Monday, October 31, 2016

Deer Antler Velvet. Does it work?

If you’ve been searching for information on deer antler velvet products, you’ve probably come across some pretty wild claims. Interestingly, many websites promote these products as a male sexual enhancement supplement. When you visit the official websites however, you will notice that they’re promoting it as a muscle building supplement. Not once do they mention the words sexual enhancement. So, what exactly does this supplement do? Time to do some  serious research on deer antler velvet.

What is deer antler velvet

Deer antler velvet, also known as deer velvet or velvet antler, refers to the whole cartilaginous antler in a pre-calcified stage. What does this mean? When antlers are growing, they are made of cartilage and are supplied with oxygen and nutrients by a highly vascular skin which is called velvet and which covers the entire antler. Once the antler is full-grown, the velvet is shed and the antler mineralizes to become bone. Before this happens, the antler is harvested.

Velvet antler is the fastest developing animal organism known to us and it contains a powerhouse of close to 40 nutrients and compounds including:
  • Bone morphogenetic proteins: regulate bone growth.

  • Essential amino acids: building blocks for protein and proven to increase human growth hormone levels.

  • Growth factors I and II: anti-aging and cell development.

  • Monoamine-oxidase inhibitors: enhance mood.

  • Lipids: build cells and enhance mood.

  • Selenium: protects blood cells and reduces infections.

Uses of deer antler velvet

Deer antler velvet has been used in Chinese medicine for a long time. The first documented use dates back 2000 years. The Chinese have been using it since then to improve bone health, to nourish the blood, to stimulate the immune system and to treat impotence.

Recent studies provide evidence supported by clinical research in compliance with FDA regulations for the beneficial effects of velvet antler in treating arthritis. Additional research also suggests several other benefits such as immune stimulation, anti-aging, protective and rejuvenating effects, cardiovascular health, enhanced blood and circulation and strength/growth enhancement.

Antler velvet is already being used by many athletes as an all natural and legal anabolic steroid to increase strength, endurance, vitality and for faster recovery from training sessions.

Research has also shown increased blood plasma testosterone levels in men taking deer antler velvet. Testosterone the principle male sex hormone. Among many other things, it’s necessary for normal sperm development, mental/physical energy and libido.

What Are Deer Antler Supplements

As mentioned at the beginning of this page, deer antler velvet is widely promoted as a male enhancement supplement while official suppliers often call it a muscle building supplement. So, which is it? The answer is both and much more. Based on what researchers have discovered about deer antler velvet, its use provides a multitude of health benefits. Combine this with the extra ingredients added to many of these products and you get a supplement with a great potential to support and improve:
  • muscular strength and endurance

  • sexual enhancement

  • muscle recovery after intense training

  • maintenance of muscle mass

  • a healthy immune system

  • joint health

Are there any side effects

Although side effects are unlikely, a small percentage of users of deer antler velvet products have reported some mild side effects such as headaches, allergic reactions or nausea. If you are on any form of medication or if you are allergic to one of the ingredients, you should consult a qualified health care professional before using any of these products.

Best Pre Workout Supplements

People that are professional athletes as well as those that give much attention to their physical condition are very familiar with pre workout supplements. All agree that these supplements are really effective but there are so many of them that a person is prompted to ask; what is the best workout supplement?

Experts' recommendation on preworkout supplements

Experts' recommendation on pre workout supplements

Finding an answer is not easy because body weight, age and gender will affect a supplement.  Let's look at  some of those ingredients that are considered to be the most effective and usually are contained in top pre workout supplement products. The existence of some or all of these ingredients is what makes pre workout supplements so effective.

Effective Ingredients In Pre-Workout Supplements

These ingredients are:

  1. Creatine. This is necessary to produce muscle tissues as a result of physical exercise. One should pay attention however what kind of creatine the supplement has to offer. There are many types of creatine and they have different impacts on a person's stomach. Some types may be very strong, creating an uncomfortable condition such as bloat and nausea. One should always check the product’s label for the best effect without side effects.

  2. Carbohydrates. One of the best carbs is called maltodextrin but all kinds of carbohydrates will have beneficial effects on your exercise. Try to check that the carbohydrate included is a long acting sugar. That way the body will not break it down as fast as other kinds of sugar, producing sustainable energy for more “profitable” exercise.

  3. Fast acting whey protein. Protein is one of the common ingredients in all before workout supplements. The protein however should be carefully calculated. Regardless the age and sex of the person consuming the supplement, the protein should have a ratio of 0.2 to 0.25 grams per pound. It is better not to exceed this amount of protein even though the body does get rid of all the protein it can't use.

There are many additional ingredients that manufacturers add to pre-workout supplements. One of these ingredients is caffeine for that extra energy boost it provides during training. Excessive consumption of many of the other ingredients though should to be avoided.

Many companies also produce a wide range of these types of supplements. In this case you are better off trying some of these supplements before choosing the best pre workout supplements for you. Try to avoid listening to other athletes for there is a different best supplement for everyone.

Hair Growth Vitamins - Are They Necessary?

Hair growth vitamins are just one of several key elements to consider when it comes to hair loss. In most cases, such as male pattern baldness, losing your hair is something that you can do nothing about – it is genetically programmed to happen to you whether you want it to or not, like growing up or growing old.

However in controlling how fast this happens, nutrition can play a big role. Getting good nutrition is always important, but if you are prone to hair loss, consider it carefully as it could be a deciding factor in how quickly you lose your hair, or how much hair you end up losing.

The human body cannot function at its best without a good and varied supply of food. This means plenty of fresh food including fruits, vegetables and protein. Since the majority of hair loss is not caused by too much hair falling out, but instead is the failure of the body to grow enough hairs to replace those that have naturally died and been shed, a nutritious and healthy diet will assist your body to maintain good hair growth so that any baldness spreads more slowly.

In addition you may want to take vitamin supplements to boost your diet. If so, you will want to know that the vitamin B complex and also vitamin H or biotin are often considered to aid the growth of hair. Avoid supplementing with vitamin A, which is thought to hinder hair growth. So, you will not want to take standard multi-vitamins which normally contain vitamin A.

In order to make sure you are getting the proper nutrition to maintain your hair growth and boost the health of your hair follicles, do check with a doctor or with other specialists. Your diet is one of the most important factors in ensuring that you are fully able to regrow any hair that your body is naturally going to lose. Of all of the things that you can do to keep yourself healthy, eating well is the first, simplest and best option. If you want to take additional hair growth vitamins, a vitamin deficiency test is a good first step.

Follow these links to learn more about Biotin Deficiency and Biotin Benefits.


Are Supplements Before Workout Safe For Me?

[caption id="attachment_138" align="alignleft" width="300"]Supplements before exercises Supplements before exercises[/caption]

In the market today a person can find a number of pre exercise supplements that promise to help you workout for a longer period of time and build more muscles.

A large number of people however are specific about the actual effect these supplements many actually have in our health. Many relate such supplements with the notorious doping problem and the significant health issues that are related to it.

Supplements Before Workout Safe

We will show you that supplements before workout are quite safe if a person follows the doses that the manufacturers suggest. Here are some facts that prove this point in our opinion.
  • Many people are suspicious of these products, especially those that have to do with the kind of per workout drink, contain a number of ingredients that are unknown to the general population such as creatine, low burning sugars, nitric oxide etc. If you check however these ingredients you will see that are not dangerous for the human health for the body has its own way of getting rid of everything that it can’t use.

  • The one think that you may keep in mind is that these supplements should be taken before workout. What a person consumes before and after workout is very important for the course of his/her exercise. Pre workout supplements are perfect for they allow you to exercise for a longer period of time without running out of energy and building more muscles.

  • Don’t however take supplements if you don’t intent to workout. These products contain high levels of sugar and carbohydrates. If you take them without burning these ingredients through exercise you may end up with a weight problem. Pre workout nutrition is intended to be consumed before workout and totally used during workout.

  • The amount and percentage of each and every ingredient in these supplements is calculated carefully and a person can’t take the exact same mix from other sources. One can however consume the ingredients of these supplements through diet but that will take a long time and one can’t exercise with a full stomach. That is one reason why athletes love these supplements. It allows them to feel light and full of energy during workout.

There are a number of supplements out there that use as active ingredients natural extractions. The reason is that these products usually try to create a natural and not a chemical reaction in your body. If that was the case that there would be no need what so ever for exercise. The supplement would do the entire job and we would end up with bodybuilders’ bodies without exercise. All supplements of this kind do is to give you a hand during exercise and afterward.

