for losing pregnancy weight is to stay hydrated. Adding 8 cups of water to your diet every day will put you on the fast track to rewarding and lasting weight loss.
Friday, August 25, 2017
The Angie Stone Weight Loss Story - Diabetes Runs In Angie's Family
The Angie Stone Weight Loss Story – When your mother and her sister both have diabetes it’s a pretty sure bet that you’re going to be genetically predisposed to get it too. That is, unless you’re particularly careful with your diet and weight with a view to minimizing the risk of.... Read the full story at
Thursday, August 24, 2017
What is a Weight Loss Plateau? It's every dieter’s nightmare!
Reaching a weight loss plateau is every dieter’s nightmare. One minute you are on a roll and the pounds are literally falling off. You are feeling on top of the world, you are looking good and you begin to gather confidence in the fact that you have conquered this whole weight management problem.
Then all of a sudden you stop losing. You can’t figure out what’s wrong. You are carefully sticking to the plan, you are exercising regularly, but you haven’t lost weight in over a month. What happens when we encounter one of these weight loss plateaus?
When you hit a plateau, the first thing to do is pat yourself on the back. You are not gaining, right!? Your body has found a groove. If you are not gaining weight and you are not losing weight then your calorie intake for this weight is exactly right. That’s important information.
Plateaus can be deceiving. Even though your weight might not have changed for several days or weeks, what happens next is key. Whether you lose a pound or gain a pound determines what your next move should be.
Weight Loss Plateau - If you gain
All weight loss plateaus eventually break. You may have held the exact same weight for several weeks and then all of a sudden you wake up 3 pounds heavier! Don’t despair. This simply means that while you actually thought you were on a level plateau, your calorie intake was very slightly above what your body was using. This is normal if you have been losing weight consistently previously.
Eventually you were bound to hit the point where calories in equal calories used. If you have gained weight, all you have to do is shave off a hundred calories or so from what you were eating. Pump up your exercise routine by adding two or more workouts of 20 minutes each (walking is good, more strenuous exercise is better) and you will start to lose again.
Weight Loss Plateau - If you lose
If, after a period of maintaining, you start to lose again, you may have been under your required calorie intake by only a very small amount of calories. Eventually you save enough calories to lose a pound of weight. This is not really a weight loss plateau, so much as a dramatic slowing down of your weight loss. If you continue to eat the same amount and exercise the same amount, you will hit the plateau again.
Only by reducing calories, even by a few each day, and increasing your exercise, even by 2 x 10 or 20 minute intervals each week, you will continue to lose at a slow pace. To lose at a faster pace you will need to make more dramatic changes. Changes to your calorie intake or your exercise program.
Weight Loss Plateaus are annoying
Weight loss plateaus are annoying because they tend to hit right when we think we were on a roll. But it is not an indication that you are doing anything wrong. Think about it logically - we gain when we are eating too much, we lose when we are eating too little.
So a plateau simply means we are eating the right amount for the weight we are at. Managing a weight loss plateau, and learning how to kick your weight loss back into motion, is good practice for a later time when you will have reached your weight loss goal and don’t wish to gain the weight back. So stay positive, keep working and you will overcome.
Weight Loss Plateau - Potential Problems
You have reached a weight loss plateau in your efforts to lose weight and keep it off. Now it helps to step back and take a close look at possible reasons this might be happening. Take note of any of the following potential problems that may be standing in the way of you reaching your weight loss goals.
1. You are consuming more calories than you burn
Obviously, consuming more calories than you burn will make you gain weight, or at the very least – keep you from losing any. Try to stick with a healthy and portion controlled meal plan to help you control your calorie consumption.
2. You are burning fewer calories than you consume
Pretty much the flip side of the previous reason; you may not be moving enough, or getting enough exercise. If this is the case, you are burning fewer calories than you consume. In order to lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume. You don’t, however, have to be an exercise fanatic or a gymnast. In fact, you might start with something as simple as taking your dog for a stroll around the block. Or take the stairs instead of the elevator where possible.
3. You overlook the small snacks
Every single calorie counts, even those that you may not even realize you have eaten. To see how many bites or tastes of food adds up to your daily calorie consumption limit, keep a food diary. Write down everything that you eat throughout the day and use it as a tool to track your calories. Do you have a tendency to mindlessly reach for snacks like many of us do? Get a list of fat burning foods and be sure and keep those on hand at all times. These will be a much better choice to snack on than fattening foods that we sometimes have lying around.
4. Your exercise routine is inefficient
If you do long hours of steady state cardio and you skip out on weight training, your exercise routine may be inefficient. If you need a new workout plan, have a look at The Truth About Six Pack Abs Main Program. It has one of the most effective workout plans I have seen yet.
5. You give up easily because you are not motivated
If you keep on giving up on your weight loss plans because you are impatient or because you don’t have the willpower or motivation, you will surely struggle to lose weight. To find your weight loss motivation, start by writing down your top 10 reasons for wanting to lose weight.
Hopefully, this list of weight loss obstacles has given you insight into why you are not losing weight. Are you guilty of one (or more) of the reasons listed here? Just take the necessary steps to counter the harmful effects.
The Best Simple Weight Loss Tips - Your Easy Diet and Nutrition Guide
Are you searching for Simple Weight Loss Tips? Here you’ll find in depth information on diet and nutrition that will guide you to make the perfect dietary choices that will boost health and suit your culinary preferences.
Whether you are keen on delving into the nutritional value of specific super foods, eating healthy to lose weight, evaluating the myriad of weight-loss plans, or just want information to enhance and improve your health: we aim to assist you in your journey.
Simple Weight Loss Tips – Here are some of the Best Success Tips . . .
The best way to lose weight naturally is eating healthy and engaging in regular physical activity. Healthy eating doesn’t involve a fad diet with strict dietary limitations. If you’ve already tried fad diets, then you know these diet plans don’t work since you didn’t achieve success.
Simple Weight Loss Tips - Stay Away From Fad Diets and Diet Pills
Diets are temporary, and only deprive you of the foods you love. Because you’re forced to give up so much when you diet, you may feel excessively hungry and denied. Thus, you give up. You also may overeat after you stop dieting to make up for what you missed.
Sometimes these strict diet plans may help you lose weight, but that weight loss is usually short lived. As soon as you return to old eating habits, the excess body fat that was lost is likely to return. They key word here is strict. Yes, you do have to cut back, but not so radical that you deprive yourself from all the foods you love.
The same applies for diet pills. Diet pills often contain substances that raise the metabolism and reduce one’s appetite. Just as with diets, these products will cause weight loss that is then followed by weight gain as soon as you stop taking the pills. Thus it’s not in your best interest to rely on them for the long haul.
So what does work? How does one stay motivated?
Simple Weight Loss Tips – How to Lose Weight
The secret to weight loss is: healthy eating combined with regular exercise. But eating healthy is not the same as going on a diet. It means making positive changes to your diet and lifestyle, which you can comfortably live with and enjoy for the rest of your life.
You don’t have to change everything at once.
