Test Post from Planet Supplement
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Weight Loss Tea - Answer To All You Could Possibly Ask!
We want to give you some weight loss tea tips to compliment your existing diet and exercise efforts. There’s no question about the value of slimming teas. Lots of current dieters attest to it… and thousands of years of hands-on testing by the Chinese back up it’s value.
The plain and simple fact is… old fashioned, Chinese slimming tea works! Our objective is to introduce you to the weight loss tea world and help you join it. And don’t worry, this is not a chemistry lesson.
What is Tea?
Generally, tea is brewed from the dried and processed leaves of a shrub (Camellia Sinensis) which was originally cultivated in China. Certain herbal teas do not contain the leaves from the tea shrub, although many do as part of the herbal mix. Of course, herbal ingredients come from plants other than the Camellia Sinensis.
What Makes One Weight Loss Tea Different From Another?
It’s the processing that defines the various weight loss teas we’re focusing on in this website. All teas, with the possible exception of some herbal teas, contain the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. However, they are all processed differently. It’s the processing that can affect the taste and weight loss characteristics of a particular tea. It also creates the basic differences between Black tea, Green tea and Oolong tea.
The taste can also be adjusted by adding additional plants to the mix. This is common with herbal teas.
The standard process includes: picking (of course!), wilting, bruising, oxidation, fixation, sweltering, rolling, drying, and aging. In subsequent articles we’ll briefly describe what variations in the process create the different types of weight loss teas.
What About Tea Quality?
Your best bet is to stay away from tea bags. Loose tea often delivers a much higher quality tea. Tea bags can hide some poor quality tea leaves and stems.
What Are Some Different Types Of Slimming Teas?
We will be discussing Oolong tea, Green tea, Black tea and Herbal slimming teas in subsequent articles. They all come under the the category of Chinese slimming tea.
How Does Tea Make You Lose Weight?
Basically, Oolong and Herbal teas cause weight loss by speeding up the metabolism with caffeine. Green tea does the same thing, but has an additional punch. It contains something called polyphenols that assist in burning stored body fat.
What's next?
Below you get more specific information for each type of tea weight loss program mentioned above.
Green Tea Diet
The green tea diet plan, along with sensible exercise, seems to have caught on with the weight loss crowd… big time! The Chinese have been singing the health and slimming benefits of drinking green tea for thousands of years. But, it’s discovery as a weight loss tool, especially in western countries, has been fairly recent.
History of Green Weight Loss Tea
China was the original source of green tea. It didn’t take long for its popularity to find it’s way into Japan and South Korea. It’s now grown in many regions, including the Middle East. Although black tea has been the traditional favorite tea of Westerners, green tea has been making substantial inroads into that market in recent years.
Of course, the scientific discoveries of it’s weight loss characteristics have had a lot to do with it’s increased popularity. The unique taste, to be enjoyed when drinking green tea, is also a factor in it’s popularity.
However, only recently have scientists defined how a green tea diet has a fourfold effect on weight loss.
Green Tea Benefits Weight Loss 4 Ways
- The green weight loss tea diet supplies caffeine to speed up our metabolism, causing our system to burn calories.
- The caffeine also acts as a source of energy for us to burn additional calories while exercising.
- Green tea contains polyphenols that helps us burn the existing fat deposits in our system and also assist in the prevention of fat from forming in our system.
- It also acts as a hunger suppressant tea.
The Processing of Green Tea
The variations in tea processing is what differentiates one tea from another. This is where you get the unique tastes and characteristics.
- After picking, the leaves are laid out to dry for less than a day. (Unlike oolong and black teas, green tea does not go through an oxidization process.)
- The leaves are then either fried or put through a steaming process. They are then rolled up and allowed to dry. The result is its unique taste… and retention of natural nutrients and antioxidants.
- Green tea is barely oxidized and pretty much retains the original color of the tea leaf. Oolong and black teas have gone through fermentation and heavy oxidation… becoming darkened in color.
Compared To Other Slimming Teas
Green tea has a unique taste of it’s own and since it doesn’t go through the oxidation process, it is lower in caffeine than oolong tea and black tea. However, it does contain some caffeine. And, because of it’s unique process, it contains polyphenols that are known to hinder the formation of body fats and reduce existing fat deposits in the body.
Therefore, you get a triple whammy with the green tea diet:
- It contains catechins that not only help prevent the buildup of fat deposits in our system, they help remove existing fat deposits.
- Its caffeine content is still enough to provide an increase in the metabolism.
- Green tea is also known as an appetite suppressant.
Oolong Tea Weight Loss
It’s been claimed a person can burn 2.5 times more calories than ordinary Green tea by adhering to a daily Oolong tea weight loss program. It contains more caffeine. Whether or not this is an exact statement remains to be seen. Oolong tea (aka Wu-long tea, Wulong tea, Wu-yi tea) has been with us a long time. Its translation from Chinese is ‘Dark Dragon Tea’… an ancient Chinese weight loss tea, ranked somewhere between Green tea and Black tea for caffeine content.
Oolong Tea Weight Loss… Background
This is the great tasting tea commonly served in Chinese restaurants the world over. It compliments all kinds of Asian foods… served unsweetened. Although some Oolong teas are mixed with jasmine leaves, it doesn’t mean it is of higher quality than the standard Oolong tea. It just smells better. Oolong tea originated in the Wuyi Mountains of Fujian Provence in southern China. As the story goes, it was named after the part of Wuyi mountain where it was originally produced. It became a popular tea about 500 years ago. These days most tea enthusiasts believe Taiwan produces the best Oolong tea in the world. The growing conditions are ideal and the Taiwanese possess a strong tea culture. Oolong tea thrives in the subtropical climate of the the mountains of central Taiwan. The growing conditions are ideal.
Processing Oolong Tea
The process requires only a partial oxidation of the leaves. After the leaves are picked they are spread out to dry, usually for less than a day, depending on the humidity. The idea is to get most of the water in the leaves to evaporate. The leaves are then tossed in baskets to bruise the edges of the leaves. This causes the leaves to partially oxidize. Next, the leaves are steamed, stopping the oxidation process. The last step is to dry the tea prior to sorting, grading and packaging. Keep in mind that tea processing is an art not a science. Although most people rave about the taste of Oolong, the taste can vary a little from batch to batch… constantly offering a pleasant surprise.
Choosing Your Slimming Tea
It’s difficult to arrive at a consensus as to exactly how Oolong slimming tea can help with our weight loss diet. However, there seems to be little doubt of its effectiveness. Not only does it increase our metabolism to burn calories, it is also known to have a chemical effect on fat oxidation within our bodies. It also inhibits the absorption of fat and carbohydrates. These observations have been recently stated by research groups of both sides of the Pacific. Along with the scientific findings, the numerous articles in magazines and internet blogs tell us the Oolong tea weight loss program is doing the job. It’s the real deal… and tastes great!
Herbal Slimming Tea
Sometimes herbal slimming tea contains the leaves of the traditional tea plant (Camellia sinensis) in it’s mix and… sometimes it doesn’t. However, most of the herbal slimming tea blends on the market today contain some variation of seeds, herbs, fruits, flowers, roots and leaves that are believed to have a weight loss effect. There’s blooming tea and there’s flowering tea. Unless you’re an organic chemist, there probably isn’t much point getting into a detailed discussion of the properties of individual ingredients at this point.
Also, the Chinese have been offering herbal weight loss tea blends for thousands of years that defy classification. The point is… if it’s been declared safe by the medical authorities and has a good reputation in the weight loss community, why not give it a try?
What Makes Herbal Slimming Teas Special?
These weight loss herbal teas are really effective because of the specific compounding of various ingredients that make them a catalyst in the slimming process. Plus, along with the intended weight loss effects, you usually get (depending on the mixture of ingredients) additional benefits.
These added health benefits are caused by the interaction of various compounds and antioxidants in the tea that speed up the metabolism and enhance the immune system. So, you not only get a weight loss effect, you get the additional health benefits as a bonus… two for the price of one.
Weight Loss Herbal Tea… in Plain English
Herbal teas create weight loss and health because they speed up the metabolism and clean out the system .
Herbal weight loss tea and herbal detox cleanse tea have something in common. They both detox the system, making the body run with more efficiency… resulting in weight loss.
Choosing Your Herbal Specialty Tea Formula
If you can’t decide which herbal tea to buy, why not make your own? Many sites on the internet are offering recipes for herbal slimming tea (check out herbal detox tea also) that you can put together yourself.
