What’s Not To Love About VigFX®
You’ve no doubt heard about a small pill, usually blue in color, costs around $20 and provides a fleeting erection that probably lasts as long as what it cost to buy it. Twenty minutes or so – that’s a $1 a minute erection rental…. At the end of that 20 minutes what do you have left to show for it? Usually not much and certainly no lasting improvement in either sex drive or performance.
Whilst VigFX® is not one of these magic pills, it certainly isn’t a 20-minute job either. It fits somewhere in between the two extremes.
VigFX® - The Product
It started over a decade ago with VigRX Plus®, a natural libido pill that has not only built up a very credible reputation as a leading non-therapeutic male enhancement product, with many extremely happy users, but has also been subjected to clinical tests. It’s actually one of the very few supplements of this kind that has been because this type of testing doesn’t come cheaply. Which goes to prove that the company behind the product cares enough about its customers to want to ensure they are providing the very best in reliable health care products that are genuinely proven to work.
The tests also conclusively prove that VigRX Plus® really does work, and these clinical results can be produced to verify its effectiveness and support the claims made by the manufacturers. Namely that VigRX Plus® can increase sexual drive by 47% plus improve satisfaction by more than 71%.
But It Doesn’t End There With VigRX Plus®
Not content to rest on their laurels however, the team at Leading Edge Health have come up with an even better product - VigFX®. This is like VigRX Plus® on steroids! Seriously! It’s the same clinically tested, highly effective, best selling VigRX Plus® formula plus a few new ingredients but in a liquid gel cap. They’ve also added an enteric coating to prevent the contents from being released in the stomach. This baby goes straight through to the small intestine instead, where the high impact ingredients are slowly released and absorbed directly into the bloodstream with an absorption rate in the 80 - 90-percentile range.
What’s With The Enteric Coating On VigFX®
Enteric coatings have been used in prescription medications for some time. They’re a special coating that is designed to withstand the digestive acids in the stomach. This allows pills and capsules coated in it to pass relatively unscathed through the stomach into the small intestine where they can be absorbed directly into the bloodstream as the pills start to break down over a longer period of time.
The purpose of the coating is to
- protect the stomach and its contents from the contents of the pill or capsule
- protect the contents of the pill or capsule from the digestive acids in the stomach and other stomach contents
- ensure that the contents of the pill or capsule are released after the stomach. This is the ‘extended release’ function.
Enteric coating is not seen as much in the health supplement market primarily due to its cost. However, a few health supplement manufacturers have begun using them on products they intend to be extended release. Extended release is much more effective way of delivering medications and nutrients in a tablet or pill to where they can most efficiently be absorbed and utilised – in the small intestine.
Stomach acids can be vicious on the things that enter it. By design. They have to break down our food into their primary building blocks for uptake in the small intestine – proteins into amino acids, fats into fatty acids and carbohydrates into glucose. Unfortunately they also destroy supplements and medications, which mostly get dissolved by the acid, leaving perhaps 10% to 15% of the total ingredients to actually make it through into the small intestine where they can be used by the body.
This is where enteric coating comes in handy. Pills and capsules coated in an enteric layer have an 80% – 90% take up rate compared to just 10% to 15% with uncoated products. This obviously provides some very powerful health benefits – getting the benefits of almost the complete dose instead of a mere fraction of it….
VigFX® Is A Health Supplement With Enteric Coating
One of those health supplements that utilizes extended release ‘technology’ is VigFX®. The manufacturers have taken a proven product in VigRX Plus® that was already hugely successful when taken as a normal supplement and put it into a liquid gel cap covered with enteric coating to ensure it makes it through to the small intestine. Going from that 10% to 15% absorption rate to one of around 80% – 90%. I’m sure you can see where we’re going with this!
The clinical statistics of VigRX Plus® are extremely impressive. Now take that same formula, with those same statistics, and turn it into an extended release capsule that is going to be absorbed more effectively. Eight to nine times more effectively in fact. Wow!
