Anxiety due to uncertainty is a perfectly normal feeling. But what if the feelings grow more intense? Learn more about Anxiety Disorder.
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Mayweather vs McGregor - The Irish loves the challenge!
On August 26, 2017 in Las Vegas, Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather will compete for a very lucrative fight according to the rules of noble art.
But the Irishman can’t use some of the techniques that he often uses in MMA, and that increases the chances of Floyd’s Victory.
Of course,.... Read the full article at
The Health Benefits Of A Spa & Steam Therapy
Keeping stress under control in this stressful environment is a difficult task but if we look around ourselves then we can perhaps observe small things that can help us take off the stress from us. Have you had the time to observe the emergence of swim spas? Well, if you haven’t then maybe.... Read the full article at
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Immune System Health With Naturopathy
Have you ever questioned why you should think about utilizing the teachings of naturopathy for your individual health program? One of the strongest reasons is that naturopathy is based on the laws of nature. That means this power can heal and even restore good health because all of nature is.... Read the full article at
Fats in the Diet - Omega-3, Omega-6, Hydrogenated or Trans Fats
Functional Fats
Let’s talk about fats in the diet. Which are good? Functional fats in the diet can come from animal and/or plant sources. They are considered functional because they are important for many of the body’s functions.
Wild game and or grass fed animals and certain wild.... Read the full article at
High Quality Omega 3 - An Essential Fatty Acid
Do you eat fish three times a week? If not, your diet probably isn’t providing you with the recommended amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega supplements can prevent omega-3 deficiency and ensure you are getting a sufficient amount of this essential fatty acid.
Omega-3 fatty acids are a group of.... Read the full article at
Monday, June 26, 2017
The Back Exercise Compendium To Reduce And Prevent Back Pain
What is the best back exercise? And how does it work to relieve and even prevent back pain?
If you suffer from back pain, you have probably discovered that there are no magic solutions, no quick and easy answers. I spent several frustrating and painful years searching for a solution to my back pain. Then I found exercise.
Back stretching exercises and back strengthening exercises worked wonders for me. Things got even better when I added aerobic exercise to my routine. What's more, the benefits of exercise for back pain are backed up by solid research and the experience of legions of former back pain sufferers.
So why didn't somebody tell me this years ago? I don't know who to blame for that, but I'm telling you now so you don't have to waste any more of your time going down the wrong path. Try exercise, and see if it works for you.
This page will help you do two things:
(1) Identify the best back exercises for your own personal exercise program;and, (equally important),
(2) Develop the strategy and tools you'll need to stick to your back exercise program over the long haul.
You'll find loads of useful information about back exercises at this page, with more added all the time. In your rush to get to the exercises, however, please remember: the best back exercises are the ones that you do. The greatest exercise program in the world will only help if you actually do the exercises.
So make sure you take advantage of the exercise motivation tools and resources I have listed below
The best back exercise meets the following four criteria:
- Proven safe and effective by experience -- my own experience, and that of many others
- Recommended by health care professionals -- the licensed kind, not self-proclaimed gurus and quacks
- Affordable -- expensive equipment not required
- Convenient -- can be done just about anywhere
Lower Back Stretching Exercise
Lower back stretching exercises are one of the three types of exercise that contribute to a strong, healthy and relatively pain-free back (the other two are strengthening exercise and aerobic exercise ). For best results, your exercise program should include all three.
Here you'll find a brief explanation of why lower back stretching exercise is important and resources that will help you get going with your own stretching program.
To understand why stretching is important, consider the various kinds of muscles that support the back:
- Extensors are the muscles that come into play when we stand up, straighten or arch our back, lift and extend our arms, and move our legs forward when walking or running.
- Flexors are the muscles used to bend forward, maintain the arch in the lower back, and bring our legs back toward our body when walking or running.
- Obliques are the side muscles that provide stability for the upright back as we rotate and twist, and they help us maintain proper posture.
No matter what we call these muscles, they are involved in almost every move we make during the course of our everyday lives. Unfortunately, all these muscles tend to get weak, inflexible and out of balance over time.
So what happens when the muscles that support our back become weak, inflexible and out of balance? We become much more susceptible to the stresses, strains and injuries that result in lower back pain.