Natural Dietary Alternatives for Weight Loss

Health food stores across the country and on the internet offer many weight loss supplements.  Quite a few make positive claims of remarkable benefits.  However, some can have side effects that aren’t always listed on the product.  Some can even be harmful, so if you are searching for diet supplements it’s a good idea to do your homework.

Listed here are some popular weight loss supplements to consider

Hoodia is an herbal supplements that is used as a natural appetite suppressant.  The recent popularity of this herb has resulted in hundreds of companies that sell hoodia.  Unfortunately the health food market contains counterfeit, or fake, hoodia.  Be sure you purchase hoodia from a reputable manufacturer.

Chromium is a mineral that assists in the metabolism of fats and protein.  Chromium is also necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates and is thought to build muscle tissue.  For those with diabetes, chromium helps people with insulin resistance by moving glucose into the blood cells.  The mineral chromium is also widely used for weight loss.

Simple apple cider vinegar is a popular “fat-burner” and a natural way to suppress appetite.  Apple cider vinegar should be diluted somewhat before taking from one to three teaspoons before meals.   Apple cider vinegar supplements are also available.

The supplement chitosan comes from crustacean shells.  While considered safe, chitosan may have a few digestive side effects such as constipation.  It is believed that chitosan works to prevent fats from being absorbed into the body.

After ephedra was banned in 2004, an herb called bitter orange began to gain in popularity.  Bitter orange is similar to ephedra in that it may increase heart rate and cause abnormal heart rhythms.  Bitter orange could also raise blood pressure.  For these reasons and others including interference with medications, one should always check with a qualified medical professional before taking bitter orange.

Preliminary studies are suggesting that fucoxanthin which is found in seaweed may be able to target abdominal fat and is not thought to be a stimulant.  Fucoxanthin is an antioxidant that appears to hold future hope because of the fact that diabetes and heart disease are linked to abdominal fat.

Though losing unwanted weight takes time, we are all aware that a healthy diet and exercise are the foundation of keeping weight off.  In the weight loss process the herbs and foods discussed above can help this process in a positive way.   Diet supplements can be a very valuable aid in your personal weight loss program.

How To Lose Weight - The 4 E's

The basis of fast and healthy weight loss is simplicity, efficiency and enjoyment.

If you go to Google’s search engine and ask for “lose weight”, you get more than 200 million sites which contain the word “lose weight.” This means that you probably will not get the desired result and you should make your task more specific. If you make a statement that you are going to lose weight for the next holiday, there are many chances that you will fail.

Discover a few simple ideas and tips that are called the 4 Es. These ideas will help you succeed in losing weight.

Eat right

According to proven practices to reduce weigh, it is difficult for anyone to change their own habits.

Think about healthy habits. Use a food low in fat, high in fiber, high in protein.   All that is necessary for the rapid and successful weight loss. Drink plenty of water. Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables and citrus fruits. Do not skip meals, especially breakfast. Eat less, but more frequently.


According to a large number of experts in the field of weight loss, nutritionists, and even doctors, weight loss is 90% a mental problem. Some experts even say that successful weight loss starts in your mind. This means that the way to resolve your problem, too, should be to begin to lose weight mentally. Knowledge is the key to losing weight. Before you can succeed with your body, you have to evaluate your reasons for losing weight. Ask yourself some questions:
  • Do you want to be healthy?

  • Do you want to feel fantastic and look good?

  • Do you want to sleep better?

  • Do you want to be able to walk, run, ski, bike, hike, and so on?

  • Do you want to get rid of diabetes or obesity?

Once you set your goals and reasons to lose weight, the next step should be a plan.   Record in this plan all changes that you need to do to achieve your goal. Keep a journal to track foods eaten, exercises done, thoughts and feelings, and weekly weight. Of course, it is difficult to stop all of your old habits at once. But you have to change your old habits to get started on losing weight. Success will require time and to succeed you need a lot of patience. Mark the date on the calendar for small targets. Mark the days that you exercise. Use other visual reminders that will be useful. Take charge.


In the world, there are many people who hate exercise. If you are among them, keep in mind that you can find activity that you will enjoy. You can invite your friends for a game of basketball or a relaxing hike. You can create a new style of dance class that sounds interesting. Bet on fun, music and run activation. Find a buddy or friend to check the progress of your weight loss. They can be a fan or may be a participant in losing weight. This will give you an incredible boost.


Your success in weight loss is possible when you define exercise plan for body weight loss. You can concentrate on exercises that you like the most but stick with them. As experts say, walking is the best exercise. Go shopping and buy good clothes and walking shoes. Do it.

Yoga, meditation and hypnosis is an excellent alternative to exercise for weight loss. You can sign up for a yoga class, as well as to learn and practice hypnosis and meditation. All this will help you to remove pounds of excess fat, improve muscle tone, adjust your mind and find a good flexibility.


Make your body fit for weight loss, get healthy and start in well-being forever.

Cinnamon and its nutritional properties

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="394"]cinnamon bark Cinnamon bark. Photo taken by Badagnani in Kent, OH, USA. GNU Free Documentation License. Source[/caption]

From the point of view of Botany, cinnamon is a tree of the laurel family, as well as dried bark of these trees. In ancient times, this tree grew only in India and China, but now people grow this tree for commercial purposes in many countries in the tropical zone of the our planet.

History of cinnamon

Cinnamon is a spice that people have used for several millennium. In some written sources are references that cinnamon was used in ancient Egypt as early as one thousandth of years BC. For example, in the book of Exodus (chapter 30, verse 22) there is a call to Moses to use cinnamon to make a special ointment to the holy anointing. In the book of Proverbs (chapter 7, verse 17) there is a mention about how a woman adorned her bedroom and perfumed a room with cinnamon.

In other ancient written sources, there is mention of the fact that people were trying to use cinnamon as a medicine in the treatment of fever or diarrhea, or added cinnamon into medicines to improve their taste.

In the Middle Ages, cinnamon was highly regarded in Europe because all the spices were brought by trade routes from India. Experts in the field of dietetics claim that Christopher Columbus was one of the first Europeans, who spoke about the cinnamon. According to scientists, Columbus was looking for the way to India to find cinnamon, about which Europeans have heard of the Asian traders. While cinnamon was grown on the island of Sri Lanka.  But the first in Sri Lanka were the Portuguese, who made the local rulers to pay tribute with cinnamon.

Useful properties of cinnamon

Many readers know that cinnamon is widely used in alternative medicine, aromatherapy, cosmetics and dietetics. In everyday life you can often find cinnamon in confectionery and culinary products. This is due to the properties held by cinnamon, as well as the components in its composition. According to specialists these components are essential oils, iron, magnesium, brown alcohol and some other substances.

Since ancient times, people instinctively tried to use cinnamon for diabetes treatment, in the fight against colds, cancer, or even to improve the functioning of the brain. Residents of some countries are trying to add cinnamon to food to remove an intestinal infection from a food. But all these attempts are not yet founded in scientific evidence.

Cinnamon is now widely used in nutrition as one of the additional resources for weight loss. According to experts, cinnamon has a warming property and may be a good effect on the circulation of blood in the circulatory system. This property allows the use of cinnamon in pills for internal use (by mouth), and also in some ointments for topical application.

Moreover, cinnamon may improve metabolism and influence concentration of sugar in blood.

Cinnamon is also included in many diet programs. According to experts, cinnamon helps cleanse the body of toxins and impurities. Cinnamon may have positive effects on the stomach, the intestines and the entire digestive system.

Recipes with Cinnamon

Cinnamon can add variety to your daily diet. If you want to make sure you are getting all the health properties of cinnamon, use a simple recipe. You can go to the nearest supermarket and buy ground cinnamon powder. Or buy it online. Then cook oatmeal and add half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Take your time and eat this porridge for breakfast or lunch.

You can also make a milkshake with cinnamon. Take one cup (200 ml or 8 ounces) dairy products (yogurt, kefir) and add half a teaspoon of cinnamon. Stir the milk product and drink in the morning before eating. This drink reduces the feeling of hunger, and it can be used as an aid to losing weight. Remember, this cocktail is no substitute for eating.


As experts say, cinnamon has no known side effects. However, if you are pregnant, have diabetes or liver disease, then you’d better not use cinnamon in your food. Also, you should not use products for weight loss that contain cinnamon. In any case, be sure to consult with your health care professional.


Remember that cinnamon alone will not help you lose weight. To do this, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, control your diet and exercise regularly. But cinnamon is an interesting product that helps diversify your daily diet and can play a supporting role in losing weight.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Natural Supplements Help Lose Weight Effectively

More and more men and women around the world are taking the decision to start losing weight. It happens every day in this information age. Statistics show that obesity is increasing in many countries every year. People are looking for a stable way to achieve a harmonious body weight. Specialists have the impression that present time people have not yet realized a way to maintain body weight at a good level.