Start slow and make incremental changes to your eating habits over time. Attempting to make your diet healthy overnight isn’t smart or realistic. It’ll only lead to cheating or giving up easily on your new eating plan.
Set easy goals you can reach, such as adding a serving of vegetables or a piece of fruit to your diet each day. As your small eating changes become habit, you can continue to add more healthy foods to your diet and set a long-term goal.
When trying to implement diet and nutrition changes, don’t be overly concerned with counting calories as it only makes things harder than they actually are. Instead, think of your diet and nutrition plan in terms of variety, freshness, and color.
Focus on getting fresh, healthy foods that you love and easy recipes that incorporate those fresh ingredients. Gradually, you’ll be able to make healthier food choices to help you achieve your goal of losing weight, having more energy and reducing the risk of diseases, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer.
Simple Weight Loss Tips – Getting Started
A balanced, healthy diet should include:
- Protein (found in lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, beans, nuts and dairy products)
- Carbohydrates (found in whole grains, fruits, veggies, beans and other legumes)
- Vitamins (like vitamins A, B, D, E, and K)
- Fats (found in nuts, oils, animal and dairy products)
- Minerals (like potassium, iron and calcium)
- Water
Your diet and nutrition plan should include a mix of these nutrients, from various food sources. Exactly how many calories you ought to eat depends on your weight loss goal, your age, your sex and how active you are.
Simple Weight Loss Tips - Implementing the Best Diet and Nutrition
The key to eating healthy is to do the following:
Eat a Variety of Foods
Eating a healthy, balanced variety of foods is far more satisfying, and likely to get you to a healthy weight. So be adventurous and choose different foods in each food group.
Aim for Moderation
Don’t eat too much or too little of one food item. Eat from each food group and aim for balance. Avoid the temptation to overeat. Stop when you feel satisfied.
Pay Attention to How You Eat
Think about food as nourishment rather than something that you have to gulp down during meal times. Listen to your body and eat only when you feel hungry. Chew your food slowly and eat with others (if possible). Make sure you eat breakfast, and eat smaller, healthy meals throughout the day.
Eat Lots of Fruits and Vegetables
Colorful, deeply colored greens, vegetables and fruits are high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants; and are key to eating healthy to lose weight.
Fill Up On Healthy Carbs and Whole Grains
Healthy carbohydrate sources, such as beans, legumes, fruits and vegetables, and whole grains like whole wheat, millet, brown rice, quinoa and barley are not only rich in dietary fiber, antioxidants and phytochemicals, but also provide long lasting energy to keep you active throughout the day.
Enjoy More Healthy Fats and Cut Back On Unhealthy Fats
Good sources of fat, including fish, avocados, nuts, seeds, unheated sunflower, corn, soybean, flaxseed oils, walnuts, olive oil, canola oil and other plants oils, can give you all the healthy fat you need to nourish your brain, cells, heart as well as your skin, hair and nails.
Eat Less Sugar and Salt
Processed sugar, sweetened foods and sugary drinks are some of the biggest enemies to weight loss, while eating too much salt can lead to high blood pressure. You must cut down on these two to have a chance of successful weight loss.
Eat More Healthy Protein Sources
Try healthier sources of protein, such as fish, beans, peas, seeds, tofu, and chicken, rather than simply relying on red meat and dairy products. This is definitely going to prove beneficial to your health and weight loss goals.
Add Calcium
Add good sources of calcium, including leafy green vegetables, black beans and dairy products, to your diet for strong bones.
Bulk Up On Dietary Fiber
Foods rich in fiber will give you the feeling of fullness so you can eat less and also reduce your risk of serious diseases such as diabetes, stroke and heat disease.
Avoid Getting Thirsty
Drink plenty of water and healthy, non-alcoholic drinks such as almond milk, or perhaps coconut water, to keep you hydrated throughout the day. Avoid those sugary soft and fizzy drinks and processed fruit juices that are high in added sugars.
To conclude certainly there is no one-size-fits-all healthy life style. Often it can be as simple as being mindful of your diet and nutrition by swapping out some food choices, and getting active. Eating healthy to lose weight coupled with a good nights sleep and stress reduction are all part of the winning formula.
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Unbiased No Shotgun Review (No Sales Pitch or Affiliate Links!)
Unbiased No Shotgun Review - VPX NO Shotgun contains caffeine, creatine, glutamine, arginine, branch amino acids and beta-Alanine. Caffeine serves as a stimulant to give you that energy boost that is needed for a longer work out session.
The ethyl esther compounds are included to increase absorption of the other ingredients to the bloodstream ensuring that enough are used by the body to get that stacks you are craving for.
To top it all, these ingredients are synergistically blended to make sure that they work in harmony.
No Shotgun Review: Pros
The revolutionary delivery system that this formula uses guarantees proper absorption of the correct dosages into the system. This would give the body enough energy and strength to perform those muscle-building activities without getting tired.
Aside from that No Shotgun has the following advantages:
• extended pump actions and enhanced muscle gain
• insulin sensitivity and consumption supported
• metabolism and fat burning capacities increased
No Shotgun Review: Cons
There might be some side effects felt. Caffeine, is something to look out for as it also could cause insomnia, restlessness and rapid heartbeats. Creatine gives you that bloated feeling, stomach upsets, muscle cramping and diarrhea every time you take it in. Beta Alanine gives you the tingles, especially around the lips – which could be quite irritating. L-arginine, on the other hand gives you head ache, nausea, and indigestion.
Vanadium in big doses (more than 10 mcg every day) may be life threatening. Mild side effects though may include loss of appetite and diarrhea.
Pregnant or lactating women and people with pre-existing medical conditions should not take NO Shotgun V3 without consulting their doctor to ensure no untoward problems happen.
These side effects might not be that serious but they can be annoying at times. Proper use and dosages would help curtail the unwanted and unpleasant side effects. If these side effects do persist and become unbearable, make sure to have your doctor check you up.
Aside from that the taste is tolerable – no strong taste that make you want to gag every time you drink it and the easy way of mixing it makes it easy to use.
By merging quality and effective ingredients with the right quantities and dosages, VPX has formulated a great pre workout supplement that would actually boost energy, increase muscle pump activities per session and help you recover faster than before.
So is No Shotgun for you? Muscle gains and increased pump actions? This one is definitely for you.
No Shotgun Review: Side Effects (The Truth of the Matter)
VPX N.O. Shotgun is a scientifically formulated pre-work out formula designed to enhance workout vigor, energy and muscle growth. It acts by stimulating nitric oxide discharge from the muscle tissues attracting additional nutrient-rich blood to the muscle cells.
It has a superior synergistic blend of essential compounds needed for the intense work out while enhancing recovery and protein synthesis, getting leaner muscles without the crash afterwards. With all the blends crammed inside this formula, what are NO Shotgun side effects?
This superior blend contains creatine, beta-alanine, magnesium, caffeine, L-arginine and the Ethyl ester technology that insures maximum absorption of the other ingredients. These components are the ones responsible in giving the minor side-effects experienced by some users.