That's the BAD news. The GOOD news is that lower back stretching exercise (when combined with strengthening and aerobic exercises) can help us improve the strength and flexibility of the muscles that support our back. Stretching exercise not only helps reduce low back pain, it may also help speed recovery and prevent future back pain episodes.
So what are you waiting for? Well, a doctor's clearance, for one thing. If you haven't done so already, you'll want to check with your doctor and make sure that there is nothing that would prevent you from starting a gentle back exercise program.
While you're at the doc, I recommend that you ask for a referral to a physical therapist. Physical therapists are trained to use exercise to reduce pain and promote rehabilitation. When you are with the physical therapist, tell her that you want a set of stretching and strengthening exercises targeted to your specific back pain problem. She will show you how to do the exercises, and you can then do them on your own time and your own dime.
Whether you use the specific lower back stretching exercises recommended by your physical therapist, or a more general stretching program such as those described below, the most important thing is to actually DO the exercises. Every day. For as long as you want to reduce and prevent back pain.
(Check out and use the motivation tools below to help you stick with your chosen exercise program.)
Stretching Guides & Resources
OK, here are some great resources for lower back stretching exercise:
"Back to Basics" is a free online guide published by the Workers Compensation Board-Alberta (Canada). This 36-page PDF document provides easy-to-understand information about back injuries, prevention, proper lifting techniques, and so on. It includes 12 pages of stretching and strengthening exercises, with good photos of each. You'll find the 6 stretching exercises on pages 21-26. You can print out the relevant pages and have them by your side when you're learning the exercises.
For a real smorgasbord of back stretching exercises, check out this list published by the Nicholas Institute of Sports Medicine and Athletic Trauma. This list combines stretching and strengthening exercises. You probably won't want to do all 23 exercises (!), but it's a good place to pick and choose. The exercises that focus on stretching include #1 Knee to Chest, #3 Hip Rolling, #7 Cat & Camel, #8 Tail Wagging, #10 Hand-Knee Rocking, #11 Lying Prone in Extension, #18 Trunk Rotation, #20 Upper Back Stretch, #21 Side Bending, #22 Backward Bending, and #23 Pectoralis Stretch. If, like me, you have very tight, inflexible hamstring muscles, I would caution against trying exercise #19 Full Back Release. Also, you'll note that the instructions tell you to lie on your back on a "table or firm surface"; I'd recommend carpeted floor or a floor mat.
Last but not least, read the description of my current personal favorite back stretches (further below). They are presented without pictures at this point, but I'll be adding photos in the not-too-distant future.
Aerobic Lower Back Exercises
Aerobic lower back exercises are the kind that get your heart pumping and your lungs working. Walking, swimming, cycling and dancing are among the most popular forms of aerobic exercise.
We all know that aerobic exercise is good for our general health and fitness. However, it also turns out that aerobic exercise is a key element in any strategy aimed at using exercise to relieve and prevent back pain.
Aerobic exercise complements specific back stretching and strengthening exercises to provide the best results for those of us who are trying to ease our back pain and keep it from coming back.
In fact, recent findings from the UCLA Low Back Pain Study suggest that aerobic exercise is even more helpful for back pain than specific stretching and strengthening lower back exercises.
In my experience, lower back stretching and strengthening exercises enabled me to resume aerobic exercise (which for me means walking, jogging, and running, with a little swimming thrown in during the summer). The stretching, strengthening and aerobic exercise all work together.
What this means is that a well-rounded fitness program is not only good for general health and well-being, it also helps address the specific goal of relieving and preventing back pain.
Below you'll find links to some proven recommendations for popular aerobic lower back exercises. It can be as simple as lacing on a comfortable pair of shoes and walking out the door, or as complicated as you choose to make it.
The important thing is to DO IT, and that's where most exercise programs break down. It's not that hard to find out HOW to do the aerobic lower back exercises of your choice. The difficult part is making the commitment to exercise and then CHANGING YOUR BEHAVIOR to carry out the commitment. Use the lower back exercises motivation tools to dramatically increase your chances of sticking with the lower back exercises of your choice.
A great place to start planning the aerobic part of your exercise program is with this excerpt from the booklet "Exercise and Your Heart: A Guide to Physical Activity." It provides wonderful guidance for selecting and implementing an aerobic exercise program. I particularly like the chart that categorizes different types of physical activity according to their aerobic benefit - a good source of ideas if you're not sure which aerobic exercise is for you.