According to experts, we live in an age of high speeds and people are looking for quick fixes. People get in the way of fasting or consumption of chemical food additives. Of course this method may result in temporary weight loss. But when you stop on the way, you can get even more body weight than you lost in the beginning. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the ability of the human body go into survival mode called “safe mode”. The secret of this state is that you eat more because of the many days of hardship, when your body is thrown out of balance during the starvation.

There is another problem. Some chemical pills have many side effects that can lead you to serious health problems. These problems may include digestive problems or a problem with an increase in blood pressure or cardiac complications.

All these facts indicate that the choice of product for weight loss is a very important thing. Many people want to maintain or improve their health and lose weight for a long time or forever.

Basic Essential Vitamins

Currently, there are many conflicting opinions about the dangers or benefits of nutritional supplements. But simple logic says that natural supplementation is a good way to get what our body needs in terms of vitamins and minerals. When you feel tired or you can not concentrate, then you turn to your doctor for advice. Likely, your family doctor offers you to take a multivitamin.

Our life is developing very fast in the modern age . As a result, people do not have enough time to prepare and eat nutritious meals every day. Of course, fast food has high calorie content, but unfortunately it is usually not nutritious. When you eat fast food every day for a long time, it can lead to a deficiency. Experts say if your body is deficient in essential vitamins or minerals, then weight loss will slow down or even not occur at all. This is the reason why starvation diets do not work in the long term.

You should also note that if you do not receive adequate nutrition, then your body will burn fewer calories as possible, in an attempt to get the necessary nutrients from poor diet. Therefore, people tend to take a good quality multivitamin to be sure that their bodies are not deprived of basic necessities.

Green coffee beans extract

Green coffee beans contain chlorogenic acid (CGA). As experts say, CGA is a natural substance that inhibits the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream. From a scientific standpoint, this means that your body uses fat as an energy source .

Burn more fat is not the only advantage of this food supplement. Green coffee beans do not allow your body to store excess sugar, which means that excess sugar doe not turn into fat. Furthermore, green coffee beans help to regulate blood sugar levels and reducing sugar spikes and cravings. This can be very useful for emotional eaters or people who are prone to overeating .

Natural supplements for hormonal imbalance

Many women are well aware that weight gain can be due to hormonal imbalance. Menopause, poly cystic ovarian syndrome, weight gain  or irregular menstrual cycles are typical examples of this imbalance. In such cases, experts may advise you to take herbal supplements to balance your hormones. While you‘re fighting with hormonal imbalance symptoms, it will help to achieve a more rapid weight loss. You can look for supplements containing alfalfa, Actaea racemosa called black snakeroot, dandelion, kelp, nettle, parsley, and / or red raspberry leaves.

Healthy Lifestyle

There are many different natural supplements in the markets nowadays. These natural supplements may easily increase the rate of fat burning in your body. These natural supplements may lead to weight loss, regardless of what you eat. In any case, you should not forget about switching to a healthy lifestyle, which has many advantages. You can start with small changes.

Replace soda with water. Eat organic fruits often and eat sweet desserts rarely. These simple rules will help you make a huge difference not only for your figure, but also on your skin, hair and nails.

Try replacing frozen dinners for home-cooked meals made from whole grains and vegetables. It may boost your immune system and detoxify your body. This help of natural food supplements to work more efficiently, too.

If you start running, swimming, playing outdoors or even walk a few times a week, then you will be helping your body to acquire a well proportioned and healthy in no time!

Benefits of Water: What are the benefits?

If you don't really like to drink water, you'd rather have a soda, coffee, iced tea, kool-aid or anything else - then this article is really important for you to read....

The top two symptoms of mild to moderate dehydration are: headache and fatigue

A 1% drop in hydration can reduce performance output by as much as 20%. Most people really don't understand the true benefits of water.


  • increases the accumulation of toxins in your body,

  • stunts your metabolism,

  • shoots your risk of cancer into orbit, and

  • accelerates your aging process.

In a dehydrated state nothing, not your mind nor your body, is operating to its potential.

Unfortunately, you tolerate or possibly aren't even aware of the dramatic cognitive impairments, the decreased energy levels, the increased susceptibility to illnesses of all types, the inability to lose fat, and of course the crawling, stunted metabolism you live with every day.

With water- you can build muscle faster, burn fat, and remove toxins and waste more efficiently when you are well-hydrated. Plus you'll slow down the aging process.

Don't force your body to drain water from your skin, making you look significantly older, as well as pull water from your vital organs and brain just to attempt to cover the most basic and essential metabolic processes.

Drink 8-10 glasses or more of water every day

Your body can only assimilate and utilize water in small amounts. If you sip water all day long, hydration will be more effective.

Fruit and vegetable juices are good....but just once a day, as drinking too many of these (especially fruit juices) will load you down with too many sugars and calories.

If you choose to hold on to your coffee each day, then make sure you drink twice its equivalent in water in addition to what your supposed to be drinking to offset the dehydration caused by the caffeine.

Finally, toss the habit of only drinking something when you're thirsty. Your body isn't going to give you a thirsty signal when you start to become dehydrated, nor will it consistently give you a thirsty signal when you are significantly dehydrated.

In fact, often times your body will produce a hunger feeling when you are merely thirsty. This means you shouldn't wait until you are thirsty- drink regularly all day long. If you're hungry drink some water first and see if your hunger subsides.

The benefits of water are numerous. Decide today to make a change, start small by at least drinking one extra glass of water today. Each day add another extra glass until you are up to 8-10 glasses per day.

Water is essential to life. Every biochemical process in the body depends on it.

Muscles Require Fuel

Muscles require fuel.  They also require stretching, resistance training and, aerobic exercise.  A high-performance sports car needs premium fuel.  Likewise, your muscles need the best nutrients that you can give them.

What Is the Best Diet?

The best diet for bodybuilders is a balanced one. You need nutrients that will fuel muscle growth and speed up repair, and you want to avoid foods that will cover your muscles with flab. But you should never resort to cutting calories or skipping meals to shed fat! Calories are an important source of fuel for your muscles and if they don’t get enough; you won’t lose fat, you’ll store more! You may even lose muscle mass.

Ideally, you should eat six small meals throughout the day. Besides boosting your metabolism, these small, frequent meals give your muscles a constant supply of nutrients and fuel.

Foods That Build Muscle

The foods you want to avoid are high in sugar and fat. On the other hand, the foods you should be eating to get the best bodybuilding nutrition are whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Yes, you should focus on getting a lot of protein too because it is the building block of muscle. During and after exercise, protein gives your muscles the nutrients they need to build, repair, and maintain. However, there are other vitamins, amino acids, and healthy fats that your muscles need that you can only get from grains, fruits, and vegetables.

The recommended ratio for a body building diet is:

•    40% carbohydrates (preferably complex carbohydrates, not simple)•    40% protein•    20% fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated)Supplements That Build MuscleGetting proper bodybuilding nutrition from a diet can be a challenge. Even if you eat 6 healthy, balanced meals every day, you may not get all the nutrients, amino acids, and protein that your muscles need.
That’s when the right muscle building supplement could be a great investment. There are three main categories of bodybuilding supplements:

Protein Supplements

These types of supplements don’t need any introduction. What you see is what you get, and what you’ll get is a lot of protein. The best protein supplements use a variety of high-quality proteins in their formulas. The reason why is that different types of proteins have different effects and absorbency rates. The more variety you have, the more results you’ll get.

Muscle-Building Supplements

This category envelops smaller categories like pre-workout supplements, workout supplements, and post-workout supplements. The ingredients you’ll see the most are Creatine, Beta Alanine, and L-Arginine. Their purpose–and the purpose of similar ingredients–is to increase blood circulation, nutrient delivery, the synthesis of muscular energy, and muscular strength and endurance.

HGH Supplements

These are some of the most controversial bodybuilding supplements; especially HGH injections. But not every supplement is controversial or dangerous. However some products use several natural ingredients that helpt to stimulate the pituitary gland. This is the gland that is responsible for the release of human growth hormone, which leads to significant muscle growth.

The Key to Success

The key to building lean muscle mass is exercising and getting proper bodybuilding nutrition. Eat a healthy, balanced diet with the right ratios of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. For added muscle-building power, try a high-quality bodybuilding supplement.

Fat Loss Programs - Effective Fat Loss

Fat loss programs are one of the major keys to a happy and healthy life. These are the programs that help us get back on track with our lives and smooth out many of the complications of our lives.

As with anything in life a balanced approach is always the best approach. Any time you go to extremes in making changes in your life you are doomed to failure. Small changes are almost always the best changes to stick with us.