There are numerous ingredients to choose from. Many can be home grown or easily purchased from a health food shop near you. Also, specialty tea shops — both online and brick and mortar — are becoming more and more common, so it should be fairly easy to find what you need.
A commonly found ingredient of herbal slimming teas is hoodia gordonii. According to the authorities, it’s a natural appetite suppressant. Others are guarana, kola nut and ma huang.
Creating and mixing your own herbal tea weight loss formula might be more fun than plunking an expensive tea bag into your next cuppa.
Herbal Slimming Tea — try it, you’ll like it!
Black Tea Weight Loss
Black tea is by far the most popular tea sold in the western world. It accounts for approximately 90% of all tea sales. Therefore, it’s easy to find on the supermarket shelf at a price that’s friendly to everyone’s budget.
The black tea weight loss program is the easiest to live with, especially if there are no specialty tea shops located in your area. Sometimes oolong and green teas are difficult to find.
Black weight loss tea is worthy of a look. It’s the real deal.
Black Tea Origins
Black tea comes from the same camellia sinensis plant as oolong and green tea. It’s grown chiefly in India, Sri Lanka (Ceylon Tea) and China. Many consider Darjeeling tea, grown about 4,000 feet up in the mountains of northeast India, to be the champagne of black tea. Whether it is the best black tea or not remains a question of taste.
Speaking of taste… try brewing your favorite black tea from loose tea, while avoiding the black tea bags. I think you’ll find it tastes better. Tea suppliers have a tendency to hide some of the poorer quality tea in tea bags.
Is Black Tea Good For Weight Loss?
Of the three most popular weight loss teas we feature on this site, black tea contains the highest caffeine content. It’s extremely efficient at speeding up the metabolism, resulting in weight loss. Green tea has the least caffeine of the three, leaving oolong in the middle position. We don’t feature white tea because of it’s low caffeine content.
However, all three of the included teas are known for their own specific weight loss characteristics. They all don’t rely on caffeine exclusively. Oolong and green tea attack the weight problem from a couple of directions while a black tea weight loss program confronts it head-on with its high caffeine content, causing the metabolism to speed up the most, resulting in a more rapid calorie burn.
What makes Black Weight Loss Tea Different?
The processing of black tea at the tea plantation level causes it to be oxidized (fermented) longer than the other tea types. This is what brings about the high caffeine content compared to oolong and green tea. However, we still end up with a caffeine content that’s about half of what you’d get from a cup of coffee.
Black Tea And Weight Loss… What Else?
It’s good to keep in mind the traded benefits when you give up that high calorie drink and replace it with the black tea diet drink. Also, it doesn’t make any difference if your tea is consumed hot or cold. An ice tea during the dog days of summer contains the same beneficial ingredients as that hot cup you crave in February… maybe July if you live in Australia.
In recent years, numerous researchers have also attributed the caffeine in black tea with being an appetite suppressant. That’s gotta be an added benefit… especially if it keeps us away from the cookie jar. Black tea for weight loss works! Try it.
Ginseng Tea Weight Loss
Ginseng was first observed growing wild in Manchuria about 5,000 years ago. The Chinese named it “ren shen” which means “man root”… probably because the ginseng root has a shape similar to the outline of the human legs. Sometimes it’s spelled ginsing or jinseng. Ginseng is currently being cultivated in such diverse places as Russia, Asia, South America and United States.
The basic element of ginseng herbal tea is the dried root of the ginseng plant. It can also include the stems and leaves, but the root is the important part. The Ginseng root has been used for centuries in Asia to increase energy, strengthen the immune system and, in more recent years, ginseng weight loss tea has become a much discussed dieting subject.
Ginseng Types
The three major types of ginseng are the Asian, Siberian and American ginseng. The most common type used in tea making is the Asian ( Panax) Ginseng. This is grown in China, Korea and Japan.
The ginseng harvest usually occurs when the plant is close to six years old. The drying process dictates whether ginseng is typed as either red or white. Prior to drying, the root is steamed… producing red ginseng. White ginseng root is peeled and dried in the sun, thus bleaching the root to a lighter color. The red ginseng is said to contain more beneficial elements.
Wild vs Cultivated Ginseng
Various research has shown that ginseng grown in the wild contains more health benefits than cultivated ginseng. However, wild ginseng is not that easy to find and the price is quite steep. Most ginseng product on the market today comes from cultivated roots.
How Does Ginseng Weight Loss Tea Work?
The main function of ginseng, as an herbal slimming tea, is to increase the metabolism which is the rate that calories are converted into energy. It should be noted that ginseng does not contain caffeine, unlike teas for weight loss derived from the camellia sinensis plant… which is the basis for most all teas. Therefore, don’t worry about lose of sleep at bedtime. The ginseng metabolism booster will have left your system by then.
Ginseng benefits us by being a natural energy booster. It has been used to combat fatigue and loss of appetite while improving red blood cell counts. This is important while dieting. Ginseng for weight loss can supply that extra energy boost to our exercise program… without any added calorie baggage.
Ginseng Tea Benefits
- as an energy source
- as an antioxidant
- as a brake on the aging process
- as a stimulant to the immune system
Ginseng has been described as the ultimate herb, giving your body a much needed energy charge, better concentration, and a more efficient immune system.
Hoodia Tea
Hoodia tea is a unique herbal slimming tea. It’s varies from many of the traditional Chinese slimming teas by having the ability to reduce our food cravings. The hoodia element of the herbal tea blend works on the brain, reducing the urge to eat. This natural appetite suppressant convinces you into thinking you are not hungry.
Hoodia Weight Loss Tea Formula
The Hoodia slimming tea blend has become quite popular in recent years. This herbal tea formula usually consists of the following:
- Hoodia cactus(Hoodia gordonii), indigenous to the Kalahari dessert in Africa, has been used by African people as an appetite suppressant for centuries. The cactus’s key ingredients signal the brain into thinking the stomach is full and thereby suppresses hunger pangs. Hoodia also works to increase stamina and endurance.
- Green Tea is known to increases body metabolism rates that help with fat burn.
- Oatstraw herb is a diuretic that assists the processing of liquid wastes.
- Magnolia bark helps clear the digestive tract.
- Bitter orange assists the body with bile production that helps it break down fat more efficiently.
The Green Tea and Hoodia Combination
Many people prefer to use liquid hoodia (rather than hoodia pills) to mix with the green tea because of the ease of use… a few drops is all that’s needed. It’s a good idea to let the green tea cool for a few minutes before adding the hoodia. Boiling hot water has a tendency to reduce the potency of most herbs.
It’s also a good idea to limit your intake of green tea and hoodia mix to no more than 3 times a day or you might not feel like eating at all. Proper nutrition is also an important ingredient for any effective weight loss program.
How Does Hoodia Green Tea Work?
While both are complimentary, green tea and hoodia work in different ways:
- Green tea helps speed up the metabolism. This causes an increase in the calorie burn that is beyond our normal caloric burn. Thermogenics is the principle that explains this type of activity. Another green tea benefit, often overlooked by zealous weight loss enthusiasts, is that green tea is packed with numerous, beneficial antioxidants.
- Hoodia works by managing those nagging hunger cravings. By toning down those cravings, you have a better chance of success with your weight loss diet.
The two complimentary, important ingredients of hoodia help us win the battle of the bulge by raising our metabolism and subduing the hunger cravings. This can really provide a boost to anybody’s slimming program. Hoodia green tea is worth a try.
Honey And Cinnamon For Weight Loss
Add half a teaspoon of cinnamon to a cup of boiling water, stir and let it cool down about 15 – 20 minutes. Then, add a teaspoon of raw honey to the mix. The cooling down prevents the honey from losing many of its beneficial ingredients. You can alter the mix to suite your taste, but try to keep the 1 part cinnamon to 2 parts honey ratio.
Drink half the cup 30 minutes before breakfast and the other half (on an empty stomach) just before bedtime.
Honey Diet Weight Loss
This part of the equation involves raw honey that primarily speeds up our metabolism and secondarily contributes toward a reduction in our stored fat deposits… resulting in a honey diet weight loss.
Honey weight loss dieting has been with us for some time. Some say it started in India. Some say China. One of the more popular honey weight loss drinks over the years has been a cup of warm water with a spoonful of raw honey.
Honey and weight loss is here to stay. Of course, we can add more to the story.