Whether you're in pain now or trying to prevent pain from coming back, swimming is an excellent choice for aerobic lower back exercises.
Cycling - whether on the road or on a stationary bike - is an interesting aerobic option for those dealing with back pain. Riding a bicycle can help relieve and prevent back pain, but it can also aggravate back pain if not done the right way.
Simmons College conducted a study that involved putting older adults with low back pain on a bicycle riding program. The conclusion? The bicycle program was safe and effective for improving functional status and well-being.
For some direct and practical advice on starting a bicycling exercise program, check out this article posted by the League of Michigan Bicyclists. It has mileage and workout charts for three distinct levels: just beginning to ride, riding a one day tour, and riding a 6-7 day bicycle tour.
Remember, aerobic lower back exercises are just one of the three elements of a well-rounded back exercise program. Stretching and strengthening exercises work together with aerobic exercise to give you the best results.
Back Exercise Motivation
Back exercise motivation is your key to using back exercise to help relieve and prevent back pain.
The best back exercise program includes specific stretching and strengthening exercises combined with regular aerobic exercise. However, this proven strategy only works if you actually DO the exercises.
Motivating yourself to perform the exercises that help relieve and prevent back pain is more important than learning what exercises to do and how to do them. Why is that? Because if you are highly motivated to use exercise for your back pain, then you will figure out what exercises to do and how to do them.
So how do you get yourself highly motivated to exercise for your back pain? Do you get it by reading the breezy "motivation tips" you can find on so many websites and in lots of popular magazine articles? Listening to motivational speakers? Reading inspirational stories about the success achieved by others? Psyching yourself up with slogans and affirmations?
All of the above may help you take a step or two in the right direction, but the effect is usually superficial and short-term. When the initial enthusiasm wears off, or your muscles feel painfully sore from your new exercise routine, or the demands of your job and family crowd out your exercise plans, then all too often your new-found exercise motivation seems to evaporate.
It's important to recognize that starting or changing an exercise program means changing your current daily routine. In other words, changing your behavior.
Changing your behavior is difficult. Not impossible, but difficult, particularly when you are trying to make a change that is lasting and not just temporary.
Fortunately, the process of changing behavior has been the subject of much research. This research has yielded some specific strategies and tools that work.
Here is a step-by-step exercise motivation plan that puts proven, evidence-based behavior change strategies to work for you.
Step 1: Assess Your Readiness
The best back exercises are those that become a habit, as much a part of your daily routine as brushing your teeth or getting dressed for the day. Follow this step-by-step exercise motivation plan to make your back exercise program a habit.
All you need to follow this plan is something to write with, something to write on, and your willingness to go through the steps.
How do you know if you're ready to follow this or any other motivational plan? Ask the one who knows best: YOU. Answer the following question:
On a scale of 0 to 10, how ready are you to think about using exercise to help relieve and prevent your back pain? 0 = "Not At All Ready To Think About It" and 10 = "Ready and Raring To Go"
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Got your answer ready? Here's how to interpret your response.
If you answered in the 0-3 range, you're probably not ready.
If you answered in the 4-6 range, you're unsure.
If you answered in the 7-10 range, you're ready to make a plan.
What to do now? Get out your notebook, think, and write.
If you answered in the 0-3 range, ask yourself the following questions and write down your responses:
* what would need to happen for you to think about using exercise to help relieve and prevent your back pain?
* what are you willing to do to make these things happen?
If you answered in the 4-6 range, ask yourself the following questions and write down your responses:
* what would it take for you to rate your readiness as a 7 or higher?
* what do you see as your next steps?
* what can you do to take these steps?
If you answered in the 7-10 range, ask yourself the following questions and write down your responses:
* what are the most important reasons you are ready to think about using exercise to help relieve and prevent your back pain?
* why is this important to you now?
After writing down your responses to the appropriate questions listed above, please complete the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) before going on to
Step 2: Remind Yourself of Past Success
When thinking about making a significant behavior change like starting and maintaining an exercise program, it's helpful to have a role model. A good role model is someone who has already done what we want to do, someone who can inspire and guide us.
You already have a successful behavior change role model, although you may not be aware of it. This role model is someone who is very close to you. In fact, it's YOU.