Since you need to lose weight and that involves losing body fat you just need to keep it simple. If you have failed at this before it is most likely because in all innocence you chose the wrong program or the wrong method for reaching your goals. You are not the failure. The program that misled you was the failure.

The Personalized Approach is the Best One for You

Gain your proper mind focus first. Determine that you are going to have a consistent and methodical approach to losing weight. That will not make the pounds just automatically fall from your body but it is the key to being successful in losing body fat.

More about losing body fat and your body.

Just look at food as one example. You undoubtedly already know much more than what you need to know about what foods to eat and what foods not to eat. The key here then is simply to use a common sense approach to what you eat. Maybe one day you eat two scoops of ice cream in a bowl because that is simply what you are craving but the next day when you want ice cream you only want a small amount and so you only take a spoon or two. You make up your program as you go along depending on how quickly you want to lose body fat. Do not be extreme. Baby yourself along the way.

Your motivation, or maybe better to call it your conscience, is all that you need in order to make proper eating choices. Once you are determined in your mind to lose body fat your common sense will lead you to eat the proper foods in the proper quantity. It really is not necessary to artificially and arbitrarily limit the foods that you eat on a regular basis.

The same point is actually true when it comes to exercise. You are extremely unlikely to start exercising vigorously 30 to 45 minutes each and every day. You may be able to do that on a short-term basis but that is going to become old very quickly for you. It is much more effective to decide that for the next five years you are going to do a 10 minute a day routine. Simply warm up for five minutes then do vigorous aerobic exercise for five minutes. The next day take your five minutes to warm up then do some type of weight bearing exercise for five minutes. And that’s it. 10 minutes a day is all that you need and anyone can do 10 minutes a day.

Work with yourself. And here’s how to eat 50% more calories yet still lose fat and the truth about it and how it will help you to lose fat.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Can a pill with cayenne pepper really help lose weight?

Recently, a girlfriend named Anna asked me the following question : can a pill with cayenne pepper really help lose weight? I think this question may be of interest to many people, so I will try to cover this topic . After all, many of us (mostly women, but also men who love to cook in the kitchen ) are well aware of the culinary properties of red pepper. But there are only a few people who have heard of the dietary properties of this plant. In fact , weight loss experts said that the cayenne pepper is not only a popular way to add excitement to the pleasant taste and color of your favorite culinary dishes, but it is also a very effective way to encourage the weight loss.

Can a pill with cayenne pepper really help lose weight?

Thai peppers (Variety native to Thailand, but grown in Virginia, USA).
Author Daniel Risacher. Under permission. Source

General properties of red pepper

Red pepper called Capsicum is well-known to experts, sometimes referred to as another name for Cayenne pepper. These fruits have several important properties that have been researched by experts and allow them to talk about the appropriateness of red pepper in dietetics. For example, in the book Complete Herbal (1653 AD), written by the author Nicholas Culpeper there is a mention that the cayenne pepper used as a herbal supplement in the middle of the 17th century (*1).

You may have heard that in the more traditional cases, a red pepper is used in herbal medicine as an aid for having a positive effect on the blood circulation and digestion. Red pepper naturally supports the production of gastric juice, it is vital for human health and for a fully functioning metabolism. Red peppers contain a lot of vitamins , including vitamin C and nutrients , so the experts say that these fruits also help a person’s immunity to fight against colds and flu. We can add that the fruits of red pepper contain vitamin A and have a higher percentage of the concentration of carotenoids , flavonoids and antioxidants , including beta -carotene.

In addition to vitamins, red pepper contains capsaicin, the component that gives the peppers a kind of warmth and has a large positive effect for the cardiovascular system. Capsaicin also has the ability to reduce physical pain, helping to destroy the nerve endings , which means lower sensitivity . This component is effectively opens and makes effluent drainage for congested nasal passages on your face.

This is precisely the property that people use in ancient times with colds . When a person is cold, people often suggest eating meals with hot curried . Curry (a mixture of different spices on the basis of turmeric with the addition of red pepper ) is a traditional food supplement in the some countries of the Indian subcontinent , and is widely used around the world.

Red Pepper and Weight Loss

Now we move on to the culinary properties of weight loss. Experts have concluded that red pepper has a very important property, which proved to be useful for weight loss. The main feature of the red pepper is its enormous potential to burn fat in the body.

Here we are speaking about the ability of red pepper to create a large amount of heat within human body , which gives the metabolism function of the turbocharger . If you are a car enthusiast , then you know what there talking about. If not, then I write other words.

Have you ever noticed what happens to your body when you eat very hot food ? That’s right, you get a little hot, because of the hot food raises your body temperature . And even a slight rise in body temperature leads to an acceleration of metabolism in the body, this rule of physics can be found in school.

This feature of the red pepper noted experts . After you eat very spicy and spicy food , your body temperature begins to rise also . This process is known as diet -induced thermogenesis. There is the process of heat production in the body, caused under the influence of a special diet. When the body temperature is increased in the body accelerates metabolism, and for the effective operation of this exchange takes more energy, so the body begins to burn more calories that were stored in human body fat.

Some studies in western countries have shown that red pepper fruits can have a significant effect on the rate of metabolism. In one experiment, the researchers added 10 grams of red pepper in a food high in fat and carbohydrates. After that , they found that red pepper by its pungency and spiciness increases thermogenesis which helps to burn or oxidize fats contained in the food. Another study showed that if 6 to 10 grams of red pepper added to food had helped suppress hunger. It was tested on a group of men and women , and the results showed that the red pepper actually suppresses the appetite.


Thanks to modern research , the red pepper is often used as an ingredient in various food supplements for weight loss and works in harmony with other natural fat burner . As you know , the red pepper has a very long history as a seasoning , pepper fruits were always widely available and cost- effective, plus have broad health benefits.

If you want to show a little courage and add to your life a little pungent spices to lose weight, then start enjoying the benefits that red pepper can offer.


Online Beach Dating Rules for Men and Women

When summer is looming large over you, it's time for taking stock guys.


  • Gymming:
    You will be visiting the beach sooner or later now and this will require you to remove your shirt for saving yourself from making an impression that you are hiding something. Start visiting the gym well beforehand for getting your body sorted out, if you have a desire of enjoying the beach with girls. 3 months is a good enough time for developing a nicely shaped body. You will start feeling good about yourself by this.

  • Body Hair Removal:
    As we become older, the amount of body hair increases naturally. You should get this sorted out too. Having hair all over your back and shoulders is not going to do any good to you as this loses your attractive quotient in women's eyes. Visit a waxing salon for getting this hair removed. Waxing process hurts but you are required to undergo this only once in every interval of six weeks. Girls frequently wax their legs. An area catering to waxing is often found in gyms. You can also seek your mother's or sister's help while using a waxing kit at home. Removing your body hair greatly increases your desirability quotient and you are just required to spend few minutes over it.

  • Tanning:
    Pale people may consider opting for about 3 tanning salon sessions. By undergoing few sessions at a tanning salon, your skin pigments will possibly become receptive towards rapid tanning too.

Now that you are completely primed for hitting the beach for the purpose of meeting some babes, keep the following things in mind:

  • You should believe that girls would want you to entertain them and stroll past them. Though laying for long stretches in sand is not inherently interesting but by pretending that you are enjoying the place while looking at the babes, you will certainly catch the eye of many.

  • Beaches are places of relaxing for half-dazed, half-asleep and half-hung-over people. Hence, you will have to do some work for making things happen. Ogling the babes on the beach while they would be bathing will certainly not be beneficial to your cause and anyways you don't require this. Are you trying to say that you have never had a look at breasts before? Oh, come on!

  • You should understand that bikini-clad girls are there on the beach for displaying their body, or for having a tan, but, irrespective of these things, these girls are indeed attractive as well as attracting at the same time. Hence, instead of smiling, or leering, think about directly conversing with her. Instead of just saying “Hi”, think about chatting and making general conversation. You should also listen carefully to what she says for picking up clues regarding her interests and availability. Forget worrying about your tan or holding in your stomach as this may make you seem like an idiot.

Now, it is action time. Spot a single and available girl, go over to her and begin a light conversation which includes good humor, for making her laugh, as well as intelligent observation for impressing her. Be charming and witty while chatting with your damsel as dynamic conversation is equally important as are your abs and pecks. Bring a glass of cold drink for her as well as her friend, if present. If they desire, invite them for joining your male friends. Keep the initial contact brief for stirring interest. Retreat for playing games letting her look on as well as discuss your potential among her friends, before eventually returning for a longer conversation. You may have just gotten your girl.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Establish Relationship Trust – 7 Ways

Relationship Trust – How to Build It

How well can you identify the seven sure-fire ways to build relationship trust? They are not the first things we normally think about, so you’ll have to focus a bit. Some usually suggest adding a bit of spice to their relationships. That’s not correct. Consistency rules the day versus unpredictability and variety. So, here are seven guaranteed ways to make your relationship connections stronger. Doing these will improve the relationship trust-level and quality of your relationships.