Cinnamon Weight Loss
This second part of the equation introduces us to the cinnamon weight loss factors. Cinnamon is well known as an appetite suppressant. This tasty spice combats our tendency to gain weight with its ability to manage glucose and insulin levels within our circulatory system.
While cinnamon is reducing our blood sugar, it also is actively regulating our insulin level. Both activities are key to effective weight loss.
There are also numerous cinnamon health benefits like preventing stomach ulcers, treating urinary infections, arthritis and indigestion… to name a few. Many other healthful benefits are still being discovered. There is little evidence of any side effects from cinnamon,
Honey And Cinnamon For Weight Loss
This combo of honey and cinnamon gives us a great tasting, synergistic mix.
A honey and cinnamon drink should give us our desired slimming results if we approach it with a fair amount of discipline and consistency. It’s important to stick with the morning and night drink regimen. We also don’t want to forget that our weight loss efforts can be enhanced by adding a reasonable exercise program to the formula. Older people might want to start with just a brisk walk once a day.
How To Buy Honey
When purchasing honey, beware of the words “pure” and “pasteurized “. You don’t want that. You want “raw” honey. Pure honey has been pasteurized, causing the removal of the good things necessary for kick-starting the slimming process.
Pure honey looks clearer. That’s because of the pasteurization and excessive filtering. Raw honey is darker and thicker. It still contains many of those ingredients that have been cooked and filtered out of the pure honey. Raw honey can be stored at room temperature. Along with providing more nutrients, raw honey also tastes better.
Ballerina Tea Weight Loss
Ballerina diet tea (aka 3 ballerina tea) is an Asian slimming tea with a fairly long history… dating back about 500 years. It’s formulation comes from the book, Detailed Outlines on Chinese Herbs by Lee Sze Zhen.
Ballerina Tea Weight Loss Formula
Ballerina diet tea has become quite popular in recent years. Its weight loss formula normally consists of orange peel, senna leaves, green tea and Malva:
- The orange peel not only adds flavor to the tea, The white part of the peel contains bioflavonoids that strengthen your blood capillaries, increasing their ability to deliver blood, oxygen and nutrients to your body tissue and organs.
- Senna (Cassia Angustifolia) is the primary herbal ingredient of Ballerina Tea. It’s a natural laxative that aids in emptying and cleaning the colon. It helps with weight loss by creating better digestion, causing a more efficient absorption of nutrients while stimulating the weight loss process. Of course, the senna can only work on the slimming process in conjunction with a low calorie diet. The cleansing process of senna also helps you to burn fat more efficiently, creating more energy for the exercise part of the overall weight loss program.
- The Green tea component has an impact on your metabolism. It is an excellent drink for this. Since your stomach feels full while drinking the liquid, it reduces your craving for food. It also reduces the craving by helping your body regulate its blood sugar levels.
- Malva (Chinese mallow) is an herbal slimming agent that also has an effect of regulating blood sugar levels by inhibiting the insulin spikes that makes us think about reaching for a snack. Malva also helps you burn the fat deposits that have been stored in your system over time.
Ballerina Weight Loss Tea Positives
- Ballerina slimming tea is composed of natural weight loss/diuretic properties and antioxidants.
- The price is right for this herbal slim tea. You can give it a try without denting the family budget.
- It’s easier to make and drink a Ballerina tea than some of the other popular concoctions on the market. Brewing this herbal weight loss tea is a piece of cake.
A Ballerina Weight Loss Tea Concern
Since Ballerina diet tea is powerful, it’s best you get yourself accustomed to it with diluted doses in the beginning, then gradually working up to the recommended doses. Otherwise your digestive system may become upset.
Ballerina tea works. It’s inexpensive and easy to mix. The reviews all say it’s worth a try.
Herbal Detox Cleanse
While you are at it — along with loosing weight with your herbal slimming tea — why not consider doing a natural detox cleanse to increase the efficiency of the body organs. An herbal body cleanse could help clear the way for a more effective weight loss program.
Yes, there appears to be an herbal remedy for every occasion. That’s the beauty of it. You no longer have to rely on chemicals from the big pharmaceutical companies. You have a choice. Natural detox cleanse with herbs is a relatively new topic of discussion in the west. However, as you might expect, the Chinese have been doing herbal body cleansing for centuries.
Is There a Need for Natural Detox Cleanse?
Detoxifying the body became an issue after we became aware of the deterioration of the environment during the later part of the 20th century. Now that we know the environment is not going to be cleaned up anytime soon, maybe it’s time for us to start protecting and cleansing ourselves… especially after ingesting all those toxic chemicals.
The liver, lungs, kidneys and colon are the organs we should be particularly concerned with, since one of their primary functions is to rid the body of impurities. A polluted environment can overtax their capabilities.
Like most of us, you probably are looking for a natural solution to this problem. Below are a few detox cleanse diet suggestions that might help you join the natural health care rebellion.
Body Cleansing Diets
Lemon Detox Diet – This is a very popular, safe, natural diet without any chemical traces. The lemon detox cleanse consists of lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup and fresh water.
The acidic lemons assist the cleansing process while the cayenne pepper helps promote faster metabolism, easing circulation and helping with the release of toxins. This detox cleanse diet will not only cleanse your body, it will help you lose weight and feel physically better.
Raw Food Detox Diet – This diet focuses on unprocessed food and large quantities of fruits and raw vegetables. Weight loss is accomplished by getting rid of toxic waste from the body.
Various Detox Cleanse Diet Recipes – Just plug “detox diet recipes” into your browser to find a bunch of interesting detox recipes.
Most detox foods are fairly tasteless and this makes it difficult for some people, but a detox diet recipe from the internet (suggested above) should help solve that problem. Since these recipes don’t contain any fats, weight loss should be an added benefit.
Final Body Cleansing and Weight Loss Tip
Getting used to a diet without fats will take a little time. At first you might feel a bit week. This is when you start to burn body fat… and lose weight!
The Maple Syrup Diet
The Lemonade Diet, also known variously as the Master Cleanse or the Maple Syrup Diet, is the latest weight loss trend spreading across both the web and the nation. I’m certain you’ve heard of the master cleanse detox diet. Do you wish to enhance energy? Make your skin smoother and more lovely and luminous? Lose mind-boggling amounts of weight in a brief amount of time? The lemonade diet might be for you.
Just imagine yourself in the nightclub on Friday night, looking thin, dancing to hot new music – it’s a tempting image, isn’t it? The final advantage is that the ingredients are readily accessible in your community shop, so the expense is not exotic or exorbitant.
How To Make The Lemonade Diet
When starting off with making the lemon drink mix, you want to start out with the lemon or lemon juice. Makes good sense, right? Make sure the lemons or lemon juice you get is fresh and unrefined. Do not get the usual processed lemon juice that you first find on the shelf. That is overly processed and filled with sugar that will disrupt your detox plan.
Then, bring in maple syrup. However, not the maple syrup that you can get on the store shelf and put on pancakes! No, of course, that’s filled with processed sugar and will unconditionally obliterate your plan. You need to find Grade B Organic Syrup. You can get this in the natural section of your community store, in small specialty shops, or send off for it online.
You additionally put in cayenne pepper. Do not be frightened of the cayenne pepper! Unless your taste buds are incredibly sensitive, you will not be able to taste it very much. Furthermore it’s a very key element of the mix, so be sure not to exclude it. After all, a cake won’t emerge right if you don’t include all of the ingredients in the mixture prior to baking, so why would you believe that the detox would be effective without the entire addition of all the correct ingredients? Just ask somebody with a personal trainer certification and I’m sure they’ll tell you the same thing.
Last but not least, you need to put in clean filtered water. Do not pick bottled water, it’s truly not all that much healthier than tap water. You need to pay for the good stuff! We are, in the end, discussing your fitness and your body here. You clearly care about it, and care about changing, or you wouldn’t be doing the lemonade diet at all. So, it just makes sense to care enough about doing it correctly!
If you are earnest about completely cleaning up your system and providing a great blank palette for your body to react to nourishing diet and activity, the absolutely take a look at the master cleanse. You will be happy you did.
Going on a Run? Don’t Forget to Breathe!
It’s a beautiful sunny day and you decide that it’s jogging time. It’s not too hot; just the right temperature. You pull up your tight spandex pants, put on your Nike socks and shoes, get your iPod and headphones in place (after you update your music library), do a quick stretch and you’re ready to go.