Yes, you are your own best role model for successful behavior change. How can I say this? Because almost all of us have successfully changed some health behavior in the past.
Think about it. At least one time in your life, and probably many times, you have either adopted a healthy habit or stopped an unhealthy behavior. Don't believe me? Have you ever:
* stopped smoking
* switched from whole milk to low fat or skim milk
* started regularly using your seat belt
* modified your diet because of diabetes, high blood pressure, or any number of other reasons
* etc., etc.
For this step, you are to remember at least one example of your past success in changing or adopting a healthy habit. Write down and complete the following sentences:
"An example of a health habit I have successfully changed for the better is ______"
"I was able to make this healthy change because _______" (list all the reasons you can think of)
"The biggest barriers I had to overcome to make this change were ________" (list all the difficulties you can remember)
If you have more than one example of successful health behavior change, then complete the above three sentences for some of your other examples.
Now think about what you have written down. This step not only builds your confidence, it also helps you identify strategies that have worked for you in the past. How can you use and adapt YOUR OWN PROVEN SUCCESS STRATEGIES to start and maintain an exercise program for your back?
When you're ready, go on to
Step 3: Your Motivating Benefits
Step 3 is simple, straightforward and powerful. Write down a list of benefits you hope to get through your back exercise program.
What do you see as the benefits of an exercise program in general, and a back exercise program in particular? What are the good things you expect to happen as a result of exercise? Write them down.
To get you started on your list, here are some examples of the benefits of back exercise identified by others:
* help relieve back pain right now
* help prevent back pain in the future
* have more energy
* relieve stress and tension
* help control weight
* increase physical strength and endurance
* maintain a better mood and mental outlook
* lower cholesterol
* lower blood pressure
* etc., etc., etc.
These are just examples. Make your own list as specific and personal as you can. Keep adding benefits to your list as they come to mind.
After you've written down all the good things that you expect to get from a well-rounded program of back exercise, go on to
Step 4: Your Barriers and Sacrifices
Everyone has barriers to overcome and sacrifices to make when it comes to starting and sticking with a back exercise program. If you can name the things that are ready to keep you from success, you can figure out a way over, around or through them.
In Step 4, you identify the obstacles that can prevent you from making back exercise a habit. This includes both internal and external barriers, those that are in your mind and those that are in your environment.
What do you see as your barriers to back exercise? Write them down.
What will you have to give up in order to follow your back exercise program? You're already doing SOMETHING every minute of the day: sleeping, eating, working, taking care of household chores, watching TV, surfing the Internet, and so on. What will you give up or reschedule in order to have time for your back exercise program? Write down your response.
What is it about a back exercise program that you don't like? Is there anything about exercise in general or back exercise in particular that you consider disagreeable or unappealing? Write it down.
OK, now look over the obstacles to exercise that you just wrote down. Which ones do you think are genuine barriers, and which ones are excuses? If you focus your attention on the things that appear to you to be genuine barriers, the excuses will probably take care of themselves.
Not sure how to tackle your obstacles to exercise? Try the "IDEA" problem-solving technique.
I = Identify one specific obstacle you face in your desire to use exercise to help relieve and prevent back pain.
D = Develop a list of possible ways to overcome this obstacle. Brainstorm - by yourself or even better with the help of others who are sympathetic to your goals - as many possible solutions as you can, no matter how outlandish or impractical these solutions may seem.
E = Evaluate your list of possible solutions, decide which you are willing to try, and try out your selected strategies.
A = Assess your results. If it worked, great! You're ready to move on. If it didn't work, go back and try another approach. Believe that there IS a way to overcome the obstacle in question - your job is to keep trying solutions until you find the one or ones that work for you.
On to ...
Step 5: Build Your Confidence
Your confidence in your ability to exercise makes all the difference in the world. If you believe that you will be able to start and stick with a back exercise program, then you will likely do so. If you doubt your ability to do back exercise, then it will be much tougher for you to achieve your goal.
But confidence is not an either/or proposition, where you've either got it or you don't. We all have a certain level of self-confidence and a certain level of self-doubt about all areas of our life, including exercise. Our confidence level also goes up and down from day to day and even moment to moment, depending on our experiences and our perception of those experiences.
This is actually good news, because it means that you can build and strengthen your belief in your ability to exercise.