Relationship Trust is Consistent

Be predictable, consistent, reliable, and steady. That goes against the grain of “stirring things up” to keep the romance from dying. Going to a watch a new movie every now and then is great. However, we derive most of our entertainment satisfaction from the regular shows we watch because of their consistency. It’s human nature to have some predictability. Relationship trust is built on a foundation of knowing things are going to be the same on a daily basis.

Make certain there is congruity in what you say and what you do. Don’t allow your words to overshadow your actions or your actions to overshadow your words. When you say you are in a certain mood, happy, excited or elated, don’t look gloomy as though you’ve just watched a horror movie or attended a funeral. Communicate the same energy you voice in your words through your body language. That’s how to communicate relationship trust. We take in much more by observation than we do by hearing. People always hear your body language much louder than they hear your voice.

Relationship Trust is Built On Faith

Respect your partner. Believe in their competency. It’s essential to have relationship trust you need in a relationship. Esteem them highly to create an environment for edification. Failure to believe in the competency of your partner violates relationship trust.

Relationship Trust is Built On Openness

Share your thoughts and feelings openly and honestly. Secrets should be avoided as they destroy trust. Honesty wins the day. Don’t be afraid to be open. Most people can handle the truth if you speak it to them lovingly, even when it is unpleasant. Secrets sap so much of your energy. Use that energy to build relationship trust.

Communicate your needs. Unless your partner knows what they are they cannot possibly help you to fulfill them. Don’t be too shy. Some degree of selfishness or is healthy. That means be selfish about your needs and communicating them, but don’t go overboard to the neglect and abuse of others. This builds respect and trust in a relationship.

Relationship Trust Is Built On Truth

Say no, without equivocation and mean it. Don’t say yes to everything especially when you don’t mean it. You will never be respected or trusted by never saying no.

Face the truth. Pursue it. In so doing you grow and growing is always healthy. To plant a flower you must get your hands dirty sometimes. In a relationship, dirt can cause terrible pain, but it is preparation of the soil for solid future growth. Understand you will face turmoil, crises and questions. It’s unavoidable. Learn to embrace the difficult and nurture future growth and change.

Working to build relationship trust builds pain because truth hurts. But as with a broken body, so with a broken heart. Pain leads to healing, You become stronger and more resilient. You enable and empower yourself to meet bigger challenges. You become a better and much closer couple.

I Want My Girlfriend Back!

4 Ways To Help Avoid looking DESPERATE After She Dumps You…

When you find yourself saying “I want my girlfriend back” you might also do stuff you wouldn’t normally do out of desperation to get her back.

Most of those things are usually very wrong, but because all you can hear is your heart and mind telling you how much you miss your girlfriend and want her back you’re driven to do any and all you can to have her back in your life.

If this sounds like you, then I have 4 good tips to help you survive the heartbreak of your break up, avoid looking desperate, and boost your confidence which will in turn boost your attractiveness.

I Want My Girlfriend Back Tip #1:

Keep Yourself Busy. I understand just about everything reminds you of her, which is normal, but sitting around missing her will only make you depressed. By keeping yourself busy, you can avoid the temporary insanity that a break up gives you.

Think about it for a second

how attractive would you look if your ex girlfriend knew you sat around all day thinking about her and crying. I’m not trying to make fun of your pain but it’s a truth you must keep in mind if you want her back.

Besides, staying busy and productive is a great outlet, and helps you feel more accomplished which in turn boosts your confidence.

I Want My Girlfriend Back Tip #2:

Exercise. You’d be surprised at the difference a little exercise makes, even if it’s just getting out of the house everyday to walk & take in fresh air.

Just like tip #1, you stay busy by working towards a goal while at the same time making yourself healthier and more attractive…which is definitely what we want.

If you already exercise than you understand the kind of BOOST it gives you to get through the day. But, if you don’t then you should really consider taking on a good high intensity training workout routine. You won’t be sorry.

I Want My Girlfriend Back Tip #3:

Keep A Well Balanced Diet. This goes along with exercising but it also covers an area a lot of people have a problem with in times of depression…and that’s either eating everything in sight or barely eating at all throughout the day.

Me personally, I eat. Food comforts me. But you can imagine the amount of weight gain that comes with it. We also can’t forget the other extreme, and that’s not eating enough. Becoming underfed & frail or fat & sluggish won’t do ANYTHING to make your ex girlfriend attracted to you again.

We need to be healthy in order to look and feel the best we can. Stop yourself when you know you’ve had enough and eat when you know your last meal was a piece of bread 5 hours ago.

I Want My Girlfriend back Tip #4:

Go out & Have Some Fun! Right now, going out for a night on the town may be the last thing on your mind, but it will work wonders to get your ex girlfriend back.

For one, if your girlfriend see’s you updating your Facebook or tweeting about how much fun you had last night, you can be darn sure she’ll feel a little left out & really curious about whether you’re talking to other girls. Believe it or not, when you make an ex girlfriend feel like you’re living it up, and don’t need them…

Something inside makes them want you back!

There you have it… 4 great tips to help you win back that special girl.

I Want The Best Way To Get Her Back Fast

First Step: Put Your Life Back in Line

You need to get over the break-up. This may be very hard but it is a necessary step in trying to win her back. Overcome the loneliness and sadness and start reshaping your life.

The points below can keep you motivated:

  • Every girl needs to see self-improvement from a man. Try and change on the things she was complaining about you when you were together. Change your attitude and everything else you feel will make you a better person. Start dressing smartly and hang out with the right crew. If you demonstrate self-improvement, she will see you as a new guy, not the guy she dumped!

  • You will never get her back if you are not emotionally healed. The breakup may be painful but you should get over it in one way or the other. Failure to do so will portray you as a desperate and clingy individual. Honestly, no woman in the world likes desperate men and neither will she.When she learns that you can still cope with life without her, she will admire you which gives you an edge in winning her back. You should know that women like independent and self-sufficient men who can cope with any situation in their lives. If you do it right and she learns that you are still having great time without her, she will want to come back to you and share the fun.

  • Changing your wardrobe can do just fine. Purchase those items you have always fancied. If you know of a certain outfit she likes, this would be the best time to get it. When she sees you dressed in new and fancy clothes, she will notice some improvement in your life which she would like to be part of.

  • Avoid displaying so much neediness. Stop behaving like your world ended when you broke up, do not go begging her to come back or going to her friends convincing them to lure her back. Trust me, this will only make her more withdrawn as she may enjoy seeing you suffer emotionally for a little while. She may even play pranks with you so as to inflict further emotional torment.

Change Your Attitude And Life For the Better

Your ex needs to see the mature and independent side of you. She also needs a guy who will be fun having around and so you should work towards becoming that guy. This might just help:

  • Do not be jealous even if she has a boyfriend. Jealousy can be brought about by fear of losing her forever or the anxiety of winning her back. If she learns that you are jealous, most probably she will try to cause you more pain by flaunting because she feels in control.

  • Pretend like everything is fine. Never let her know that you are emotionally depressed. Associate with people who makes you happy such as friends and family and will help you find happiness without her. She most likely will reject you if you are depressed or stressed and therefore you need to cheer up and find genuine happiness.

  • Girls love playful and humorous guys. You can try that by learning a few jokes (friends can help). Make sure the jokes are light and not always about her or else it will get personal. You can also trying being playful when around her making sure that you are gentle all through. This shows her that you are non-aggressive and youthful person.

  • Never call her when you are drunk. Drunk dialing can cost you the chance of ever winning her love again. Calling or texting while drunk will constantly push her further away from you because she sees you as a hopeless individual who has no focus in life. It also shows her how desperate you are.

Second Step: Set the Stage

Let her go. Here you should use the saying “If you love her very much, let her go, if she was meant to be yours, she will come back”. If you really had a good time together, she will have time to think about it and all that you meant to her. She eventually will feel the void in her life. You should let her go for the following reasons:

You need time to cool down your tempers especially if your relationship did not end well. At this point you need to apply the “no contact rule”. You can choose a period of your liking, be it 30, 45 or 90 days. Cut off all the communications even though it may hurt you, believe me, it will hurt her more.

Give her space because:

  • People deserve some breathing space so that they can focus on their personal life

  • She gets the opportunity of knowing your worth in her life. She will feel your absence.