Caffeine, which is abundant in this formula, can cause increased and irregular heart rate, nervousness, irritability, insomnia, poor concentration, dizziness and some gastrointestinal irritations. Studies have shown that consuming more than 600mg of caffeine per day could be dangerous to one’s health so be sure to follow the instructions on the label. If one is sensitive to caffeine, one or more of these side effects may be felt. Caffeine also has diuretic properties and could cause dehydration. Do drink lots of water to avoid this.
Although there are no serious side effects of creatine recorded in research, there are minor irritating effects. This substance can promote an increase in water weight, giving one a bloated feeling. It can also cause a decrease in the energy level if stopped suddenly.
Beta-alanine causes skin irritation, flushing and a tingly sensation especially around the lips. This is usually experienced if more than 40mg per kilogram body-weight is used. This is one disadvantage with NO shotgun because the exact amount of beta Alanine used is not stated; therefore, assurance of NO Shotgun side effects is not assured.
Side effects felt for magnesium are moderately common. The most frequent problem is diarrhea which can lead to abdominal cramping or pain.
L-arginine helps in the formation of nitric oxide, which widens the blood vessels. With this, possible side effects would be decreased blood pressure, nausea, dizziness, indigestion, potassium imbalance and headache.
VPX NO Shotgun is a useful supplement to include to the cache to help increase muscle mass. These minor NO Shotgun side effects should not hinder you from getting those leaner and bigger muscles. Just follow the instruction on the label to avoid any major discomforts.
Friday, August 18, 2017
The Glycemic Index (GI) Compendium - All there is to know!
Margerine Glycemic Index: The Truth Behind The Myth
A low glycemic index Diet will often focus on foods that have low levels of carbohydrates. A low glycemic index diet offers a wide variety of foods with a lot of taste. This means your diet is more appetizing and satisfying which doesn’t leave you craving more food later on. However, once aspect that has been much debated is the margarine glycemic index. Many sources will recommend margarine rather than butter for those on a low glycemic index while other have stated that margarine is not a good food item. So what is the truth about margarine glycemic index?
The Margarine Myth
Everyone has heard numerous myths about what is good for people and what is bad, especially when it comes to the debate between margarine and real butter. So what is the truth behind this myth? The truth is that both have the same amount of fat and the only difference is in what kind of fat they have.
Margarine has a synthetic fat that closely resembles plastic while real butter has natural fat that the human digestive system has known how to digest for years. Margarine contains vegetable oil that is placed under high pressure, then hydrogen bubbles are added to cause the molecular structure of the natural oil to change to a synthetic substance similar to plastic.
This is why margarine doesn’t degrade, you can leave it on the counter for weeks and it won’t break down. Therefore, consider how well your body would be able to break it down if bacteria can’t even do it.
This form of plastic fat is actually found in anything that contains hydrogenated oils and not even a gram of this can be tolerated by your body. A mass consumption of these oils has been proven to lead to heart disease, cancer and obesity. Fried foods contain the most hydrogenated oils such as French Fries, chicken fingers and other foods that you typically find at fast food restaurants.
In the store these oils are found in foods such as chips, cookies, candy bars, crackers, cakes and other such processed foods. However, on the other half you have butter which contains a lot of saturated fats and cholesterol. This type of fat can also be found in high amounts in fatty meats, fatty poultry and whole milk dairy products. These forms of saturated fats can also lead to heart disease.
In fact butter has more cholesterol and saturated fat than margarine. So when it comes down to deciding between butter or margarine, you really don’t have a completely healthy option. Rather it is best to eat in moderation anything with fats and hydrogenated oil. Or consider other healthy alternatives such as olive oil.
The Glycemic Index Alcohol Myths
Weight loss is a very serious thing. There are thousands of diets on the market to help anyone and their uncle lose weight. They all profess to have the answer to the all mighty question, how do you lose weight? Knowing the glycemic index in foods is one of the best ways to lose weight. Understanding how to put glycemic index foods together will definitely help you lose weight.
The first thing all weight loss programs require is that you stop drinking alcohol. The glycemic index in alcohol is very low, but the calories in alcohol are the same per gram as fat. The lower the glycemic index number, the healthier it is for you.
The glycemic index lists the relative speed at which different foods are digested and how they affect the body’s blood sugar levels. The closer the glycemic index is to 100 the more that food will resemble glucose. Glucose or sugar is the stuff we all need to stay away from if we want to avoid diabetes and obesity. So, the glycemic index of alcohol looks like it should be a very healthy food for us all to drink. In fact this is a myth we all need to be aware of.
The Myths
Myth: The glycemic index of non-alcoholic beers is not less then regular brewed beers. Some of these beers double the carbohydrate content to its counterpart.
Another myth is that the glycemic index of beer, wine and distilled products are zero. Diet books will say that the glycemic index of alcoholic beverages is high because it is not a healthy product for you to consume. In fact if you practice a lifestyle that monitors your glycemic index of alcohol and food, you will be able to enjoy a beverage or two.
Another myth is that there are no carbohydrates in wine. The only alcoholic beverages that have a zero carb count are distilled products. The fermentation process of wine will always leave a small amount of sugar residual behind in the form of carbohydrates.
A major myth is that alcohol goes straight through you and does not affect your body weight. Alcohol is processed in the body first before the proteins, fats and carbs. This slows down the fat burning process and can indeed add pounds to a body.
Another myth is hard liquor is distilled and, therefore, the glycemic index of this alcohol is zero. This is a major mistake that most people make because all of the distilled liquors are made from a high carbohydrate product. You could equate this statement to, “candy bars are cholesterol free.”
What it all boils down to is that the glycemic index of alcohol is low, but it contains calories. Calories add up to pounds onto the body. Alcohol is fattening not because of the carbohydrates in it, but because of the calories. Alcohol tastes better when eaten with carbohydrates and, therefore, you have the double caloric hit. Drink and eat in moderation, stick to the glycemic index of foods and you should be able to live a healthy lifestyle.
On The Glycemic Index Wine Shows No Load Value
When considering the carbohydrate content in any diet plan, counting the carbs is not necessarily the right way to go. There are many carbohydrates that enter the blood stream us sugar much faster than others, and when too much is present making it difficult for the body’s insulin to help remove it, some of that sugar is going to be stored in fat cells and be measured by the person’s weight.
Using the glycemic index for carbohydrate is more advantageous in that it indicates how fast a carbohydrate enters the system as sugar. One thing to consider though is that according to the glycemic index wine may appear high on the ranking, but its glycemic load is zero. Almost as important to its rating on the glycemic index, wine has shown to rank considerably low on the glycemic load. The glycemic index rates how fast carbohydrates enter the flow of blood with pure sugar being the highest at 100.
Other carbohydrates join the index at ratings from zero to 100 but just as important is the number of carbohydrates available to be converted into sugar, know as its glycemic load value. On the glycemic index wine shows an index of zero and with a glycemic load of zero would almost seem one of the perfect items for a glycemic index diet. However, the role of alcohol may make any type of spirit have the opposite effect when considering a diet for weight loss.