That means you are absorbing more of these nutrients over a longer period of time leading to… you guessed it! More intense sex drive, for longer, and with an equally as impressive and sustained erection. Some might even call it a monster sex drive with a monster ….
The Proof Is In The Results
However, we can talk about VigFX® and VigRX Plus® all we like but without proven results that’s all it is – just talk. Fortunately for everyone VigRX Plus® comes complete with proven clinical results, and real reviews. Real reviews written by customers who have actually used the product with some pretty stunning results and can verify that it delivers everything the company claims it does. And then some! So we can safely say that VigRX Plus® promises and delivers more than all the other male enhancement products out there. And here’s part of the reason why.
VigRX Plus® Clinical Results
The clinical study of VigRX Plus® involved 75 men between the ages of 25 and 50, all involved in a heterosexual, monogamous relationship. It was conducted over 84 days. Each male participant underwent a physical examination on the first day. Their medical histories were also reviewed. Their potency was also measured and scored using the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) and this was repeated at 28-day intervals throughout the study using different IIEF questionnaires each time and the Erectile Dysfunction Inventory of Treatment Satisfaction (EDITS) survey. Consenting partners also completed EDITS surveys on Days 28 and 84 to enable researchers to measure female satisfaction with VigRX Plus®.
One half of the men took 2 VigRX Plus® capsules twice each day with meals for 12 weeks. Each capsule contained 360mg of product. The other half took a placebo at the same dosage rate and with the same instructions.
The Results Of The VigRX Plus® Study
When the results of the VigRX Plus® study came in, they took many in the scientific community by surprise because this product consists entirely of natural ingredients. They also vindicated the company’s faith in natural compounds as a potent and effective method of improving male sexual drive and function.
The results indicated that:
62.82% of the men who took the VigRX Plus® pills experienced improved erectile function during penetration.
59.97% of the partners of those men on the VigRX Plus® reported that their partner had improved penetration capacity and that they experienced improved enjoyment. Conversely, the partners of those men on the placebo stated that their partners experienced a decrease in penetration capacity.
Those on the VigRX Plus® also testified that they were thinking about sex 47% more than previously. This is in keeping with VigRX Plus®s design as a product that is intended to improve long-term sexual desire. They also reported increases in their satisfaction with sex and sexual intercourse of 71.43% and with general overall sexual satisfaction of 61%. These figures put VigRX Plus® firmly at the forefront of natural virility supplements for men and proves that they are a genuine option for men wanting a natural way to enhance their sexual interest and performance. There are also no reported adverse side effects, another win situation.
And now there is VigFX®, promising twice or even three times as much thanks to its enteric coated, liquid contents. And with the capacity to deliver on those promises. That means greater sex, greater intensity, greater satisfaction, and more of them, for longer. Your partner will surely thank us, and you!
But Be Warned
There’s a saying – if you can’t handle the heat keep out of the kitchen. Or in this case perhaps that should be ‘bedroom’. VigFX® is extreme in every sense of the word. If you thought VigRX Plus® was out of this world, VigFX® is like VigRX Plus® on performance enhancing drugs. So be warned,
And the best part is that you don’t have to be past the age of 40, or suffering from ED problems, to benefit. No sir - guys of all ages can, and are, using these products with some very satisfying, for them, results….
About Leading Edge Health
Leading Edge Health has a reputation for consistent excellence in their product range, which includes sexual health, skin care and anti-aging products. They’ve also been around since 1999 and that gives them more than a decade and a half of experience, not to mention longevity. Their products are designed by medical professionals, who should know a thing or two about these things, and come with the quality guarantee of having been produced by a cGMP-certified manufacturing facility.
Leading Edge is also somewhat of a pioneer when it comes to male enhancement products. Their all-natural virility products like VigRX Plus® now hold their own alongside some prescription medications for ED, both for results and value. And now they’ve certainly upped the ante with VigFX®.