Answer the following question for a simple confidence self-assessment.
On a scale of 1 to 5, how confident are you that you will be able to start and stick with a back exercise program?
(1 = lowest confidence and 5 = highest confidence)
If you answered 1 or 2, write down your answer to the following question: why do you think your confidence in this area is low? Try to be as specific as possible in listing the obstacles, realities and attitudes that may be contributing to your current low confidence level.
If you answered 3, you have a certain level of confidence mixed in with some uncertainty. That's normal. Write down your answer to the following question: what can you do to make exercise more appealing to you? If you can take steps to make exercise more appealing to you, then you will have greater confidence. Go back to your response in Step 4 to the question about the things that you find unappealing or disagreeable about exercise. Use the IDEA strategy outlined in Step 4 to come up with ways to change the things that you don't like about exercise.
If you answered 4-5, then your confidence is high and so are your chances of developing a successful exercise routine. Your challenge is to develop the confidence that you will not only start an exercise program, you will also stick with it through the inevitable obstacles and interruptions.
There are many things in life that disrupt our exercise intentions: family obligations, work demands, travel, holidays, job changes, illness, injuries, and more. In some cases, you will be able to continue exercising despite changes in your routine, while other interruptions will stop your exercise program altogether. By anticipating and even expecting such disruptions, you can plan in advance how you will respond.
Write down your answers to the following questions: what are some of the things that you expect to throw off your exercise program? what can you do to be ready to maintain some level of exercise when these things happen? how will you get started again when life changes bring a temporary halt to your exercise program?
One final thought before we move on to Step 6. Think of yourself as a person who exercises on a regular basis. Create a picture in your mind of yourself doing your back stretching, strengthening and aerobic exercises. Make this picture as vivid as possible - picture the clothes you are wearing, the location where you are exercising, the time of day, and most importantly, how you feel while exercising. Since you are making this all up in your mind, visualize yourself feeling great while you exercise!
When you see yourself as a person who exercises, then you will always return to exercising despite distractions and setbacks. When you are temporarily unable to exercise for whatever reason, you will feel uncomfortable and uneasy until you start exercising again. Your self-image as a person who exercises will get you back into an exercise routine, and you won't feel quite right until it does.
If you are just getting started and you don't yet see yourself as a person who exercises, then you may well be skeptical of the power of your self-image. That's because you know that just picturing yourself exercising is not enough, you need to actually do it.
Fair enough. So let's go to ...
Step 6: Set Your Back Exercise Goals
Setting and using goals is essential to your exercise success. Simply by writing down your exercise goals and referring to them on a daily basis, you dramatically increase your chances of starting and sticking with a back exercise program.
Start a new page in your exercise notebook. Write "My Back Exercise Goals" at the top of the page. Then write out your goals in the following format.
Begin by briefly reminding yourself WHY you want to exercise for your back. Look back at the benefits you listed in Step 3 and complete the sentence "The main reasons why I want to exercise are _____”
Your One-Week Goals
Now make a new heading on the page that says "My One-Week Goals." Write down your goals for the coming week. Set one-week goals for each of the following:
- back stretching exercise
- back strengthening exercise
- aerobic exercise
Make your goals specific and measurable. "I'll do back stretching exercises" is vague and unspecific. "I'll perform 5 back stretching exercises for 5 minutes every morning and evening this week" is specific and measurable.
Each day, write down your progress toward your One-Week Goals in your exercise notebook. Here's a sample of what I mean: "Stretched 5 minutes morning & evening, strengthening exercises 10 minutes in morning, brisk 10 minute walk after work." You don't need to write an essay, you want to keep it simple while documenting what you did or didn't do that day.
Your Three Month Goals
Start a new heading on the Goals page of your notebook that says "My Three-Month Goals." Write down what you want your exercise program to look like in three months. For example, your Three-Month Goals might be something like:
* back stretching exercises for 10 minutes morning and evening every day
* back strengthening exercises for 15 minutes three times per week
* 30-minute walk at least five days per week
If you're just starting an exercise program, then you will need to take baby steps and gradually increase the duration and intensity of your exercise program. Three months gives you the time you need to build up to your longer-range goals, but its not so far out that it seems like it will never come.
If you've already got a well-rounded back exercise program started, then your Three-Month Goals should focus on strengthening your exercise habits and building your commitment and confidence.