Alcohol Slows Production Of Insulin
Many alcoholic beverage, when consumed straight have very few calories and the a low glycemic index wine may seem good as it has no carbohydrate value, considering it is made with a considerable amount of sugar. However other foods low on the glycemic index may produce glucose in the blood and with alcohol slowing insulin production can cause weight gain.
Due to alcohol’s effect on the production of insulin, the type and amount of mixes used with making cocktails can raise the carbohydrate level turning it into sugar and with the body’s insulin production slowed, can quickly turn into fat. Which explains why some heavy drinkers acquire what is often referred to as a “beer belly” even though they may not eat fatty foods. When following a diet based on the glycemic index wine may be a small part of the plan, but should be tempered with other foods, such as proteins and good fats that can help spur the production of insulin.
What People Are Saying About Low To Moderate Glycemic Index Carbs
It really is such a hassle when you are trying to keep those unwanted pounds because not only it would require you from time and time again, to visit the gym or just have a regular workout but also it would entail you to watch your food intake. Right now, there is such a new craze when it comes to dieting and diabetes prevention which is the intake of foods that are said to have low to moderate glycemic index carbs.
For those of you who are not familiar with the relationship of low to moderate glycemic index carbs, here are some facts that you need to know and you could see for yourself if this kind of diet can be the best for you. Also, here are some findings about low to moderate glycemic index carbs diet that many health professionals are concerned about for you to understand more about this diet plan.
Benefits Of The GI Diet
One of the many benefits that eating low to moderate glycemic index carbs could give you is that it initially could help you shed those unwanted weight because it has been found out that constant eating of high glycemic index foods is greatly related or could cause obesity. That is why right now, you get to watch different kinds of weight loss advertisement campaigns that are saying that they use the system of glycemic index in their program to entice people to buy their product or service.
Another great benefit that you could derive from maintaining a diet that has low to moderate glycemic index carbs is that it could lower your risk of having type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease. It is primarily because foods that are known to have low to moderate glycemic index carbs could maintain or lower the levels of your blood sugar but those that are high with glycemic index carbs could make it shoot up.
Though it is obvious that we could already have two major benefits from eating low to moderate glycemic index carbs, it did not stop other people from criticizing it. But on the other hand, it is good that they get to point out what factors are we missing like the glycemic index system does not take into consideration the person’s insulin response especially for diabetes patients.
Another thing that they are saying about it is that a mixed meal could be very difficult to predict, the food varieties of glycemic index foods depend on their kind, ripeness, how it was cooked, length of time it was stored, and its variety. It is good that we get to know about these other factors that people fail to see when they are faced with a new kind of diet plan because, let us admit it, at first glance, the low to moderate glycemic index carbs diet make us think that it is our key to living a healthier lifestyle.
You Still Eat Real Food With Low Glycemic Index Recipes
Low glycemic index recipes are recipes we all should be eating more of anyway, whether we have problems with our blood sugar or not. Low glycemic index recipes are also often recommended by doctors for those who really need to loose weight, especially if they are prime candidates for heart disease.
All the recipes have in common are the use mainly of foods low on the Glycemic Index, developed by the Human Nutrition Department of the University of Sydney and recommended by the American Diabetes Association and the World Health Association.
Mainly what low glycemic index recipes call for, are substitutions to foods that make your blood sugar plummet or skyrocket. The substitutions for butter and lard are olive oil and other polyunsaturated fats like special low-fat margarine. They taste a little different, but a good kind of different. They are also widely available. Other common substations are brown rice or quinoa for white rice or potatoes.
A Typical Pita Pizza Recipe
- Instead of using refrigerated pizza dough, use whole wheat pita breads.
- Use low fat sauce, or even kinds without sugar.
- Use low fat cheese.
- Don’t use as much meat. Use mushrooms, garlic, broccoli, spinach and/or or peppers instead.
- Make as you would your usual pizza.
And that’s basically the philosophy behind low glycemic index recipes. You still cook the same dishes, but in slightly different ways. You do need to know how to cook, though. If you don’t, it’s no big deal to learn. Go easy on yourself. You will get better with practice. You will also not only save more money by cooking your own dinners, but you will know exactly what’s going into your mouth. This may give you a feeling of raised self-esteem, which may have taken a beating learning you have a condition which requires a more monitored diet. Have fun with it.
The Skinny on Low Glycemic Index Foods
If you’re interested in starting to eat foods low on the glycemic index and are looking for where to start, you have come to the right place. The beauty of the low glycemic index food diet is that you can eat almost anything you like but just make smarter choices so that your blood sugar levels are stabilized and you are not reaching for that candy bar minutes later.
Any diet that states you can eat humongous portions of French fries and chocolate cake and still lose weight is probably a scam. However the science behind low glycemic index foods make sense and many doctors even approve it for people with diabetes, other insulin issues, simple obesity as well as those suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome, more commonly known as PCOS.
Food Diary
Keep a food diary of what you normally eat for a week so that you get started on the right foot. If you graze all day instead of having three square meals, then jot each and every snack down. Once you’re done, that look up the glycemic index or GI value of the food on websites or books that you may have. In this article we have included some sample GI values to help you chose low glycemic index foods.
Once you have the GI values figure out, try to cut back on 70+ foods and incorporate more under 50 point value foods into your diet. If there is something that you are really craving, try to offset it by adding lime juice or vinaigrette dressing that lowers the GI value and could make a medium value food in to a low glycemic index food.
Some Examples of Low Glycemic Index Foods
In the fruits and vegetables category, cherries are known to be the lowest on the fruit glycemic index of foods with just 22 points. Other good choices are grapefruits, prunes and pears. Household staples like apples, bananas and oranges range in the middle and high GI value fruits that should be cut down on include dates (103), watermelon and fresh pineapple.
Mushrooms, broccoli cabbage and carrots are a mere 10 points on the GI index and therefore easily qualify as low glycemic index foods. Apart from a few high point values like pumpkins and parsnips, most other veggies are good for you – just like your mother always told you. In the dairy aisle, try to stick to yogurt and skim milk as they qualify as low glycemic index foods as compare to ice creams and whole milk varieties.
Using Glycemic Index White Bread May Be Acceptable
Persons with diabetes have long held the theory that eating sweets and foods with lots of carbohydrates was not good for them. Maintaining a health blood glucose level was more important than eating things that tasted good and many completely eliminated carbohydrates from their diet as a means of controlling that level. However, new research has shown that when following the glycemic index white bread is not a forbidden menu item.
The glycemic index has been established for many foods to show how fast the carbohydrates in the food enter the blood stream as glucose. As an additional piece to the carbohydrate puzzle, the glycemic load shows the amount of carbohydrate is available to be processed into sugar.
Based on using numbers, the glycemic load and glycemic index white bread may be an acceptable part of a healthy diet. A serving of 100 grams of white bread made in the United States by a leading bakery shows on the glycemic index, a rating of 70, which is considered high keeping it off of many diets.
However, in that serving the size the glycemic load is listed as 10, which is low in comparison to many other foods, making in eligible for inclusion in many diets. Simply looking at the glycemic index white bread may be discounted, but when all things are considered, there may not be enough carbohydrates to eliminate it as a choice.