Who Uses VigFX®
VigFX® is recommended for any man who wants to take their sex life to the next level with plenty of extremely gratifying, not to mention awesome and intense, sex. If you’re a young guy who has always assumed that products like this are intended to be natural alternatives to ED medications, we’re here to tell you that is definitely not the case. Or you may be a VigRX Plus® user who wants to ramp things up a notch in the bedroom. Either way, VigFX® is going to do things for you in a big, big way and we truly do mean big….
We do recommend however that if you have any medical conditions that may be adversely affected by intense and extended bouts of physical activity that you seek medical advice first.
In A Nutshell
In a nutshell – embarking on a course of VigFX® is not for the fainthearted. You will be having sex. A LOT of very intense sex. And VigFX® shows no mercy when it comes to age either. If you also thought VigFX® and products like it are for older guys or guys with ED issues, think again. They’re designed for every guy between the ages of puberty and the grave. You will all love VigFX®
We’ve compiled a list of some of the questions we’re frequently asked about VigFX®. If you don’t find the answers you’re looking for, please feel free to contact the makers direct.
VigFX® - what is it?
VigFX® is a supplement designed to enhance male libido and sexual performance. It’s an all-natural product based on the original highly successful VigRX Plus® formula but packed into a convenient gel cap with an enteric coating to prevent it from being broken down and dissolved by the stomach acids. This enteric coating turns it into an extended release supplement and this is where the magic truly begins because those highly effective ingredients in VigRX Plus® become 8 to 9 times more effective when their absorption rate increases from around 10% to 80 – 90%!
VigFX® vs VigRX Plus® – what are the differences?
As far as ingredients go, not much. VigFX® uses the same hugely successful VigRX Plus® formula but it’s been packaged a bit differently. Instead of being in an ordinary capsule or pill form like VigRX Plus® is, VigFX® comes in enteric coated gel caps for extended release. This increases the absorption rate of those extremely effective ingredients from 10% to around 90%, providing far more intense results. So VigFX® is an extreme form of VigRX Plus®.
How does the enteric coating work and what’s so great about it?
Standard tablets and pills get broken down in the stomach and most of the contents are dissolved in the stomach acids. Less than 20% makes it through to the small intestine where it can be picked up and used by the body. Enteric coating stops the stomach acids from breaking down the capsules, allowing them to pass through to the small intestine relatively intact. Once in the small intestine the coating starts to break down, releasing the contents into the small intestine where they can be absorbed by the blood stream and carried off to do their job. Absorption increases to around 90% using this coating so, as you can imagine would be the case with a male libido pill, the results are pretty dramatic.
VigFX® - different to Viagra?
Viagra is one of the pharmaceutical drugs used to help treat ED problems. In many countries it’s a prescription drug and it works for a single sexual session. It provides no long-term improvements to sexual health or sexual function.
VigFX® is the hugely successful and highly effective, top selling VigRX Plus® repackaged into an extended release format for greater absorption by the body for greatly enhanced results.
How safe is VigFX® ?
When used by normal healthy men, VigFX® is perfectly safe. It has no known side effects and is composed of all-natural ingredients. It’s also produced in a cGMP-certified manufacturing facility.
However, we always recommend that if you have any health conditions that may make taking this supplement an issue, you speak with your doctor before taking any male enhancement or similar products.
Is VigFX® a prescription medication?
No it isn’t. VigFX® is currently classed as a dietary supplement and can be purchased over the counter without needing a prescription.
How long does it take to see results?
Usually most men find that their desire for sex starts to noticeably increase within the first 30 days and that their endurance and control increases within the first 90 days. The effects of VigFX® are cumulative so you’ll get better results the longer you take it.
What about scientific evidence?
The VigRX Plus® formula, which VigFX® uses, has undergone clinical trials. The results of these trials are available and clinically prove that VigFX® can:
- Boost satisfaction with intercourse by 71.43%
- Produce a 47% improvement in sex drive
- Produce a 62.82% improvement in erectile function during intercourse
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