  • This shows her how independent you are. This makes her attracted to you even more.

  • Find another girl and make her your friend. Ensure that your friendship is not intimate or else you risk her hating you forever. Having a female friend will show your ex how attractive you are to other girls.

  • Make sure that you just friend-zone that girl because a hook-up will ruin any chance of getting back with her.

  • Find a group of girls to hang with. This shows her that every girl is attracted to you and she will be more interested in getting you back for herself.

Be the Alpha Male

The alpha male is ranked highest in a group of primates and it gets to choose the females it wants. Definitely most girls will be attracted to the alpha male for the protection and respect that comes with it. Girls also believe that the alpha male will give biologically fit children. Things to do in order to be the Alpha male:

  • Change your health: This means putting your body in balance. If maybe you are obese, it is time you shed off some weight. You may need to work on your abs if you have not done it already and so this is the best time to hit the Jim. In case you are an alcoholic or a heavy smoker, you should moderate your smoking or drinking habits.

  • Change your wealth: Having high financial and social status matters to women and they are therefore attracted to men with these attributes. You should sit back and evaluate your life. How much do you earn? Where do you live? What are your goals in life? These questions will help you in knowing where you are in life and where you need to be in order to get her back. This is the best time to look for a better source of income and maybe set some new goals in life.

  • Change your love life: It will not do you any good when you are thriving economically and you are physically fit, if your love life sucks. You need to learn how to treat and handle women. You need to acquire the loving and caring attitude which will separate you from any other man. When you can make a woman so comfortable that when she is with you she is not herself, you will no doubt win any lady’s heart. This comes from knowing what to do and when to do it.

  • Change your wardrobe: Every lady is interested in a sharply dressed man. If you start dressing neatly and decently, you will be surprised at how easily ladies will fall for you. Ladies will see you as a go-getter who has focus in life and who leads an organized life.

  • Change your company: To be an alpha male, you need to associate with people of your standards and status. It is time you dumb your old and goalless friends and instead hangout with people of vision who will add value to your life. This will cement your social and economic status.

  • When you become the alpha male who is hunted by every girl in the neighborhood, you are ready for your ex. It is time to make the kill!!

Third Step: Make the Move

You can start by apologizing to her. Do this regardless of whether it’s you or her that ended your relationship. This shows your ex-girlfriend that she is greater than your ego and that you are caring enough to admit that you were wrong. If you give a perfect apology, you will be surprised at how miraculous it works. As part of the apology you can consider doing the following: Girls love flowers for reasons beyond men’s knowledge. Sending her flowers will change her attitude towards you and she will probably show them to her friends bragging about you. Every time she sees or smells them she will think about you and therefore you will have managed to be in the center of her thoughts. She will not be able to shut you out of her thoughts especially with something physical and pretty reminding her about you. A letter will do fine. You can start by saying something like: “I may not be able to heal your wounds with this letter and maybe I never will but you should know that I will forever care about you. That will never change! I have realized how much I lost in life when we broke-up”. Arrange a physical meeting at a place she will be comfortable and express how you feel. Admit that you made mistakes during your relationship and let her know that the biggest mistake you made was losing her. Do not ask her back, just state that you wanted to clear that from your chest. Regain your friendship with her. You may need to trust each other again after your broken relationship and so you should start mending the bridges. Girls do not trust easily and when betrayed it becomes hard for her to trust again. You need to show her that she can trust you again but I guarantee you that it is an uphill task. You can earn her trust by:

  • Doing something good for her and expecting nothing in return. You can surprise her with coffee or tea, buy her movie tickets, pay for her bus fare and other little nice things that will show her that you still care.

  • Hang out with her and do the things she likes most. Make sure that she enjoys your company. You can also recap on some funny moments you had together. Be confident, funny and playful all through.

Tell her that you still love her!

  • Once she has accepted your apology and befriended you, you can then claim her back. Do this on a romantic spot, maybe on a candle lit dinner or on the beach. Do this when it just you and her present.

  • You should express your honest feelings towards her. Do not focus on her wrongs but rather focus on yours. Tell her how much you have changed to ensure such things do not happen again.

  • Promise her that you can fix the things that led to your breakup and that you have learned from your mistakes. Take her through how you plan to build a better relationship with her, because it is of no use if you get back together and go through the same issues.

By this point she will be powerless in front of you because you will have become the man she ever wanted. She will probably shed a tear or two and will be more than ready to take you back. After she accepts you back, you can thank her for giving you a second chance promising never to make her regret her decision. You do not want to go through this again so make sure you keep your promises. Stick to the new man that you become and never look back. I promise you it will be very hard to win her back if you lose her again because she will see you as a good actor and pretender, a man who can’t be trusted to keep his word.

How Fat Loss 4 Idiots Can Help You Lose Weight?

Obese people wish to shed off their excess weight, but they are not conscious about the benefits of natural ways to reduce weight. Losing weight in the natural way will give you trustworthy results in the natural way. You will feel much more active and positive if you resort to these natural methods.

Artificial dietary products advise you to have these medicines for a specific number of days to lose some weight. But do you know that these unnatural ways cause various side effects? The side effects of quick weight loss solutions are dangerous and some of the products cause irreversible effects too. Most of these weight loss products are not approved by FDA making them not suitable even for healthy persons.

The fat loss 4 idiots diet plan includes different meals to be taken during different times in a day. The main problem with the other dieting programs is they decrease the carbohydrates in each meal, making you feel less energetic. Carbohydrates supply more energy to the body and if you don’t supply energy, your body will obviously look for more food. This will force you to give away the diet program and eat anything you wish. This will result in weight gain eliminating all the effects of weight loss diets. Thousands of people who followed calorie shifting diet program have found the program to be very helpful as the diet program is customized to the lifestyle of every individual. You take healthy food, feel full, and lose weight at the same time using this program.

The human metabolism reacts to food consumption pattern rather than the actual food you consume. Your body will burn calories based on your pattern of calorie consumption. If you consume the same amount of calories everyday, your metabolism will slow down resulting in accumulation of body fat. This holds true even if you take low calories each day. It is because of this fact, people on diet gain weight after some days of following the same diet pattern. fatloss4idiots is a great plan which helps you to reduce weight naturally exploiting varying calorie intake. Calorie shifting diet recommended by this plan is very effective as the metabolism is fooled to burn more fat everyday changing the consumed calories.

The calorie shifting diet provides three cheat days during which you can eat anything you wish but be sure that you eat healthy snacks. You will never feel less energetic and hungry with this diet program.


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Brain Pill - How to Improve Your Memory

Brain Pilltm – What Ingredients Does It Have?

The health supplements industry these days is booming and probably for good reason. Many of us take shortcuts with our diets and look to make up the shortfall in essential nutrients by popping vitamin and mineral pills or other dietary supplements.

How to Improve Your MemoryMost health authorities agree that there is nothing better than a balanced, healthy diet when it comes to supplying our bodies with the nutrients it requires for optimum function. However, for many of us our lifestyle is not always conducive to developing good, healthy eating habits and this can get us into trouble with our health in many ways.

Our brain is one of the organs affected by an inadequate diet, particularly long term. Poor brain health leads to a number of issues such as memory loss, poor learning abilities, brain fog, behavioral dysfunction and anxiety and depression. Whilst some of these are natural signs of aging, when they happen consistently in someone younger than 55 it may be an indication of poor brain health.

The brain requires a number of nutrients in order to function at full capacity. First up, the brain exclusively uses glucose for energy and is one of the few organs in the body that does not rely on the insulin activated GLUT4 glucose transporters to supply it with glucose.

Essential Nutrients For Good Brain Function Found In Brain Pilltm

The brain also requires a range of amino acids, fatty acids, phospholipids and other substances, which can be found in Brain Pilltm.

Docosahexaenoic acid

The omega-3 fatty acid Docosahexaenoic acid or DHA is one of the essential building blocks of the cerebral cortex. This is the area of the brain that controls language, emotion, attention, memory and creativity.

Some of the disorders and psychiatric problems linked to low DHA levels are ADHD, anger, depression, resentment and other serious psychiatric disorders. Increasing DHA levels through supplementation with products like Brain Pilltm has been shown to help improve brain related health problems and disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, ADHD, dementia, depression, memory loss and extreme moodiness.

Cognizin® Citicoline

All body cells, including brain cells, contain naturally occurring citicoline. Citicoline is involved in a number of critical cellular functions in the brain including increased blood flow and enhanced glucose metabolism. It also increases the brain’s neuroplasticity, which essentially means it increases the brain’s ability to create new neural connections. Citicoline also helps to

  • Decrease imbalances between free radical production and the body’s ability to neutralize them, a condition called oxidative stress.