Diets Must Consider Overall Nutritional Value
Some nutritionists advocate eliminating most carbohydrates in diets for those with diabetes. They are especially concerned with those that are high on the glycemic index, meaning the sugar from those foods get into the blood stream quickly. Considering the amount of carbohydrates available for conversion to sugar, items high on the glycemic index white bread for example, may convert quickly but there is not a lot available to be converted.
In addition to the glycemic index, a proper diet should also include good fats and protein and many of the foods containing these items will help negate some of the carbohydrates consumed in the diet. While high on the glycemic index white bread alone is not nearly as bad as when it is topped with sugary products such as jellies and jams. It is not enough to simply eliminate carbohydrates from the diet as doing so may rob the body of needed vitamins and minerals. A good glycemic-considered diet should also consider the load value of the food and how it interacts with other food items.
Glycemic Index Fruit Recommendations
Even though fruit contains a sugar known as fructose, most fruits do not affect a persons glycemic response and are not harmful to a person. This is because glycemic index fruit is low, most of it coming from water weight and also because most fruits have fibers that help to slow down digestion. Glycemic index fruit also has acid which slows the emptying of the stomach and as a result slows the absorption of sugar into your blood.
Fruits as well as vegetables are an excellent source of nutrition. Fruits contain a lot of vitamins, especially Vitamin C, and a lot of minerals, fiber and other micronutrients such as phytochemicals. These phytochemicals are compounds which are biologically active and have health giving properties that can help fight against diseases such as cancer.
A few examples of these phytochemicals would be bioflavonoids found in citrus fruits, bromelain found in pineapples, resveratol found in red grape juice, ellagic acid found in raspberries or blueberries and d-limonene found in citrus peel. You should eat more fruit if you want a lower glycemic response and healthy nutrition, especially fresh or frozen fruit and try to get organic if possible.
Glycemic Index Fruit Examples
Consider a few examples of glycemic index fruit and see how low their numbers are.
- Apples range between 28 to 44 with an average of 38
- Raw apricots are 57; canned in light syrup they are 64, dried they are 31 and as a fruit spread they are 55
- Under ripe bananas are 30 while over ripe are 52
- Most bananas range from 46 to 70
- Cantaloupe is 65
- Grapefruit is 25
- Raisins are 64
- Strawberries are 40
- Watermelon is 72
- Grapes range between 46 and 49
- Kiwi fruit ranges from 47 to 58
- Mango averages 51 but can range from 41 to 60
- Oranges have an average of 42 but can be from 31 to 51
- Peaches are between 28 and 56
- Pineapple has a range of 51 to 66
- Plums are between 24 and 53.
Best Options
When it comes to the most desirable glycemic index fruit options most fruit and natural fruit juices are in this category include apples, berries, cantaloupe, grapefruit, honeydew, oranges, pears, grapes, peaches, applesauce. The lowest fruit in the glycemic index are cherries, plums and grapefruit. The moderately desirable glycemic index fruit include banana, kiwi, mango, papaya and orange juice. The fruit with the highest glycemic index include pineapple, raisins, watermelon and any fruit juice that has been sweetened with sugar.
Why You Might Need A Glycemic Index Table Chart
Glycemic index table charts for food are easily available online, through diabetes and hypoglycemia support groups and even your doctor might have a ready made food table for you. Although we all should pay attention to what is in the food we put in our mouths, we often don’t pay any attention until we have to. It’s taken about twenty years for the present glycemic index table chart of foods to be developed, so you can rely on tried and true testing. But when would you need these glycemic index table charts?
Diabetes comes in two types, both of which deal with the body’s inability to make or cope with glucose — their blood sugar levels. It’s not sugar that causes the more common Type II Diabetes (or “sugar diabetes”), but too rich of a diet. All foods affect your blood sugar levels, regardless of how much sugar is in it. You will still need to monitor your blood sugar levels and follow your doctor’s orders, but having a glycemic index table chart can help you easily select more foods on the lower end of the scale.
Hypoglycemia is when your blood sugar levels plummet to rock bottom. This is bad news as blood sugar is what gives you energy. You can have hypoglycemia and not have diabetes – or you can have both. Just like with a diabetic, a glycemic needs to carefully monitor their food intake, eat more of a variety of foods and follow their doctor’s advice. Often, glycemics are encouraged to go on what’s called “a low G.I diet”. This doesn’t mean you eat like an Army recruit, but choose to eat more foods on the low end of the glycemic index table chart for food.
Heart Disease
A low G.I. diet does not condemn you to eat rice cakes and celery stalks for the rest of your life. You can combine many tasty foods and may discover new favorites. Foods low on the glycemic index table chart just happens to be the ingredients for a healthy diet for anyone. If your doctor thinks you are a likely candidate for heart disease, he or she might recommend you a low G.I. diet. This will not only help you loose weight, but help your heart work easier and more efficiently. You will also have to exercise regularly and drink plenty of water and not alcoholic beverages in order to get the full benefits.
The Effects Of A High Glycemic Index Diet
A few years ago people didn’t easily know what the glycemic index was and now it is one of the most popular diet trends available. The glycemic index is basically a measure of how much food will increase someone’s blood sugar level based on carbohydrates. Food is worse for you if there is a higher measure. With a high glycemic index food gives people a quicker, higher rise in blood sugar.
A high glycemic index on a food item means that they are quickly broken down in the digestive system. Rather the lower index foods are broken down slower in the digestive tract which causes a slow rise in blood sugar. If you eat too many foods with a high glycemic index you can have obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, strokes, cancer and diabetes.
Information For Diabetes
So how does a high glycemic index work for those with diabetes? By eating foods with a low glycemic index, diabetics can have help controlling their blood sugar and keep it on a more even level. In addition eating lower index foods will reduce the chances of individuals getting diabetes in the first place in addition to the reduced risk of heart attack, stroke and cancer.
If diabetes eat high glycemic index foods then it will trigger a rapid rise in blood sugar levels. For normal individuals the pancreas will quickly produce a large amount of insulin in order to cover the rapid rise in glucose. The excess glucose is cleaned up by the insulin and the blood sugar levels will often drop back to normal. After this many will feel hungry again which causes the cycle that leads to obesity and diabetes. By eating low glycemic index foods you stomach will stay fuller since they break down slower.
In addition, by avoiding high glycemic index foods you can lose weight and improve your bodies sensitivity to insulin. The only advantage of high glycemic index foods is that they refuel your carbohydrates after exercising. However, for diabetics this still won’t apply since the blood glucose levels don’t go down in the first place.
The glycemic index shows the rate at which glucose is released into the blood. A lower rate of release is better for your body. So eating a low glycemic index is a good idea especially if you have diabetes. For more information on how to follow a low glycemic index diet you can find many resources on the internet or you can talk with your doctor about the best course of action.
High Glycemic Index Foods Do Not Cause Obesity
There are several popular diet books that have been printed recently that claim that diets too high in carbohydrates will lead to high insulin levels which will cause less fat from burning off and lead to obesity. These diets have been all around the networks on TV and are everywhere on the Internet and, of course; both authors have been on Oprah.