You push open your front door and fly out like a bullet as the air rushes up your nostrils. Ten seconds later as you turn around the first corner of the street you live on, you feel a sharp pain in your lower abdomen. “Shit,” you think.
You might even say it out loud. As you fight the pain, you find yourself running back in the direction of your house, up the steps and onto the couch. Total run time: 2 minutes and 25 seconds, you officially suck.
Don’t be that guy, who prepares all day, even goes to buy a new iPod, just to prepare for a run that takes 2 minutes. Why did this guy in the story fail? Several reasons, let’s start here:
1. Plan your run:
You don’t live in a movie. Don’t think that you’ll just go outside, the theme song will play and you will simply be able to run for hours. What will happen is that you will be busy thinking about where you are, stopping occasionally to change your playlist, checking maps, adjusting your armband, or whatever.
Before you go out, set a path a pace and a time. A path can be generally where you’re going. A pace is how fast you run. If the guy in the story planned his pace, then he could have changed his two minute run into a twenty minute jog. Even a half hour brisk walk is more productive than a two minute run.
If you’re out of shape, it’s best to slowly work up to a run by starting with a very slow pace. Try to keep the amount of time you are out as a constant and only increase your pace. Once you’re route gets boring, change it. If you get to that point, you could expand on your current route. When you are planning your run, make it pass by water fountains and try to run in areas with other people that work out, for the sake of motivation. That truly helps. Also, look for great scenery to distract you along the way.
2. Breathing:
Breathing is the most important aspect of running (aside from not being paralyzed from the waist down) and without a solid breathing technique, running becomes more difficult that it should be. All of the best runners in the world use breathing techniques for a reason. The reason is that better breathing means that more oxygen can get to your muscles. When you are running try to focus on taking deep breaths. This will bring more air into your muscles. Not quick short breaths, even if your are gasping for air. It may seem counter-intuitive, but slower breaths will make you perform better. It will also train your lungs and your whole respiratory system to improve. Really focus on your breath, not on work, not on social drama, on your breath.
Have fun running like a champ!
Protein Powder for Weight Loss?
Quite a lot of people use protein powder in their diet for various reasons, from trying to grow more muscle to using it to boost their weight loss plans. Most will associate it with body builders and muscle men, but the fact is that protein powder has a lot of advantages to the average gym goer, and it might be something you should look into adding to your diet to help your exercise regime. Even the diets that work out pretty well for you on a regular basis can still get a jump with this additional protein added in.
Why Do You Need Protein?
First we will focus a little bit on why you might need protein. Most people out there don’t get anywhere near enough protein to fuel their body. The recommendations set out by health boards are usually the bare minimum you need in order to live, but if you want to grow muscle, then you are going to need a lot more. This essential macronutrient makes up a large part of your body, and you need to be getting enough of it.
Protein And Weight Loss
Protein also has a lot of benefits to people who want to lose weight. The fact is that protein is quite hard for the body to digest, so you will automatically increase your metabolism when you eat it. You will also stay fuller for longer, which means that you will stave off any cravings you may have. This is essential for weight loss. If you just add a little more protein to each meal, you will immediately see benefits. Rather than looking for random diets that work, simply add a little extra protein to each meal and you will start to see the difference.
Why Protein Powder?
Now that you know the importance of protein in your diet, you can decide whether or not you need to add a protein supplement. Of course, if you are getting enough protein naturally, then this is always a better option. But for anyone who is trying to grow extra muscle, recover faster, or simply don’t have time to eat soon after exercising, then protein powder is definitely for you.
When you are looking for the best protein powder, you need to make sure of a few important things. Whey protein powder is the most popular, and it is the fastest acting as well. You need to make sure you get a pure protein, as a lot of them are made with extracts from other types of protein.
If you are looking to lose weight, then it is important that you get a carb-free powder, otherwise you will be consuming extra and unnecessary calories.
The Benefits Of Magnesium
Magnesium is a solid, inorganic element; inorganic means it does not contain carbon. Many foods are natural sources of magnesium, and when in its pure form, it’s a shiny grey solid that resembles many of the other alkaline earth metals. It is an incredibly abundant element everywhere in the universe.
Ironically, many people are magnesium-deficient.
It is an element with distinct dietary properties and benefits. One needs to understand how it works, why it’s so important and so beneficial. On Earth, it is the fourth most common element. About thirteen percent of the Earth is made of magnesium.
When used for medical purposes, it is usually relied upon to treat digestive tract issues, calm down overly excited nerves, or reduce spasms in blood vessels.
Diet is the primary and most common way to ingest magnesium. The element can be found in vegetables, cocoa, cereals, nuts, and certain spices. Since magnesium is the central element in chlorophyll, it is present in all green leafy vegetables. It is recommended that men consume 300 mg of magnesium per day and women consume 270 mg. Studies have found that Westerners are eating much less magnesium than they used to. This may be because of increased consumption of refined foods as well as the use of modern fertilizers which do not contain natural amounts of magnesium. When magnesium is taken in many different kinds of supplements, it is actually not very bio-available.
Magnesium is only found in combination with other elements. When it is refined to its pure elemental form, it is highly volatile. It also can be quite flammable, burning with a bright white light. That whiteness makes it useful for flares, but means that it has to be coated with an oxide to be stabilized. However, when it’s coated with an oxide, such as in many dietary supplements, it is not very bio-available. Some magnesium tablets help deliver more of the element than others.
You should have between 22 and 26 grams of magnesium in your body at any given moment. Over half of that is in your skeleton. The rest is in your cells. Only about one percent is extracellular.
Increased amounts of magnesium serve to lower calcium levels, so if one is at risk of high levels of calcium in the blood, magnesium can help. If your body contains too little calcium, then that can be a problem as well. Protein intake also inhibits magnesium absorption. Too much protein or too little can both inhibit absorption.
As many as 15% of people do not have suitable magnesium levels. That could be due to the element being excreted through urine, sweat, and feces. Also, it could be because the liver is not properly absorbing magnesium. There are many different causes of this.
Problematically low levels of the element can result in gastrointestinal troubles as well as muscular issues. Since most of the magnesium in the body is stored in the bones, they are at risk of degrading in the absence of a sufficient amount of this element. You can always ingest a supplement which raises your magnesium levels. Considering how unreliable it can be to count on food sources, a supplement is probably your best bet.
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Hashimoto’s Disease – What Is It?
Most people who have a thyroid condition like Gigi Hadid does, will be suffering from either hypothyroidism (an under active thyroid) or hyperthyroidism (an over active thyroid).
However, these fairly broad terms are used more to describe how the thyroid is functioning in relation to hormone production rather than being particular diseases in and of themselves.
The thyroid gland is responsible for producing the hormones T3 and T4 that regulate many of our metabolic processes such as growth and energy consumption.
Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can be caused by any one of several disorders. One of the most common causes of hypothyroidism is Hashimoto’s Disease. Hashimoto’s Disease is also known variously as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, autoimmune thyroiditis, or chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis. The name comes from the doctor Hakaru Hashimoto, who originally described the disease in 1912.
Hashimoto’s Disease – The Causes
Hashimoto’s Disease occurs when the body’s own immune system starts to attack the thyroid gland. Just why this happens is not yet fully understand but current theories are that it is very likely to be the result of environmental and / or genetic factors such as:
- Bacterium or a virus
- A genetic defect – given that more women than men get Hashimoto’s disease, this theory is a popular one amongst medical researchers.
- Hereditary factors - the disease often runs in families which lends support to genetic / hereditary causes
- Age related – it’s more commonly found in older people.
Symptoms Of Hashimoto’s Disease
The onset of diseases like Hashimoto’s is very gradual. In many cases, the symptoms are also initially very minor so get ignored, or are attributed to various other health conditions. It may also be many years before the disease becomes so advanced as to seriously impact an affected person’s health.
Hashimoto’s is often diagnosed when other illnesses are being investigated, unless a specialist in thyroid disorders is consulted. But in general, the most common symptoms of Hashimoto’s include:
- Puffy face
- Brittle and dry hair that breaks easily, and loss of hair
- Coarse dry skin
- Oedema (retention of fluid)
- Changes in voice, including ongoing hoarseness
- Sudden gains in weight that are not attributable to changes in lifestyle or diet
- Constipation
- High blood cholesterol
- Menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding)
- Forgetfulness, depression and other similar cognitive changes
- Sore, stiff joints, especially feet, hands and knees
- Goitre
- Constant tiredness and fatigue
- Susceptibility to feeling cold
Hashimoto’s Disease – The Effects
When the immune system attacks the thyroid gland, it causes inflammation in the thyroid tissues. This impedes the gland’s ability to produce thyroid hormones. Eventually the inflammation destroys the thyroid tissues, leading to permanently low thyroid levels. A condition called goitre, which is an enlarged thyroid, may develop as the thyroid gland keeps trying to produce thyroid hormones in response to the increasing amount of thyroid-secreting hormone (TSH) being produced by the pituitary gland.