Week By Week
Now you've got One-Week Goals and Three-Month Goals for your back exercise program, and you are recording your progress on a daily basis. At the end of each week, set new One-Week Goals so that you are moving ever closer to your Three-Month Goals.
It sounds too simple, doesn't it? Well, it is simple, but it is not easy. It takes effort to carry out your goals, and writing down your results each day in your planner or calendar is probably a new habit for you.
YOU CAN DO IT! If you've made it this far, then you can most definitely set and achieve back exercise goals. Finish off your motivation plan by going to ...
Step 7: Measure Your Success
At the most basic level, there are two keys to measuring the success of your back exercise program:
1. Setting One-Week and Three-Month Goals that are specific and measurable
2. Writing down your progress toward your goals on a consistent basis
You just covered this in goal-setting Step 6. When you do these two things, then you will have reliable and frequent feedback on the success of your exercise program. Reliable and frequent feedback is what you need to stay on track.
Repeat after me:
Set exercise goals, and write down your progress toward your goals.
Set exercise goals, and write down your progress toward your goals.
Set exercise goals, and write down your progress toward your goals.
Enough already. I know, it sounds too simple, but it works.
Make it work for YOU.
Re-Assess Your Readiness
Here's another good way to measure your success. Once a month, go back to Step 1 in the Back Exercise Motivation Plan and answer the "Assess Your Readiness" question on the scale of 0 to 10. Write down your updated self-assessment of readiness each month, and compare it to your previous ratings. If your self-assessment number increases over time, that's a good indicator of success.
One Last Question
One final question that can help you measure your success.
How do you feel when something prevents you from exercising?
If you feel relieved that you don't "have" to do your exercise that day, you know you've still got a ways to go before you can claim exercise motivation success.
However, when you reach the point where not being able to do your exercises makes you feel annoyed, out of sorts, or otherwise uncomfortable, then you know you're on the right track. When back exercise becomes such a part of your life that you don't feel quite right without it, then you will always find a way to stick with your exercise program or return to it after an interruption.
That's the kind of success that can stay with you for the rest of your life. It can happen for you when you follow each step of the Back Exercise Motivation Plan. YOU CAN DO IT!
By working your way through the seven steps outlined above, you will increase your back exercise motivation and help make back exercise a regular part of your healthy lifestyle.
How Pumping Iron Changed Bodybuilding Forever
Some years ago, there were two characters on the popular comedy show, Saturday Night Live that made good natured fun of the sport of bodybuilding. The characters had a bodybuilding show called "Pumping up with Hans and Franz". The two talented comedians who performed the skit were Kevin Nealon and Dana Carvey and the skits were so popular that they became one of the most imitated routines in the show's history.
While that skit was done in fun, it did emphasize that long before Carvey and Nealon wrote that comedy piece, the sport of bodybuilding had taken a place in the national consciousness. The event that propelled bodybuilding almost to a national craze was a film that came out in 1975 called Pumping Iron.
Of course, bodybuilding did not come into being when Pumping Iron was released. The culture of bodybuilding had been in existence for many years before the world began to appreciate it after the release of the film. In the early 1960s, the presence of bodybuilders in California was brought to light in such films as Muscle Beach Party and other surfing movies of the day.
But it was Pumping Iron that showed the serious nature of the sport of bodybuilding and brought real respect to bodybuilding competitions and to bodybuilders as well. Not only that, but Pumping Iron produced some true superstars of the sport including Arnold Schwarzenegger and the man who would forever be associated with The Incredible Hulk, Lou Ferrigno. These bodybuilders went on to become international stars of movies and sports and in the case of Arnold Schwarzenegger to success in politics as well.
The makers of Pumping Iron did not know they were making a film that would cause bodybuilding to explode in popularity. The film was designed to document the real athletic struggle that was about to unfold at two bodybuilding competitions, the IFBB Mr. Universeand the Mr. Olympia in Pretoria, South Africa. And while it is easy to only associate big stars like Schwarzenegger and Ferrigno with Pumping Iron, the movie also told the story of a small army of extraordinarily talented bodybuilders who were also in those competitions including Franco Columbu, Mike Mentzer, Robby Robinson, Mike Katz, Albert Beckles, Ken Waller, Frank Zane, Paul Grant, Ed Corney, Serge Nubret and Danny Padilla.