They have also both been listed as #1 on the New York Times Bestseller List, but what they claim about high glycemic index foods is very questionable. They profess that high glycemic index foods such as parsnips, potatoes and carrots are the most dangerous because they seem to produce the largest insulin response. But a study of the Pima Indians in Northern Mexico proves their theory is wrong.
The Pima Indians
The Pima Indians in Mexico weigh 60-65 pounds less then the Pima Indians who live in Arizona. This is interesting because the Pimas of Mexico eat high glycemic index foods consisting mainly of corn tortillas and potatoes. The Pimas of Arizona eat a Westernized diet with more protein and fat in their diet. Diabetes is very prevalent in the Arizona Pimas by age 50, whereas the Mexican Pimas are very rarely afflicted.
So, if a high glycemic index food diet raises insulin levels and promotes weight gain, then why aren’t the Mexican Pimas becoming obese and developing diabetes? One theory is that the Mexican Pimas are much more active then the Arizona Pimas. One daily exercise routine will improve the insulin resistance for one day or more. Exercise depletes the glycogen in the liver and muscle so these tissues will quickly take up blood sugar after an exercise in order to replenish their glycogen storage area.
When people are inactive the muscle glycogen storage area is full and they resist the action of insulin. They no longer have any use for the blood sugar when their glycogen stores are completely full and they are not moving.
A genetic difference in the two groups is not an answer either, since both Pima groups come from the same genetic stock. It is generally the consumption of excess calories in any form and inactivity that will lead to excessive obesity. So, the general thought that high glycemic index food is a leading cause of diabetes and obesity is just not true. It is really more relevant to say that obesity leads to insulin resistance and high insulin levels.
A Diet With Low GI Food Will Help You Lose Weight
The glycemic index (GI) is a form of measurement that can tell you how fast a food will raise your blood sugar level. This is particularly helpful for people who suffer from diabetes. It is easier for them to manage their strict diets if they are aware of the glycemic index in the food they eat. Low GI food will also help you to lose weight or maintain your weight. Many diets that have been developed for children are based on low GI foods.
Sugar does nothing but add fat and weight onto people and with the packaged foods and fast food industry as it is today, most of our children cannot help but to be overweight. With a little help and understanding of low GI foods and exercise, the battle of the bulge with our children can be won.
The Lower The Better
The lower the GI food, the sooner you will see results in your waistline. Obesity is sweeping the world and if we all understood what we are eating, then maybe we can live our lives in a healthier way. Cherries are one of the lowest GI foods and a perfect treat for kids. Fresh, ripe cherries are a delicious snack and can quench the taste for something sweet, without adding fat to the body.
Beans are another low GI food which could be consumed daily. Whatever beans are your favorites; black beans, garbanzo beans, kidney beans, green beans, pinto beans, lima beans, red lentil beans, baked beans, butter beans, soy beans, navy beans or cannellini beans, this low GI food will help to balance out your day’s nutrition.
They can be prepared in any way you prefer and can be added to your lunch or dinner or afternoon snack. Pasta noodles are another low GI food. Grapefruit, prunes, barley, yogurt and soy milk are other low GI foods that should be incorporated in your diet to help rid yourself of unwanted pounds. It might be hard to introduce prunes and soy milk into a child’s diet, but being creative in your recipes and cooking will help to reduce their disinterest.
This same rule applies to adults trying to lose weight, as well. The more creative we are in our recipes, the easier it is to eat healthier. If adults try and manage their lifestyles in a healthier manner, then our children will have no choice but to live their lives with low GI food. The glycemic index tool is a good way for all of us to help control what we are eating.
Anne Collins and the Low Glycemic Index Diet
Have you tried many different diets and have had little or no success with your weight loss? You lose a few pounds only to gain them again? Chances are that your diet or weight loss program was so hard to follow that you finally had to give in and break down. Don’t worry; it perhaps isn’t even your fault. No one in their right mind can blame you for not wanting to eat cabbage soup all your life or to stay away from bread and rice like the plague.
Fad diets are just that – fads. They are in vogue one day and out the other. Long term weight loss is only achieved the old fashioned way – through sensible eating and exercising. The low glycemic index diet may sound like just another fad diet but in essence it is based on more nutritional values and is endorsed by physicians and dieticians.
Popularized by Anne Collins and shortened to be called the GI diet, the low glycemic index diet categorizes food groups according to the effect they have on your blood sugar. Low GI value foods, those with a value of 55 or less are encouraged on the low glycemic index diet and conversely high GI value foods, 70 or more are a no-no or should be eaten in moderation.
Why is it Popular?
The reason why this low glycemic index diet is gaining popularity is that no food is strictly forbidden on this diet; obviously some are better choices than others, but there is no forbidden territory which experts feel makes you crave the food even more. Another plus point of the low glycemic index diet is that it includes many fast food options for those always on the go and ha a variety of approved snacks that dieters can indulge in without always feeling deprived.
Anne Collins says that there are no secrets to the low glycemic index diet but because it stabilizes blood sugar levels, you don’t feel hungry all the time which can obviously help you control cravings and not go on binge eating sprees.
The Anne Collins low glycemic index diet program consists of four weeks of weight loss without any unrealistic claims. She says that most people lose weight with her plan in a healthy, stable way unlike miracle drugs and wonder pills. You can buy her program online for under $20 and learn about the foods that are recommended and why and how you can enjoy socializing and enjoying life without having to calorie count all the time.
TLC Diet - The Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Diet
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Tuesday, August 15, 2017
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Weight Training Exercises - Exercise Workouts - Aerobic Exercise
Weight training exercises or fitness weight training is one of the key foundation pillars of a successful exercise program. Most people assume that weight loss comes from aerobic exercise. This is partially true but building muscle eliminates fat and consumes calories at a faster rate. It is.... Read the full article at
Exercise at Home: Choosing The Right Exercise Equipment
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Exercise at home: Dumbbells and Barbells
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Monday, August 14, 2017
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Sunday, August 13, 2017
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Contrasting Water Usage in Emergency Food Storage
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Do You Have An Exercise Allergy? It may be Exercise-Induced Urticaria
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Proper Running Technique: Forefoot Step or Heel Foot?
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At Home Fitness: Treadmills vs Stationary Bikes - Benefits and Drawbacks
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Saturday, August 12, 2017
Labor Induction to End a Pregnancy - Natural Labor vs. Induced Labor
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Put the Fun Back Into Your Fitness – Break Free From the Cardio Rut
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Increase The Weights - Increase Your Paycheck
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Health Benefits of Pilates - Flexibility and long Lean Muscles
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Friday, August 11, 2017
Follow these 5 Essential Weight Watchers Tips
If you are looking for weight watchers tips, you are either in the process of losing weight or in the process of maintaining your weight.
Losing weight is hard work and gaining it back only takes a few indiscreet moments at the candy machine or even the salad bar.