Other health conditions that can occur because of the low thyroid hormone levels caused by untreated Hashimoto’s Disease include emotional issues brought on by depression and low libido. Thyroid hormones also help regulate blood cholesterol so sufferers of Hashimoto’s may find themselves with an increased risk of suffering from heart conditions like heart disease, an enlarged heart, and heart failure. Normal thyroid levels are especially important in pregnant women to prevent congenital birth defects in their unborn child such as cleft palate as well as brain, kidney and heart abnormalities.
A rare but very serious complication caused by Hashimoto’s Disease is Myxoedema. This condition can cause severe sensitivity to cold, abnormal sleepiness and in extreme cases coma or even death.
Diagnosing Hashimoto’s Disease
Hashimoto’s Disease is often picked up when a patient is being treated for other health conditions. Diagnostic procedures usually include looking at the patient’s family and medical history, a physical examination and undergoing blood tests to check blood levels of TSH, T4 and T3, and antibodies.
Treating Hashimoto’s Disease
The prognosis for most Hashimoto’s disease sufferers is extremely good once treatment commences. Most patients are put onto a life long course of thyroxine, a synthetic thyroid hormone, and undergo regular blood testing to monitor thyroid hormone levels. It’s important to note that taking this medication is permanent; if medication stops thyroid hormone levels will drop again and symptoms will return.
In more severe cases, such as advanced goitre, where the thyroid gland is so enlarged that it puts pressure on the oesophagus and windpipe, it may be surgically removed.
The Cruise Control Diet

Before you read this, let me make it clear that you may have read many Cruise Control Diet reviews some of which may have focused on one specific aspect of the program. This review represents an honest feedback on how the program helped me to overcome my obesity and dietary indiscipline. You could be reading it for a personal benefit or for a friend out there who is struggling with this problem; take it from me that this is not a fluke but rather a trusted programs developed by a professional in matters of diet.
The Cruise Control Diet Converts Your Clicks Into Cash
Does the Cruise Control Diet Work?
Depending on the kind of Cruise Control Diet reviews that you read, you may have formed an opinion about whether this program works or not. From my personal experience, I can tell you for sure that this program developed by James Ward is the ultimate solution that will help you just like it did to me in living a healthy life.
I have had struggles with controlling of my diet and I rarely succeeded in maintaining a healthy diet. In fact by the time I was subscribing to this program, I was almost giving up because every program that I purchased gave me less than satisfactory results.
What to Expect When You Purchase this Program
The Cruise Control Diet program comes with four main components that you will get the moment you make the one off payment. When I paid for the program, I got the following products in one package.
An eBook
This is the main product of the program. It comes with detailed chapters that I really enjoyed reading because they were easy to read and explained in simple concepts. James Ward knows his target group therefore he included simpler terms and illustrations that me and you can easily understand and relate with.
The Cruise Control Diet Converts Your Clicks Into Cash
Cruise Control Diet Cook Book
Without knowing how to prepare meals, chances are that you will either lose all the nutrients or just retain few of them through unorthodox cooking methods. What I found particularly interesting with the cook book is that it included lots of recipes some of which can be done in less than 30 minutes while others take 1 to 2 hours to prepare. I also enjoyed the meals that I prepared with my family. Other products that I received include the Jumpstart Guide and an access to new recipes through email for a period two months following my subscription.
What Makes The Cruise Control Diet Unique?
If you read many of the Cruise Control Diet reviews written, you will discover that this program is a comprehensive approach to dealing with obesity issues through diet. I did not have to use pills or other medications while implementing the program. It is completely natural and I enjoyed the fact that side effects are associated with the program.
It also taught me about processed foods that I should avoid and the natural foods that I should incorporate in my diet so as to initiate the fat burning process.
This experience just like many Cruise Control Diet reviews out there should help you top make up your mind so that you can also benefit as I did.
It is usually quite overwhelming when you are trying to understand everything about losing weight. Regardless of the way you take, somebody is suggesting either some miracle pill, a brand new machine, some kind of stunt that assures speedy weight loss with minimal or almost no work on your side, besides having to pay them. There are actually countless numbers of weight loss programs claiming they are the most effective. However, you will often find, none of that is essential.
Losing weight is not as intricate as the “weight loss” industry always wants you to believe. Here are a few simple and most obvious way that should almost always work to get god results for you.
The Cruise Control Diet Converts Your Clicks Into Cash
First of all you need to understand that calorie is energy and fat is nothing but stored energy. Therefore, should you intend to lose calorie, you will need to burn off more energy than consume. And there are usually 3 natural methods of achieving this.
The very first thing you need to make sure is to try taking in less calories. Our body requires a certain level of energy to operate in the course of the day. And when it isn’t receiving sufficient energy from your food you eat, it sources the energy from the stored energy, that is fat. Some people would often, thinking it’s going to be more effective, starve themselves. Unfortunately that is an exceedingly harmful decision. Our body demands a number of nutrients in the form of vitamins and minerals in order to function perfectly, and you can only get them when you eat foods that include those nutrients.
The second thing you need to do is to use up the energy you acquire – the more the better. The more physical exercise you do, the more the body and it’s systems would require to make use of the stored energy.
Third is actually the combination of the above two methods – combine physical exercise and appropriate nutrition. This happens to be the most effective way for you to lose weight. By decreasing the level of energy you ingest, together with using up a greater portion of your stored energy by working out, you’re going to get the greatest possible outcomes. On top of that, this approach to lose weight is easily the most reliable method to boost you overall health.
You will find a lot of weight loss tips on the internet but it’s important you understand then basics first.
Men having problems with their weight try to figure out the most healthy means to lose excess weight. Women, on the other hand, would want to find out the way they could shed pounds and acquire a body like a celebrity. Parents, however, are upset watching their kids putting on weight are and would like to learn how they could motivate and assist their overweight teens in slimming down.
It’s every person’s dream to own a slim and fit physique – a body they could be proud of every time they look in the mirror. They would like to set and accomplish their own weight loss goals like looking great, feel more healthy and establish a feeling of pride as well as self-belief.
So what exactly happens to be the most healthy means of losing weight? Is it necessary to solely rely on fad diets to get rid of the fat?
Well, there are lot of authority health sites that would give you authentic information on some of the healthiest methods you could adopt to loose weight.
Once you intend on shedding fat, you might be confronted with several complications and losing weight might seem to be quite an unattainable task to you. But the truth is losing a few pounds is a lot easier than you would imagine. There are lots of steps you can take to control the diet you take and the workout you should be doing everyday in order to lose weight without causing even the slightest damage to your overall health.
Friday, December 16, 2016
Effect of Chromium Supplementation
Effect of Chromium Supplementation on Body Composition and Strength in Men
Chromium picolinate is one of the most common ingredients in fat loss products. However, as this study demonstrates, it does not appear to produce any benefits. The purpose of this study was to determine whether chromium supplementation in conjunction with an exercise program resulted in a greater rate of fat loss than exercise alone.
Thirty-six men were divided into three groups: placebo, chromium chloride, and chromium picolinate. The study was double-blinded so neither investigators nor the subjects knew what supplement was assigned to whom.
Before and after the 8-week treatment period, body composition was assessed by dual x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). DEXA is a form of body composition measurement that uses x-rays to determine body density and then body composition. Bone, fat, and muscle possess different densities and will thus absorb x-rays at different amounts. This allows researchers then to quantify body composition. During the 8-week treatment period, subjects were supervised during a 5-day-per-week exercise program, which consisted of a general warm-up, stretching, and resistance training.
Fat-free mass increased in all three groups an equal amount. Body fat, expressed in absolute (kg) or relative (%) terms did not change during the 8-week treatment period in any of the three groups. Furthermore, Lukaski and coworkers reported that chromium supplementation resulted in an adverse interaction between chromium and iron. The elevated chromium reduced the binding of iron and transferrin. This could possibly result in iron deficiency, depending on the dose and duration of supplementation.
