[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="394"] Cinnamon bark. Photo taken by Badagnani in Kent, OH, USA. GNU Free Documentation License. Source http://en.wikipedia.org/[/caption]
From the point of view of Botany, cinnamon is a tree of the laurel family, as well as dried bark of these trees. In ancient times, this tree grew only in India and China, but now people grow this tree for commercial purposes in many countries in the tropical zone of the our planet.
History of cinnamon
Cinnamon is a spice that people have used for several millennium. In some written sources are references that cinnamon was used in ancient Egypt as early as one thousandth of years BC. For example, in the book of Exodus (chapter 30, verse 22) there is a call to Moses to use cinnamon to make a special ointment to the holy anointing. In the book of Proverbs (chapter 7, verse 17) there is a mention about how a woman adorned her bedroom and perfumed a room with cinnamon.
In other ancient written sources, there is mention of the fact that people were trying to use cinnamon as a medicine in the treatment of fever or diarrhea, or added cinnamon into medicines to improve their taste.
In the Middle Ages, cinnamon was highly regarded in Europe because all the spices were brought by trade routes from India. Experts in the field of dietetics claim that Christopher Columbus was one of the first Europeans, who spoke about the cinnamon. According to scientists, Columbus was looking for the way to India to find cinnamon, about which Europeans have heard of the Asian traders. While cinnamon was grown on the island of Sri Lanka. But the first in Sri Lanka were the Portuguese, who made the local rulers to pay tribute with cinnamon.
Useful properties of cinnamon
Many readers know that cinnamon is widely used in alternative medicine, aromatherapy, cosmetics and dietetics. In everyday life you can often find cinnamon in confectionery and culinary products. This is due to the properties held by cinnamon, as well as the components in its composition. According to specialists these components are essential oils, iron, magnesium, brown alcohol and some other substances.
Since ancient times, people instinctively tried to use cinnamon for diabetes treatment, in the fight against colds, cancer, or even to improve the functioning of the brain. Residents of some countries are trying to add cinnamon to food to remove an intestinal infection from a food. But all these attempts are not yet founded in scientific evidence.
Cinnamon is now widely used in nutrition as one of the additional resources for weight loss. According to experts, cinnamon has a warming property and may be a good effect on the circulation of blood in the circulatory system. This property allows the use of cinnamon in pills for internal use (by mouth), and also in some ointments for topical application.
Moreover, cinnamon may improve metabolism and influence concentration of sugar in blood.
Cinnamon is also included in many diet programs. According to experts, cinnamon helps cleanse the body of toxins and impurities. Cinnamon may have positive effects on the stomach, the intestines and the entire digestive system.
Recipes with Cinnamon
Cinnamon can add variety to your daily diet. If you want to make sure you are getting all the health properties of cinnamon, use a simple recipe. You can go to the nearest supermarket and buy ground cinnamon powder. Or buy it online
You can also make a milkshake with cinnamon. Take one cup (200 ml or 8 ounces) dairy products (yogurt, kefir) and add half a teaspoon of cinnamon. Stir the milk product and drink in the morning before eating. This drink reduces the feeling of hunger, and it can be used as an aid to losing weight. Remember, this cocktail is no substitute for eating.
As experts say, cinnamon has no known side effects. However, if you are pregnant, have diabetes or liver disease, then you’d better not use cinnamon in your food. Also, you should not use products for weight loss that contain cinnamon. In any case, be sure to consult with your health care professional.
Remember that cinnamon alone will not help you lose weight. To do this, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, control your diet and exercise regularly. But cinnamon is an interesting product that helps diversify your daily diet and can play a supporting role in losing weight.
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