Follow these 5 weight watchers.... Read the full article at
Weight Loss Pills - Xenical - Unexpected Side Effects
Nowadays there are literally hundreds, maybe even thousands, of various kinds of products, programs, and pills that offer free tips on weight loss and an ‘iron clad’ solution to anyone who wants or needs to lose weight. Weight Loss is a gigantic industry as is evidenced by the pharmacy shelves and searches done on the internet. And the FDA even approved certain over the counter weight loss pills known as ‘Xenical’.
Xenical (generic Orlistat), which were previously prescription weight loss pills, and approved by the FDA as such in 1999, is a fat-blocking pill that is manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline. Alli (orlistat), a reduced strength version of Orlistat weight loss pills were approved as over-the-counter diet pills in 2007.
In a six month clinical trial using Xenical and a placebo (a sugar pill that has no metabolic effects) people were able to lose approximately 5-6 more pounds than people who took the placebo. But the drug company thought that the drug should be discontinued after six months.
Orlistat Weight Loss Pills can lead to Weight GAIN
However, because the weight loss pills were approved by the FDA for over the counter use, there is no way to police it’s use. FDA medical officer, Julie Golden, stated that in a previous study, people who used orlistat (generic name for Xenical weight loss pills) and then discontinued the drug, showed a progressive weight gain.
Xenical works by reducing the ability of the body to absorb fat from the diet, but it’s important to know that this also impacts the ability to absorb essential fatty acids and fat soluable vitamins. So the FDA recommends that people using Xenical also take a multi-vitamin supplement.
As you might imagine, there are side effects to using Xenical, which are related to the way it works in your system. As was already mentioned above, the body has no effective way of absorbing essential nutrients, so you can quickly become vitamin deficient with the multiple health risks associated with that, and Xenical also increases the amount of fat that is expelled through the stool, increasing the chances for diarrhea and cramping which can be uncomfortable and occur at inopportune times.
Overweight or Obese?
The terms overweight and obese, although used interchangeably by many people, do not actually have the same meaning. Overweight is an excess body weight that includes all tissues (fat, muscle and bone) while obesity refers only to excess fat. This distinction can be important when determining the best weight loss program or even the best weight loss pills that would better suit your particular needs.
There is no shortcut or easy way to reach your weight loss goals. Just like with anything else in life, if the promise sounds too good to be true, it most likely is. Many people are searching for a simple answer to a very complex problem, and there are equally as many who would have these people believe that they have some magical weight loss brew that will help them to shed weight painlessly and with little effort, but seeking an easy path to thinness is a recipe for failure.
While Orlistat (Xenical) will help to block fat absorption and therefore lead to losing weight, you must change your eating habits or once you stop taking the pill you are destined to gain back all of the weight you lost, and probably even more. AND you can’t take the pill more than six months without health risks anyway.
Obesity and overweight are now considered diseases rather than failings, and people who suffer from increased weight are at increased risk for other medical problems that lead to premature illness or death. Decreasing weight by even a relatively small amount will likely lower blood pressure, reduce blood glucose and bring cholesterol under control.
Xenical is a short term answer to a long term problem. This supplement, along with additional support, diet changes, and motivation, can be an effective jump-start to a healthier new lifestyle, but relying solely on this method of weight loss will ultimately result in failure.
In the end, only you have the ability to make choices and find the right support you need to change your life. You can live a healthy life, and these weight loss pills can help you to get started in the right direction, but you must make the necessary lifestyle changes to make it stick.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
What Does a Great Bodybuilding Routine Look Like?
You are ready to take that step to begin losing weight and gaining muscle. But what should you do? Knowing what a great bodybuilding routine should look like is difficult if you do not have someone training you or you aren't a seasoned bodybuilding veteran. But any great bodybuilding workout should have a few common characteristics.
The first characteristic of a Great Bodybuilding Routine is that the workout should be short.
You should aim for about sixty minutes. Make sure the workout is no less the forty-five minutes, and no more the seventy-five minutes. The reason you do not want to go less than forty minutes is because your body has just gotten to it peak during the workout for fat loss and muscle gain. Quitting now will defeat the point of the workout. If you go longer than seventy-five minutes, the hormones that cause you to burn fat and build muscle will decrease and the workout will no longer be effective.
The second key thing to remember about a Great Bodybuilding Routine is that you do not need to rest for long periods of time.
The longer you rest, the more your heart rate will drop, which will take you out of your fat burning zone. In order to keep you heart rate up you should rest for no more the ninety seconds between set and exercises. Another reason to not spend too much time resting is because you want to pack as much into your workout in those seventy-five minutes as you can, if you are wasting precious time sitting around, you will not be getting anything out of your workout time.
Something else you should remember is that while you should consume a lot of water during your workout. But don't drink too much water all at once. Take just a few sips between sets and exercises to keep yourself going. If you chug half your bottle of water while you are working out, it will just sit in your stomach. It cannot be absorbed that fast, especially while you are in a workout. Drink small amounts at a time, so as to avoid any discomfort.
If you are trying to gain muscle mass you want to do heavy weights for about five to ten repetitions. If you are trying to lose weight and look sculpted then you should use a lighter weight and do about twelve to twenty-five repetitions each time. Choose a weight that you can control throughout all of the reps. If you start having to throw your body into it just so you can lift the weight, then go down some. The key is to have slow and controlled movements, allowing the muscles to achieve their best potential.
The final characteristic a great bodybuilding routine should have is keeping your workouts varied and cycled.
If you do the same routine over and over, not only will you get bored and lose all enthusiasm that you had, your body will learn the routine, and it will not have any effect. Try different exercises, working out in different places, using more or less weight, and having more intensity or less. Putting some variation in your workouts will keep the results coming and will keep you interested.
Need a little "inspiration" to speed up your muscle building process?
For the last couple of months we’ve been hearing stories about how guys in Hollywood such as Vin Diesel and Zac Efron or top NBA players have been using two insane new products to lose body fat and add some incredible muscle bulk in mere weeks. Needless to say, when word of these ‘wonder-products’ leaked out men everywhere went crazy over them and their popularity simply exploded! Understandably, our readers have also been going mad over them too and why wouldn’t they?
THIS muscle-building supplement stack has been clinically proven to:
Get rid of body fat – it just melts away
Help flush toxins from your body
Pack on muscle – tons of it
As anyone who is into bodybuilding knows, this is an amazing combination if you want to get insanely ripped in short order. So we decided it warranted a special report and we’ll also tell you just why these alternative steroid products work, and work so insanely well.
Building Muscles With Supplements
Everything There Is To Know About Them
We’ve assessed many ‘trendy’ muscle programs, only to be disappointed by the cost and the lack of real results. It’s not that there is anything ‘bad’ about many of the programs. It’s just that they impose on your daily life with often-unrealistic restrictions, particularly in relation to diet. Some programs emphasize the importance of eating a lot of protein.
Others stress the importance of carbs. Either way, it generally involves some pretty radical changes to your diet and who really wants to have to do that?! So when we heard about these supplements for building muscles we decided to take a closer look at them. We figured that if they did even half of what they’re purported to do then we could be looking at the start of a new and promising trend that is easy to use AND brings real results.