  • Reduce neural inflammatory responses by slowing down free fatty acid release and lessening brain/blood barrier breakdown.

  • Build healthy neural membranes

  • Increase the activities of the cellular powerhouses called mitochondria, which provide cells with their energy

  • Bump up production of dopamine and acetylcholine, two important neurotransmitters. Dopamine is associated with pleasure, motivation and productivity. Acetylcholine is responsible for memory, particularly short term memory, learning and motor functions. Alzheimer's sufferers have insufficient levels of brain acetylcholine.

Citicoline has been prescribed in Japan and Europe for many years as a treatment for brain disorders like stroke, dementia, brain injuries, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer's as well as memory loss associated with aging. It has in fact been found to have similar effects to piracetam, a nootropic prescription drug in some countries. Brain Pilltm contains Citicoline.

Phosphatidylserine (PS)

PS is a phospholipid. Phospholipids are important structural components of cell membranes. The brain has an especially high concentration of PS. PS plays a vital signaling role in cell apoptosis and also regulates the brain’s nutrient intake and waste removal processes.

PS has been proven to help with concentration, learning, mindfulness, attention and memory improvement. It’s been used by ADHD sufferers with good effect and is popular as a memory supplement. Additionally, it may be a valuable treatment for Alzheimer's and Dementia. There is also good evidence to support PS’s role in helping to protect against age related brain issues such as mental decline as well as helping fight depression and assist with mood improvement. Importantly, PS also reduces stress by normalizing cortisol (the stress hormone) levels. Phosphatidylserine is one of the ingredients of Brain Pilltm .


Vinpocetine, a brain supplement that could also be regarded as a smart drug, hasn’t been around for as long as most of the other ingredients of Brain Pilltm. It is a semi synthetic version of vincamine, an alkaloid found in Vinca minor, the periwinkle plant. Available only by prescription in Japan and Europe where it is considered by many medical practitioners to be more effective than Gingko biloba, vinpocetine is sold as a health supplement in the US.

The main nootropic benefits of vinpocetine are memory improvement, better reaction time and enhanced brain metabolism leading to general good mental health. It’s also a good vasodilator and is recognised as a powerful anti-inflammatory with promising implications as a treatment for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Brain Pilltm contains vinpocetine as one of its powerful brain health ingredients.


Synapsa™ is a patented extract of Bacopa monnieri, a medicinal herb that has been widely used in some types of traditional medicine for centuries to treat a number of disorders including asthma, epilepsy, ulcers, leprosy, anemia, inflammation, gastroenteritis, tumors, ascites and enlarged spleen. The first mentions of Bacopa Monnieri in literature can be found in 6th century AD Indian texts describing how it was taken to help with mental deficits, sharpen intellect and to assist scholars who were required to memorize long scriptures and hymns.

The inclusion of Bacopa monnieri extract as Synapsa™ as an ingredient of Brain Pilltm is based in part on currently available scientific research as well as on its historical use in herbal medicine.

Unfortunately modern scientific testing of this herb to date has been limited but what research there has been indicates that it is a very effective antioxidant. It improves cognitive function and provides cellular neuro-protective benefits by reducing the oxidative stress associated with aging and neurodegenerative disorders. It has also been found to help increase blood flow to the brain. Other limited tests have shown that Bacopa monnieri can also reduce cortisol levels and produce a positive mood which has implications for its effective use as a supplement to help manage stress. However, more testing is required to scientifically confirm these results.

Tests on animals further show that Bacopa monnieri extract helps regulate the actions of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), a transferase enzyme responsible for the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that initiates muscle contractions. Low levels of ChAT activity and mutations in ChAT are linked to a number of neuromuscular diseases and congenital disorders respectively.

Huperzine A

Huperzine A is made from Huperzia serrata or Chinese club moss. It has been researched as a possible treatment for Alzheimer's and whilst it has shown potential, clinical trials to date have not been big enough or substantive enough for mainstream adoption of its use in the US. In China however Huperzine A has been a part of ancient Chinese medicine for centuries where it’s been used to help with inflammation, blood flow and memory enhancement. This traditional use is why it’s an ingredient in Brain Pilltm. Today in China Huperzine A is approved for the treatment of Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia.

Although clinical trials in the West have been limited and small in size, what is well known about Huperzine A is that it is an effective cholinesterase inhibitor. A cholinesterase inhibitor improves neurotransmitter levels in the brain by inhibiting their breakdown, more specifically acetylcholinesterase (AchE) in the case of Huperzine A, leading to enhanced nerve cell protection and memory improvements. This may help to slow cognitive decline in people with Alzheimer's and also provide memory-boosting properties. Huperzine A is also believed to provide other protective benefits for the brain.

Ginkgo Biloba

Surprisingly, in view of its long established and accepted use as one of the best natural brain supplements available, Ginkgo biloba has had a hard time scientifically standing up to its reputation for memory improving and cognitive enhancing functions, especially in healthy adults. At least 2 studies in fact have concluded that it has no appreciable benefits in these areas whatsoever, contradicting many hundred of years of use.

Despite these findings, Ginkgo biloba is one of the primary ingredients in Brain Pilltm because it’s still an extremely useful brain supplement for helping to balance out the brain’s chemistry, protecting it from damage caused by free radicals and increasing blood circulation. It’s used as a prescription drug in Europe but is available as a health supplement in the US.

Vitamin B12

One of the B Group vitamins, vitamin B12 is required for the production of red blood cells, the synthesis of DNA and for normal healthy brain and nervous system function. Low levels of B12 is also linked to cognitive deterioration. The vitamin B12 in Brain Pilltm helps ensure adequate daily intake of this essential vitamin.


Tyrosine is an amino acid. It is not an essential amino acid however because the body can manufacture it from phenylalanine, which is one of the 9 essential amino acids. Tyrosine is converted by the brain into L-DOPA and then into dopamine. Dopamine in turn is used to manufacture other neurotransmitters norepinephrine and epinephrine.

Dopamine and norepinephrine belong to a category of brain chemicals called monoamines. Monoamines play a major role in controlling mood and how we experience fear and pleasure. It’s also thought that they are pivotal in numerous other brain functions like memory, attention and learning. Low levels of dopamine have been linked to depression, addictions, poor attention, lack of focus, compulsive behavior, cravings and loss of motor control.

Ensuring that we get enough tyrosine or its precursor phenylalanine is crucial for normal dopamine production. Tyrosine is one of the ingredients in Brain Pilltm.


Theanine is a natural amino acid analogue of the amino acid glutamate, meaning that it has a similar structure to this amino acid but differs slightly in composition. Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter responsible for stimulating the brain and because theanine is similar in construction, it can bind with glutamate receptors in the brain. This interaction with the glutamate receptors inhibits the process by which glutamate stimulates the brain, causing a calming effect.

Theanine has been linked with an increase in alpha wave brain activity, reduced anxiety and also improving sleep quality. It is also thought to play a role in regulating inhibitory neurotransmitters like serotonin and GABA as well as perceived cognitive benefits. Traditionally found in green and black teas, theanine is also an ingredient in Brain Pilltm.

Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5)

Pantothenic acid is used to manufacture coenzyme A (CoA), an important component in the creation of fatty acids, cholesterol and the all important neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Although pantothenic acid deficiencies are rare, in studied cases it was found that acetylcholine production was also low, leading to the onset of neurological symptoms. Because of its importance in the synthesis of acetylcholine pantothenic acid is included as an ingredient in Brain Pilltm.

Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)

Another of the B group vitamins, folic acid is required by numerous processes in the body, notably for DNA and RNA synthesis, new cell growth, fertility and neural tube development in foetal growth. There is also evidence that indicates a folic acid deficiency may be associated with depression. The same study also found that supplementation with folic acid affects serotonin and norepinephrine receptors in the brain, something that is believed could be the reason why folic acid appears to act as an antidepressant. Folic acid is found in a wide variety of foods but is also one of the ingredients in Brain Pilltm.

If you’re looking for the ultimate in smart pills to help boost cognitive function and boost your brain power, Brain Pilltm can certainly help. However, remember that not even Brain Pilltm can undo the effects of a bad diet.


Abs Workout Techniques for Six Pack Abs

Abs Workout Techniques & Tips. You Can Get 6 pack Abs!

Here are several abdominal “Abs” workout techniques and tips that will give you ideas on how to get those six pack abs you may desire.

Who Wants ABS that are Rock Hard? Then follow these simple techniques …

There is a lot more to getting 6 pack abs then doing continuous situps. First it might be a good idea to understand the body makeup.