Thus, the results of this study indicate that chromium supplementation does not result in accelerated fat loss as is commonly advertised. In addition, prolonged chromium supplementation could result in iron deficiency and possibly suboptimal oxygen carrying capacity of the blood
Chromium, Used as Fat Reducer Supplement
Chromium is one of the most used ingredients in weight loss products. It is probably an active ingredient in well over dietary supplements. However, as the research will show, there is little evidence to suggest that chromium enhances fat loss.In the I970s, chromium deficiency was recognized in humans on long-term total parenteral nutrition and was characterized by insulin resistance and hypercholesterolemia.
Subsequent research reported that chromium acts as part of the glucose tolerance factor (GTF) by enhancing the effectiveness of insulin. In type II diabetics, chromium supplementation improved fasting blood glucose and insulin levels after 2 and 4 months of treatment. This is important because chromium may improve insulin sensitivity in this population. Chromium appears to act by increasing the rate of insulin internalization, which could be due to an increase in membrane fluidity.
Human Studies
Because chromium may increase the muscle cell’s sensitivity to insulin and thus increase amino acid transport into the muscle, researchers theorized that chromium supplementation during strength training programs would result in greater gains in muscle mass and concurrent losses in fat weight than training alone. In the beginning, chromium was thought of and researched as an aid to increase muscle mass during training; it was not researched as a fat-loss supplement.
The fat loss, if any, would be subsequent to the gains in muscle mass and the increase in resting metabolic rate associated with the gain in muscle. Therefore, it would stand to reason, if chromium did indeed work, it would only be under conditions of exercise training, and fat-loss would be a secondary benefit. Furthermore, it would also suggest that chromium would be ineffective as a fat loss product without exercise. This further supports the fact that fat loss can be achieved only through reduced caloric intake and increased caloric expenditure.
Initial studies did report an increase in body weight during a 40-day and 12-week training program However, in the Hasten study an increase in body weight was reported only in females; the results of this study are questionable. Though the authors reported an increase in FFM, there was no increase in strength associated with the increase in FFM.
Also, body composition was determined by skin fold measurements, and body weight was measured with the subjects wearing shorts, T-shirt, and tennis shoes. No mention was made as to whether the researchers required the subjects to wear the same clothing and shoes for each of the 3-week measurements. The subjects in Evans’s study were poorly controlled during the training program, and there was no standardization regarding prior weight training experience.
The majority of research in healthy, active humans suggests that chromium is ineffective as a fat-loss supplement These studies have reported that 8 to 14 weeks of a training with chromium supplementation program did not provide any additional benefits paver training alone. Grant and coworkers. reported that chromium supplementation without training may result in an increase in body weight. Grant and colleagues reported that a non exercising group of obese women gained almost 2.0 kg of body weight over a 9-week period.
However, they reported that a chromium nicotinate supplement in conjunction with a 9-week exercise training program with obese women did result in about a 1-kg decrease in body weight. An exercising placebo group and an exercising group consuming a chromium picolinate supplement did not experience any change in body weight, FFM, or fat mass during the 9-week period.
This was the first study to report a statistically significant weight-loss effect with chromium nicotinate, and it is not known why the chromium nicotinate group responded better than the chromium picolinate group. Although this study did report a significant effect from chromium supplementation, it is in the minority It is safe to say that the majority of research does not support the use of chromium as a weight-loss supplement.
Safety and Toxicity
In addition to questioning the effectiveness of chromium, some researchers have questioned the safety of chromium. The National Research Council claims that toxicity from chromium occurring in the diet is so low that there is a wide range between the amount normally consumed and the amount that has harmful effects However, the National Research council did not consider the effects of supplemental chromium. Chromium is a metal and must be chelated to another compound to increase absorption.
The most popular compound for chelation of chromium is picolinic acid. Chromium picolinate is stable in the body. However, this stability could lead to an accumulation in cells, which could result in cell damage. Chromium picolinate has been associated with a 24% decrease in transferrin saturation of iron. Transferrin is the irontransporting protein in the plasma.
Because chromium competes with iron for transferrin, an increase in blood chromium levels could reduce the iron transport and distribution, which could ultimately affect oxygen-binding capacity of the blood. Additional studies have reported that picolinic acid may prevent the availability of minerals for metabolism and tissue function by increasing mineral excretion. In vitro studies have reported that picolinic acid alters cell size, shape, and function. In addition, chromium supplementation has been associated with kidney failure and rhabdomyolysis. In both case reports, the individuals were consuming chromium above the recommended dosage. A study was presented at the 1999 Annual Meeting of the American Chemical Society.
Dr. Vincent from the University of Alabama reported that chromium picolinate, at 100 times less than the concentration found in human body tissue after long-term use, reacts to form chromium II, which interacts with oxygen to produce hydroxyl radicals. These molecules are known to alter the DNA structure. Furthermore, Dr. Vincent reported that when vitamin C is combined with chromium picolinate the potential for damage is even greater. As lefavi and coworkers pointed out in their review of chromium, the potential safety concerns associated with chromium challenge its effectiveness as a dietary supplement, and more research should be conducted on the potential adverse reactions that have been reported from in vitro studies.
The Adrian Peterson Supplements
Get In Amazing Shape Fast With The Adrian Peterson Supplements
(Planet Supplement) – He was born to be an athlete of some description. His father played and coached football and his mother was a track and field star in her own right.
Adrian Peterson is one of those unique individuals that is just naturally talented athletically. He is tall and possesses a great turn of speed. He is also incredibly agile, very strong and is a talented power and breakaway runner. Sure, a lot of his prowess has to do with genetics and DNA but much of his success on the football field can also be attributed to his mental attitude as well. He once said that he is a player who comes into a team with the goal of helping to take that team to the top. He also sets high goals for himself at the start of each season and most of the time he’s achieved them too!
Back in high school Adrian could have made a career out of any one of the 3 sports he excelled at. He was a good track athlete, a good basketballer and a good footballer. On the track he has medals in 100 and 200 meter sprinting events, long jump and triple jump. Had he not decided to pursue football as a career he could well have made the Olympic team as a sprinter. He was simply that good. However, he did choose football and despite a run of injuries throughout his college playing years, has still gone on to carve out a name for himself among the other greats of the game.
Unfortunately Adrian’s career has also been plagued with controversy that has forced him out of the game for periods of time. It’s amazing then that he’s been able to make a successful comeback each time. We’ve often wondered just how he does it and how he always seems to be able to come back as powerful, as strong and as fast as ever after each sidelining.
Well, we wonder no longer because Adrian eventually admitted that he is able to come back each time and indeed maintain his fitness and muscle tone throughout each playing season thanks to a good training regime and a couple of supplements he adds to his daily diet. These natural and legal supplements provide him with amino acids and essential minerals that are vital for building lean muscle and burn away fat.
So now that his secret is out, we’ve compiled a report on our findings about these Adrian Peterson supplements.
This muscle-building supplement stack has been clinically proven to:
- Get rid of body fat – it just melts away
- Help flush toxins from your body
- Pack on muscle – tons of it
As anyone who is into bodybuilding knows, this is an amazing combination if you want to get insanely ripped in short order. So we decided it warranted a special report and we’ll also tell you just why these alternative steroid products work, and work so insanely well.
Adrian Peterson Supplements - Everything There Is To Know About Them
Have you often felt that building muscle is an almost impossible challenge?
We’ve assessed many ‘trendy’ muscle programs here at Planet Supplement, only to be disappointed by the cost and the lack of real results. It’s not that there is anything ‘bad’ about many of the programs. It’s just that they impose on your daily life with often-unrealistic restrictions, particularly in relation to diet. Some programs emphasize the importance of eating a lot of protein. Others stress the importance of carbs. Either way, it generally involves some pretty radical changes to your diet and who really wants to have to do that?! So when we heard about these Adrian Peterson Supplements we decided to take a closer look at them. We figured that if they did even half of what they’re purported to do then we could be looking at the start of a new and promising trend that is easy to use AND brings real results.
One of the things we discovered is that trainers are calling this new supplement stack “nature’s steroid alternatives”. Steroids are a key component in building muscle and burning fat so it’s exciting news to find a completely natural product that does not have the bad rap of chemical steroids yet still works exceptionally well to achieve the same muscle building, fat burning results!
So what are these products we’ve heard so much about?
