Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Human Growth Hormone Slows Down The Aging Process

HGH or human growth hormone is a very important hormone Human Growth Hormone Slows Down The Aging Processthat is produced by the pituitary gland in the brain that is associated with human characteristics such as being young, full or energy, resilience, vitality and having smooth skin.

It is a very common phenomena where a man in the 30′s can be mistaken as 40′s or 50′s, ten to twenty years older. HGH is the hormone that controls our youth but unfortunately, HGH production dropped gradually after the age 30.

Studies showed that the production of HGH decreases as much as 14% every ten years after the age of 30 due to the declining of HGH regulating hormones such as somatostatin and GNRH or Growth Hormone Releasing Hormones.

The signs of aging will slowly appear as the HGH levels become lower. The aging signs are wrinkles, increase of weight, loss of lean muscle, bone density decrease, sexual drive decrease and others. However, with HGH hormone, it is able to reverse the aging signs therefore also known as the fountain of youth.

HGH is being produced actively during the first phases of sleep.

Somatotropin is another name for HGH. During adolescence, the production of HGH is at its peak as during that time, growth is at its maximum. As we grow old, HGH production is becoming lower and we have about 25% of what we have during our adolescence.

After HGH being actively produced in the first phases of sleep, it is quickly being converted into somatomedin C, an Insulin-like Growth Factor type 1 (IGF1). It is a powerful metabolite and the effects are associated with the growth hormone and can be measured in blood to determine the levels of HGH production. IGF1 also has the ability to promote glucose transfer through cell membranes as source of fuel for the cells. HGH effects are directly associated with IGF1.

Somatopause is a name for the process of decrease in HGH and is highly associated with signs of aging such as wrinkles, gray hair, energy decrease, sexual decrease, loss of appetite, body fat increase, cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. There are young adults who suffer premature aging showing all the signs of aging, which is very sad, but now, with the replacement of HGH levels through HGH supplementation, you can reverse the signs of aging and bring back your youthful look.

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