The human body adominal area includes the rectus abdonomis, serratus anterior, external abdominal oblique muscles, and the internal abdominal oblique. Our abdominals are also considered our “core” muscles and support our back muscles and keep our posture aligned. It is important to remember that they are there to support our body as well as let us bend backward, forward and to the side.

Although they are core muscles that support our body, they also work at keeping our body stabilized when we performing upper body lifts and lower body lifts during bodybuilding techniques and activities.

When we fully understand exactly how our abdominals support us in our activities, it is easier to zero in on training each ab area with a targetted workout.

Flexing forward is one of the best ways to train our abs and get more definition.

Your diet plays an important role in getting six pack abs. Getting rid of the fat the seems to find its way to the adominals will help those ab muscles show up better. Lowering fat intake and increasing cardio workouts can help.

High repetition of any type of abdominal exercises help too, especially in conjunction with a low fat diet. High repetitions of ab exercises usually do not usually add to muscle mass.

As stated prior, cardio workouts really do assist in getting rid of lingering fat around your middle and help them become more defined.

Yet, you must be careful when using cardio while trying to build muscles. You do not want to burn up all the extra calories you are adding to build muscle with the cardio. That is why a good bodybuilding techniques program like the P90X workout could help immensely. Helping you schedule the right type of exercises at the right time.

Eating healthy low fat, high protein meals 4 to 6 times a day helps build muscle, increase your metabolism and keep your body from storing fat. So, high repetitive general ab exercises, eating right, and the right amount of cardio exercises should bring you the abs definition you desire.

Top 12 Bodybuilding Vitamins for Fast Muscle Growth

List of the Top 12 Bodybuilding Supplements / Vitamins

Did you know that body building supplements and Vitamins are very important in how fast you will gain muscle mass? This article will explain these supplements and vitamins for body builders.

There are different types of vitamins, yet they can be divided into either fat soluble or water soluble. The fat soluble vitamins like Vitamin A, D or K are stored in the your body’s fat tissue. The use of these vitamins should be carefully monitored since they are stored in the body. An overdose of these types of vitamins can lead to dangerous toxicity.

Water soluble vitamins are B and B complex vitamins (yet Vitamin C is also considered water soluble). These B Vitamins include B1 Thiamine, B2 Ribofavin, B3 Niacin, B6 Pyridoxine, Folate, B12 Cobalamin, Biotin, and Pantothenic Acid. Being water soluble, these B vitamins are not usually stored in the body, with non-used amounts excreted. Although toxicity in the body of these vitamins are usually not a problem, their dosage should also be monitored.

Important Body Building Vitamins:

Cobalamin (vitamin B12)

Body builders use Vitamin B12 to help with carbohydrate utilization as well as maintaining the nervous system including the spinal cord. You can consume Vitamin B12 through foods from animals. Body builders that are also vegetarians may wish to talk to their doctor about B12 supplements. Many use B12 shots (both vegetarians and non vegetarians), which they say help them perform better.


Biotin is very helpful in amino acid absorption. Some body builders have a problem in maintaining the right levels of Biotin if their diet consists of a large number of raw egg whites.

Vitamin B2 Riboflavin

Vitamin B2 is important because it helps in energy output in 3 ways — Glucose absorption; Oxiadation of fatty acids; the movement of Hydrogen ions through the Krebs cycle.
B2 Riboflavin also helps with protein use and those with good dietary B2 could have better lean body mass.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A may most well known as being helpful with our vision, yet bodybuilders should know its other benefits. It is very important with protein synthesis, the process of muscle growth. It also assists in the body producing Glycogen for energy for intense performance.

Vitamin A levels are particularly problematic with bodybuilders. Heavy activity like weightlifting can cause Vitamin A not to be absorbed as well. In addition, a low fat diet could also cause a low level of Vitamin A. Therefore bodybuilders should be very careful in their taking of Vitamin A.

Vitamin E

The Vitamin E is thought to be a good antioxidant that protects cell membranes. Healthy cell membranes are required in recuperating muscles as well as growth.

Vitamin B3 Niacin

B3 is important to the body’s energy and is used in almost 60 different metabolism processes. It is critically important for bodybuilders in providing fuel for training.
Turkey meat is a good source for B3 in that it is high in tryptophan which your body uses to make B3.

Vitamin D

Recently Vitamin D insufficiency has been in the news (especially about kids being low in Vitamin D). It plays an important role in the body’s ability to absorb calcium and phosphorus.
Your body needs calcium not only for good bones, but also for muscle contraction. Your body needs phosphorus for powerful, fast muscle contractions — the movements made with weight lifting. It is also needed for ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate).

Look for foods fortified with Vitamin D, like no-fat milk.

Vitamin B1 Thiamine

Vitamin B1 is especially required by the body for protein absorption and muscle growth. It also helps form hemoglobin found in red blood cells that send oxygen through the body. The right amount of oxygen in the blood is very critical for performance and even more so with intense workouts and endurance. According to Thiamine research, the more you exercise intensely, the more Thiamine is needed by the body.

Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine

Vitamin B6 is very important for protein absorption, use of ingested carbs and growth. Studies have shown it is like Thiamine, the more and longer you workout, your body may need more B6.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is very important for body builders. It protects muscle cells from free radical damage and helps with recovery and muscle growth. It also helps with amino acid absorption and the forming of collagen. Collagen is makes up connective tissue which holds the muscles and bones together. Vitamin C also helps the body absorb iron better which is required for oxygen in the blood. Another requirement Vitamin C helps with is the forming and releasing of the body’s own steroid hormones which include testosterone. Since Vitamin C is water soluble (very), it is used up very fast in a muscle builders body.

Bodybuilding techniques are important, yet sometimes people who are looking to gain muscles, ignore some of these important vitamins which are required for performance and muscle growth. It would be a good idea to make sure your diet is supplying you with enough of these Vitamins. If you are not getting enough of these vitamins, your body could suffer, gains may not be made quick enough and energy may be lacking.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Best Chatroom Dating Tips

Want to make hundreds of friends? Feeling lonesome due to lack of friends? Well, why worry; just be happy with online dating services –the fastest way to make friends and dates of course. You may meet numerous friends on the net and a soul mate amongst them. Feeling thrilled about it.

Plus the anonymity of the chatting sites gives you ample scope to discover and decipher according to your taste and liking. It is not obligatory to dress-up right for the occasion nor can you inspect the other person. You may enter a chatroom as an invisible person and watch the activities (written) of that particular room, even if you join in and do not like the raucous atmosphere, just log out and presto all the pests are gone with the click of a mouse. You may change your nickname frequently to avoid being recognized.

Here are some handy tips for becoming more –chat –savvy.

  • Protect your true identity at all costs : don't use your professional email to log on to a chat room. Sign up with fancy nicknames with famous search engines like google, yahoo and hotmail, who have their own chat rooms. Don't reveal anything other than your gender and country.

  • Avoid giving personal info: even in casual conversation or chatting, never give out your exact location, workplace area or the town you live. Use your head, while speaking about the heart. Be wise and never indulge in any conversation, where the other person is trying to locate you.

  • Use Common Sense : Use discretion and sound judgment. Avoid a person who sounds creepy and strange. He may be mentally imbalanced for all you know. Avoid a person who is keen on you even if you have told him/her of your disinterest.

  • Be Truthful: if you want people to be honest, you yourself should practice it first. Don't give personal details but at least don't pretend that you are of the opposite sex or likewise. For example, if you are a boy, don't pretend you are a girl. The other person may use the same tactics on you too. And god-forbid if you meet your dream date with such blatant lies, then you have already lost the battle before you have even started it.

  • Don't Imagine Too Much: if you are on a chat room, you really have no clue about the person at the other end. So don't assume things, don't fantasize he is a good-looking hunk, you may be verily disappointed when you finally meet in person. Keep an open mind and never attempt guesswork

  • Don't fake pictures: You have liked a person and you want to swap photos with him/her.  Send a recent photograph, which is good but not overtly flattering. Misleading snaps can cause major disappointments in later life. Never send the snap of your friend or your cousin in an attempt to pose as an attractive girl/boy.

  • Similar activities: If you're on the right track and have hit it off with a date, share your favorite pastimes and other activities with one another. Make sure that you gel with your newfound date.

  • Final meeting: You have a great friend through online chatting and you want to meet him/her. Decide the point of meeting; let it be a public place, which is safe and comfy. Be prepared mentally. To talk over a chat room is different from talking in person. Even you are not getting on well, make some excuse and leave the place. Take extreme precaution; let someone elderly know the place of the meeting in case of some calamity…

Therefore always play safe when you are online and use your common sense while talking to uncommon friends.