One of the things we discovered is that trainers are calling this new supplement stack “nature’s steroid alternatives”. Steroids are a key component in building muscle and burning fat so it’s exciting news to find a completely natural product that does not have the bad rap of chemical steroids yet still works exceptionally well to achieve the same muscle building and fat-burning results!
So what are these products we’ve heard so much about?

They’re called XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x. If you watch TV or read the news, you’ve possibly seen or heard about a supplement touted as the “secret”, and absolutely safe, alternative to chemical steroids that celebrities and body builders everywhere have been using to build those incredible bodies.
Well, today it’s a secret no longer because we’re here to tell you all about it. And we’ll also teach you (for free) how you too can build the same celebrity type muscular body. It’s all here in the special report we’ve put together about XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x, two of the most exciting new products to hit the fitness and body building scene for some time.
Building muscles like the Sports Elite
When it comes to losing excess body-fat and gaining action star muscle nothing works quite like XtremeNO. This muscle builder is very high in anti-oxidants and has some pretty powerful strength building properties which combine to make it a standout performer among muscle building supplements. XtremeNO is made from pure, high quality ingredients combined into a proprietary formula that is intended to provide the energy and additional strength required to do some incredible lifting. And even better, it revs up your metabolism and melts away body-fat at a rate of knots. When combined with HyperGH 14x, a testosterone booster bar none, the results are nothing short of an automatic muscle-building machine.
Testosterone is an essential hormone that plays a critical role in regulating a number of fundamental bodily processes including bone formation, muscle building, efficient metabolism of fat, and regulating mood and energy. The proven, all natural formula of Hyper GH 14x provides a testosterone boost like no other similar supplement currently available. Small wonder then that when Hyper GH 14x and Xtreme NO are taken in combination the results are simply mind-blowing.
However, one certainly understands if you’re a little bit skeptical because, to be honest, so was our team. Everything about this muscle building/fat-burning combination absolutely screamed ‘fad’ to us when our team first heard about it. But despite the fact that our ‘it’s just a fad’ radar was blaring loudly at us the numerous success stories just kept rolling in. From everywhere. That more than anything convinced us to take another look at this product that was causing such a furor. And our team found that they liked what they saw. Particularly the fact that people were getting awesome results without having to radically change their eating habits or their lifestyles. That’s a huge win/win situation in our book. Another thing that impressed us is that both Xtreme NO and Hyper GH 14x are clinically proven.
HyperGH 14x Clinically Proven To
- Boost testosterone levels
- Shorten recovery time
- Increase fat-burning
- Super-charge muscle development
- Improve sexual performance
XtremeNO Clinically Proven To
- Improve strength
- Boost energy naturally
- Delay the onset of muscle fatigue
- Increase metabolism and destroy fat
- Maximize sexual stamina
One guy our team heard about – Jeremy Evans from California, describes on his blog how he lost 8 lbs of fat and stacked on 20 lbs of muscle simply by taking the recommended daily dose of the Xtreme NO and Hyper GH 14x muscle building stack over a 5 week period. He wrote that he “really didn't believe it could be so easy. There were no changes to my diet or to my daily routine. All I had to do was pop two pills every day and the fat just melted off me like hot butter. At the same time all these muscles that were hiding underneath the fat appeared; most of them I didn't realize I had. And as for my new 6-pack... Well, suffice to say that the girls don't mind it at all."
So the upshot of all our research was that our team thought they’d try Xtreme NO and Hyper GH 14x for themselves just to see if this muscle building supplement stack really did do everything it was purported to do. I’d wanted to make some healthy changes to my body for a while now plus I’d entered a fitness competition so I put my hand up to be the guinea pig.
First up I contacted the manufacturers of Xtreme NO and Hyper GH 14x, introduced myself and explained that I was interested in trying their products with a view to writing about the results for you, our readers. Both companies were keen to help out and agreed to ship me a month’s worth of free product. It duly arrived within a couple of days and the experiment was on……
In the interests of accuracy, I took my initial body-fat measurement and made a note of my weight at the start. I was a very unimpressive 150 lbs with a body-fat score of 14% and I needed to get down to 7 – 8% to get the results I was aiming for and for the fitness competition.
And so I began ...

I followed a fairly simple routine. Just two pills each of Xtreme NO and Hyper GH 14x twice daily. On days that I worked out I took the pills before and after the workout otherwise I just took one dose in the morning and the other at night. My diet and exercise regime did not change at all. At the end of the 4 weeks, I’d packed on 15 lbs of lean muscle!!
Great Bodybuilding Routine Week 1:
One of the things I noticed during the first week on the new regime was how quickly and dramatically these muscle building supplements kicked in. For a start my energy levels were noticeably higher. I also wasn’t nearly as hungry thanks to the appetite curbing effects of the amino acids in Hyper GH 14x. All in all I felt unbelievable and I hadn’t had to change my daily routine at all. When Day 7 came around I hopped on the scales and got out the caliper to measure my body fat. Unbelievably I’d gained 4 lbs of lean muscle!
However, impressive though the results appeared to be, I still wasn’t 100% convinced. At the start of most muscle programs you tend to lose a fair amount of water without producing any lasting effect on the composition of your body. The tricky part would be seeing if I could sustain this amount of muscle gain over the remaining weeks. However, it was certainly a great feeling to be weighing less than 150 lbs for the first time in more years than I care to remember and I was keen to see how the next few weeks panned out.
Great Bodybuilding Routine Week 2:
My energy levels and focus continued to improve through the second week. I also found that I was sleeping much better due to the detoxifying effects of Xtreme NO, which in turn allowed more time for the muscles to recover and grow. As I shed another 6lbs of fat I could see the outline of the 6-pack starting to develop, much to my girlfriend’s delight. By now I was starting to believe that these muscle building supplements really were everything they were cracked up to be.
Great Bodybuilding Routine Week 3:
My muscle mass continued to develop whilst the body fat simultaneously continued to disappear. The fat around my stomach and hips was no longer and I was now sporting quite an impressive 6 pack. Energy levels were also staying consistently sky high right throughout the day.
By the end of the week I’d lost an impressive 14 lbs of fat whilst gaining 12 lbs of lean muscle. Amazing results considering that it was generally around about this time that previous programs I’d tried started to peter out and the water I’d lost during the first week returned.
Great Bodybuilding Routine Week 4:
The results of the trial were now clearly evident. Since starting a mere 4 weeks ago, I’d built up an amazing 16 lbs of lean muscle mass and with the loss of a further 6 lbs of fat, the body fat percentage was now in the single digit figures that I’d been aiming for! Watch out fitness comp, here I come! Needless to say, everyone else here is now trying to get hold of free trials of Xtreme NO and Hyper GH 14x….
Will I continue to use XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x?
Well, I think the results speak for themselves as to the consistent and amazing results of this product so yes, I will continue to use them. All in all, I really could not be happier with how the trial of Xtreme NO and Hyper GH 14x panned out. In just 4 weeks, without any special diet and with no severe exercise, I’d gained an amazing 16 lbs of lean muscle.