They’re called MUSCLE ADVANCE and HyperGH 14x. If you watch TV or read the news, you’ve possibly seen or heard about a supplement touted as the “secret”, and absolutely safe, alternative to chemical steroids that celebrities and body builders everywhere have been using to build those incredible bodies. Well, today it’s a secret no longer because we’re here to tell you all about it. And we’ll also teach you (for free) how you too can build the same celebrity type muscular body. It’s all here in the special report we’ve put together about MUSCLE ADVANCE and HyperGH 14x, two of the most exciting new products to hit the fitness and body building scene for some time.
Why The Hollywood Elite Are Using Muscle Supplements Like MUSCLE ADVANCE and HyperGH 14x …
When it comes to losing excess body fat and gaining action star muscle nothing works quite like MUSCLE ADVANCE. This muscle builder is very high in anti-oxidants and has some pretty powerful strength building properties which combine to make it a standout performer among muscle building supplements. MUSCLE ADVANCE is made from pure, high quality ingredients combined into a proprietary formula that is intended to provide the energy and additional strength required to do some incredible lifting. And even better, it revs up your metabolism and melts away body fat at a rate of knots. When combined with HyperGH 14x, a testosterone booster bar none, the results are nothing short of an automatic muscle-building machine.
Testosterone is an essential hormone that plays a critical role in regulating a number of fundamental bodily processes including bone formation, muscle building, efficient metabolism of fat, and regulating mood and energy. The proven, all natural formula of HyperGH 14x provides a testosterone boost like no other similar supplement currently available. Small wonder then that when HyperGH 14x and MUSCLE ADVANCE are taken in combination the results are simply mind-blowing.
However, we certainly understand if you’re a little bit skeptical because, to be honest, we were too. Everything about this muscle building/fat burning combination absolutely screamed ‘fad’ to us when we first heard about it. But despite the fact that our ‘it’s just a fad’ radar was blaring loudly at us the numerous success stories just kept rolling in. From everywhere. That more than anything convinced us to take another look at this product that was causing such a furor. And we found that we liked what we saw. Particularly the fact that people were getting awesome results without having to radically change their eating habits or their lifestyles. That’s a huge win/win situation in our book. Another thing that impressed us is that both MUSCLE ADVANCE and HyperGH 14x are clinically proven.
HyperGH 14x Clinically Proven To
- Boost testosterone levels
- Shorten recovery time
- Increase fat-burning
- Super-charge muscle development
- Improve sexual performance
MUSCLE ADVANCE Clinically Proven To
- Improve strength
- Boost energy naturally
- Delay the onset of muscle fatigue
- Increase metabolism and destroy fat
- Maximize sexual stamina
One guy we heard about – Jeremy Evans from California, describes on his blog how he lost 8lbs of fat and stacked on 20lbs of muscle simply by taking the recommended daily dose of the MUSCLE ADVANCE and HyperGH 14x muscle building stack over a 5 week period. He wrote that he “really didn't believe it could be so easy. There were no changes to my diet or to my daily routine. All I had to do was pop two pills every day and the fat just melted off me like hot butter. At the same time all these muscles that were hiding underneath the fat appeared; most of them I didn't realize I had. And as for my new 6-pack... Well, suffice to say that the girls don't mind it at all."
So the upshot of all our research was that we thought we’d try MUSCLE ADVANCE and HyperGH 14x for ourselves just to see if this muscle building supplement stack really did do everything it was purported to do. I’d wanted to make some healthy changes to my body for a while now plus I’d entered a fitness competition so I put my hand up to be the guinea pig.
First up I contacted the manufacturers of MUSCLE ADVANCE and HyperGH 14x, introduced myself and explained that I was interested in trying their products with a view to writing about the results for you, our readers. Both companies were keen to help out and agreed to ship me a month’s worth of free product. It duly arrived within a couple of days and the experiment was on……
In the interests of accuracy, we took my initial body fat measurement and made a note of my weight at the start. I was a very unimpressive 150lbs with a body fat score of 14% and I needed to get down to 7 – 8% to get the results I was aiming for and for the fitness competition.
And so we began ...

I followed a fairly simple routine. Just one pill each of MUSCLE ADVANCE and HyperGH 14x twice daily. On days that I worked out I took the pills before and after my workout otherwise I just took one dose in the morning and the other at night. My diet and my exercise regime did not change at all. At the end of the 4 weeks, I’d packed on 15lbs of lean muscle!!
Week 1:
One of the things I noticed during the first week on my new regime was how quickly and dramatically the Adrian Peterson supplements kicked in. For a start my energy levels were noticeably higher. I also wasn’t nearly as hungry thanks to the appetite curbing effects of the amino acids in HyperGH 14x. All in all I felt unbelievable and I hadn’t had to change my daily routine at all. When Day 7 came around I hopped on the scales and got out the caliper to measure my body fat. Unbelievably I’d gained 4lbs of lean muscle!
However, impressive though the results appeared to be, I still wasn’t 100% convinced. At the start of most muscle programs you tend to lose a fair amount of water without producing any lasting effect on the composition of your body. The tricky part would be seeing if I could sustain this amount of muscle gain over the remaining weeks. However, it was certainly a great feeling to be weighing less than 150lbs for the first time in more years than I care to remember and I was keen to see how the next few weeks panned out.
Week 2:
My energy levels and focus continued to improve through the second week. I also found that I was sleeping much better due to the detoxifying effects of MUSCLE ADVANCE, which in turn allowed more time for my muscles to recover and grow. As I shed another 6lbs of fat I could see the outline of my 6-pack starting to develop, much to my girlfriend’s delight. By now I was starting to believe that these Adrian Peterson Supplements really were everything they were cracked up to be.
Week 3:
My muscle mass continued to develop whilst my body fat simultaneously continued to disappear. The fat around my stomach and hips was no longer and I was now sporting quite an impressive 6 pack. My energy levels were also staying consistently sky high right throughout the day.
By the end of the week I’d lost an impressive 14lbs of fat whilst gaining 12lbs of lean muscle. Amazing results considering that it was generally around about this time that previous programs I’d tried started to peter out and the water I’d lost during the first week returned.
Week 4:
The results of my trial were now clearly evident. Since starting a mere 4 weeks ago, I’d built up an amazing 16lbs of lean muscle mass and with the loss of a further 6lbs of fat, my body fat percentage was now in the single digit figures that I’d been aiming for! Watch out fitness comp, here I come! Needless to say, everyone else at PlanetSupplement is now trying to get hold of free trials of MUSCLE ADVANCE and HyperGH 14x….
Will I continue to use MUSCLE ADVANCE and HyperGH 14x?
Well, I think my results speak for themselves as to the consistent and amazing results of this product so yes, I will continue to use them. All in all, I really could not be happier with how my trial of MUSCLE ADVANCE and HyperGH 14x panned out. In just 4 weeks, without any special diet and with no severe exercise, I’d gained an amazing 16lbs of lean muscle.

The Joe Rogan Supplements
LEAKED: Joe Rogan Supplements – How This Commentator Looks More Like A Fighter Than A Host
(Planet Supplement) – From teenage black belt and martial arts champion to stand up comic and all-round likeable, knowledgeable UFC commentator, you could say that Joe Rogan knows his martial arts. The colorful UFC commentator with a penchant for unusual blow-by-blow descriptions of fights also looks like he’s just stepped out of the Octagon as a competitor himself. So he clearly knows a thing or two about keeping fit and what it takes to build plenty of lean, powerful muscle. For a media personality with Joe’s punishing schedule that means he must be doing something right to be able to fit everything in and still look like a competitor rather than a spectator.
We know he works out daily and keeps himself in peak condition but even so we still wondered how he does it all. Joe has dabbled in a number of things over the years. He’s been an actor, hosted reality shows and holds black belts in Taekwondo, 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu plus a blue belt in Judo. He can also kickbox and does Muay Thai. That’s a pretty impressive line up of talents and a lifestyle that certainly keeps him busy. Additionally, millions download his monthly podcasts “The Joe Rogan Experience” to listen to his and his guests’ opinions on a huge variety of topics.
So we asked Joe one day about synthetic supplements and he told us he uses a couple of all-natural muscle supplements that have nothing synthetic about them whatsoever. They’re also perfectly legal dietary supplements that, when used correctly in conjunction with the right types of workouts, provide the carbs, proteins and various other nutrients required to help build lean muscle and keep unwanted body fat off. It’s the fact that they work so fast and are so highly effectively that makes everyone assume they’re something like PEDs!
We thought our readers would like to know more about these Joe Rogan supplements ….
This muscle-building supplement stack has been clinically proven to:
- Get rid of body fat – it just melts away
- Help flush toxins from your body
- Pack on muscle – tons of it
As anyone who is into bodybuilding knows, this is an amazing combination if you want to get insanely ripped in short order. So we decided it warranted a special report and we’ll also tell you just why these alternative steroid products work, and work so insanely well.
Joe Rogan Supplements - Everything There Is To Know About Them
Have you often felt that building muscle is an almost impossible challenge?
We’ve assessed many ‘trendy’ muscle programs here at Planet Supplement, only to be disappointed by the cost and the lack of real results. It’s not that there is anything ‘bad’ about many of the programs. It’s just that they impose on your daily life with often-unrealistic restrictions, particularly in relation to diet. Some programs emphasize the importance of eating a lot of protein. Others stress the importance of carbs. Either way, it generally involves some pretty radical changes to your diet and who really wants to have to do that?! So when we heard about these Joe Rogan Supplements we decided to take a closer look at them. We figured that if they did even half of what they’re purported to do then we could be looking at the start of a new and promising trend that is easy to use AND brings real results.
One of the things we discovered is that trainers are calling this new supplement stack “nature’s steroid alternatives”. Steroids are a key component in building muscle and burning fat so it’s exciting news to find a completely natural product that does not have the bad rap of chemical steroids yet still works exceptionally well to achieve the same muscle building, fat burning results!
So what are these products we’ve heard so much about?
They’re called MUSCLE ADVANCE and HyperGH 14x. If you watch TV or read the news, you’ve possibly seen or heard about a supplement touted as the “secret”, and absolutely safe, alternative to chemical steroids that celebrities and body builders everywhere have been using to build those incredible bodies. Well, today it’s a secret no longer because we’re here to tell you all about it. And we’ll also teach you (for free) how you too can build the same celebrity type muscular body. It’s all here in the special report we’ve put together about MUSCLE ADVANCE and HyperGH 14x, two of the most exciting new products to hit the fitness and body building scene for some time.
Why The Hollywood Elite Are Using Muscle Supplements Like MUSCLE ADVANCE and HyperGH 14x …
When it comes to losing excess body fat and gaining action star muscle nothing works quite like MUSCLE ADVANCE. This muscle builder is very high in anti-oxidants and has some pretty powerful strength building properties which combine to make it a standout performer among muscle building supplements. MUSCLE ADVANCE is made from pure, high quality ingredients combined into a proprietary formula that is intended to provide the energy and additional strength required to do some incredible lifting. And even better, it revs up your metabolism and melts away body fat at a rate of knots. When combined with HyperGH 14x, a testosterone booster bar none, the results are nothing short of an automatic muscle-building machine.
Testosterone is an essential hormone that plays a critical role in regulating a number of fundamental bodily processes including bone formation, muscle building, efficient metabolism of fat, and regulating mood and energy. The proven, all natural formula of HyperGH 14x provides a testosterone boost like no other similar supplement currently available. Small wonder then that when HyperGH 14x and MUSCLE ADVANCE are taken in combination the results are simply mind-blowing.
However, we certainly understand if you’re a little bit skeptical because, to be honest, we were too. Everything about this muscle building/fat burning combination absolutely screamed ‘fad’ to us when we first heard about it. But despite the fact that our ‘it’s just a fad’ radar was blaring loudly at us the numerous success stories just kept rolling in. From everywhere. That more than anything convinced us to take another look at this product that was causing such a furor. And we found that we liked what we saw. Particularly the fact that people were getting awesome results without having to radically change their eating habits or their lifestyles. That’s a huge win/win situation in our book. Another thing that impressed us is that both MUSCLE ADVANCE and HyperGH 14x are clinically proven.
HyperGH 14x Clinically Proven To
- Boost testosterone levels
- Shorten recovery time
- Increase fat-burning
- Super-charge muscle development
- Improve sexual performance
MUSCLE ADVANCE Clinically Proven To
- Improve strength
- Boost energy naturally
- Delay the onset of muscle fatigue
- Increase metabolism and destroy fat
- Maximize sexual stamina
One guy we heard about – Jeremy Evans from California, describes on his blog how he lost 8lbs of fat and stacked on 20lbs of muscle simply by taking the recommended daily dose of the MUSCLE ADVANCE and HyperGH 14x muscle building stack over a 5 week period. He wrote that he “really didn't believe it could be so easy. There were no changes to my diet or to my daily routine. All I had to do was pop two pills every day and the fat just melted off me like hot butter. At the same time all these muscles that were hiding underneath the fat appeared; most of them I didn't realize I had. And as for my new 6-pack... Well, suffice to say that the girls don't mind it at all."
So the upshot of all our research was that we thought we’d try MUSCLE ADVANCE and HyperGH 14x for ourselves just to see if this muscle building supplement stack really did do everything it was purported to do. I’d wanted to make some healthy changes to my body for a while now plus I’d entered a fitness competition so I put my hand up to be the guinea pig.
First up I contacted the manufacturers of MUSCLE ADVANCE and HyperGH 14x, introduced myself and explained that I was interested in trying their products with a view to writing about the results for you, our readers. Both companies were keen to help out and agreed to ship me a month’s worth of free product. It duly arrived within a couple of days and the experiment was on……
In the interests of accuracy, we took my initial body fat measurement and made a note of my weight at the start. I was a very unimpressive 150lbs with a body fat score of 14% and I needed to get down to 7 – 8% to get the results I was aiming for and for the fitness competition.
And so we began ...

I followed a fairly simple routine. Just one pill each of MUSCLE ADVANCE and HyperGH 14x twice daily. On days that I worked out I took the pills before and after my workout otherwise I just took one dose in the morning and the other at night. My diet and my exercise regime did not change at all. At the end of the 4 weeks, I’d packed on 15lbs of lean muscle!!
Week 1:
One of the things I noticed during the first week on my new regime was how quickly and dramatically the Joe Rogan Supplements kicked in. For a start my energy levels were noticeably higher. I also wasn’t nearly as hungry thanks to the appetite curbing effects of the amino acids in HyperGH 14x. All in all I felt unbelievable and I hadn’t had to change my daily routine at all. When Day 7 came around I hopped on the scales and got out the caliper to measure my body fat. Unbelievably I’d gained 4lbs of lean muscle!
However, impressive though the results appeared to be, I still wasn’t 100% convinced. At the start of most muscle programs you tend to lose a fair amount of water without producing any lasting effect on the composition of your body. The tricky part would be seeing if I could sustain this amount of muscle gain over the remaining weeks. However, it was certainly a great feeling to be weighing less than 150lbs for the first time in more years than I care to remember and I was keen to see how the next few weeks panned out.
Week 2:
My energy levels and focus continued to improve through the second week. I also found that I was sleeping much better due to the detoxifying effects of MUSCLE ADVANCE, which in turn allowed more time for my muscles to recover and grow. As I shed another 6lbs of fat I could see the outline of my 6-pack starting to develop, much to my girlfriend’s delight. By now I was starting to believe that these Joe Rogan Supplements really were everything they were cracked up to be.
Week 3:
My muscle mass continued to develop whilst my body fat simultaneously continued to disappear. The fat around my stomach and hips was no longer and I was now sporting quite an impressive 6 pack. My energy levels were also staying consistently sky high right throughout the day.
By the end of the week I’d lost an impressive 14lbs of fat whilst gaining 12lbs of lean muscle. Amazing results considering that it was generally around about this time that previous programs I’d tried started to peter out and the water I’d lost during the first week returned.
Week 4:
The results of my trial were now clearly evident. Since starting a mere 4 weeks ago, I’d built up an amazing 16lbs of lean muscle mass and with the loss of a further 6lbs of fat, my body fat percentage was now in the single digit figures that I’d been aiming for! Watch out fitness comp, here I come! Needless to say, everyone else at PlanetSupplement is now trying to get hold of free trials of MUSCLE ADVANCE and HyperGH 14x….
Will I continue to use MUSCLE ADVANCE and HyperGH 14x?
Well, I think my results speak for themselves as to the consistent and amazing results of this product so yes, I will continue to use them. All in all, I really could not be happier with how my trial of MUSCLE ADVANCE and HyperGH 14x panned out. In just 4 weeks, without any special diet and with no severe exercise, I’d gained an amazing 16lbs of lean muscle.