There are many stories that we get a glimpse of in Pumping Iron that revealed that each of these men came to this bodybuilding competition with a story to tell. Perhaps the most compelling story that came out in the first part of the film was the struggle for supremacy between Mike Katz and Ken Waller. Using classic movie making storytelling methods, Katz is shown to be the unassuming and humble competitor that would capture the audience's sympathy as he fought against the less scrupulous Waller for the championship.
Perhaps the most heart rending moment of Pumping Iron shows Ken Waller deliberately sabotaging Katz by hiding a shirt he used to compete which disturbed the concentration of Waller's rival. The outcome was that Katz lost the competition to Waller, which provided a sense of tragedy for viewers of Pumping Iron.
It was only some time later that we have come to understand that the entire plotline of Waller hiding the shirt was created to give the film a stronger plot and emotional appeal. Ken Waller suffered a great deal of audience distain for years to come for a "dirty trick" that was really just a made up movie making plot device.
But what was not made up was how Pumping Iron showcased the true champions that the bodybuilders in the film were. The movie legitimized the sport and the discipline of bodybuilding and inspired countless youth to aspire to greatness in a sport that was at best unknown and at worst made fun up prior to the release of Pumping Iron. We can be grateful to the writer, directors and producers of Pumping Iron for showing us that bodybuilding is a real sport and that bodybuilders are men with just as deep a commitment to their discipline as any athlete in any other sport in the world.
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High Intensity Training (HIT Training) is a proven method for superior size and strength building than other methods. The HIT Training regime provides muscles with enough stimuli to ensure rapid growth. The core principles of HIT Training illustrate that strength training should be intense,.... Read the full article at
Muscle Building - Training Frequency - Gym or Home Workout
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Sunday, June 25, 2017
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Ever get to the register at the grocery store and wonder, “how the heck did I spend that much money?!”? Yup, me too. That was me every week. Week after week I would head home with only a few groceries, but a much lighter wallet. Then I got smart. I asked questions, did my research, and.... Read the full article at
Health Food SAVINGS Hacks! Smarten up and save BIG!
Ever get to the register at the grocery store and wonder, “how the heck did I spend that much money?!”? Yup, me too. That was me every week. Week after week I would head home with only a few groceries, but a much lighter wallet. Then I got smart. I asked questions, did my research, and.... Read the full article at
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OMG there is GMO in my Organics!
Raise your hand if you have been lead to believe that organic food is GMO free. Go ahead, don’t be shy, because I WAS TOO! During my research of GMO (genetically modified organism), I have come to realize that organic or not, companies are in the business of making money. Sometimes, to push a.... Read the full article at
Maybe The Vaccine Debate Isn’t Really About Vaccines?
I am pro-vaccine, we will go ahead and get that right out in the open. I believe they work and I believe that they save lives. I am also a school nurse, a parent, and a public speaker about health and wellness. My profession immerses me into this debate of whether or not to vaccinate. It can be.... Read the full article at
Why Whey? What is Whey Protein? Complete FAQ
Whey Protein in the Supplement World
In the dizzingly complex world of supplements it would be easy for the uninitiated to believe the promises that the companies behind the products make. Protein shakes make you HUGE. Creatine makes you STRONGER, FASTER, BETTER. Take product X and you’ll get swollen. Add in product Y and you’ll DROP 20lbs of fat and GAIN 35lbs of muscle in 6 WEEKS.
If only it was that easy. But while the supplement companies spend millions each year on advertising and promotion the simple truth is while the claims they make can be controversial and outlandish, there is a grain of truth there to be had, and whey protein is a prime example. Drinking whey won’t make you swollen or jacked, but alongside a solid diet and a good training plan, it will be a key ingredient to help you build muscle and increase your strength. Or alternatively it can be used as a quality protein source to help you maintain muscle mass and drop fat. Forget the hype, learn how to make your supplements work for you and decide your own future.
Needless to say the role that protein plays in muscle development is of paramount importance to anyone who works out, but it is the lesser known functions of this macro nutrient that have given protein its much-touted “building blocks” label with water being the only other material that is more important for our daily functioning. Our metabolic processes, our body’s growth, our body’s repair, the health of our skin, nails, and hair and our immune system are all regulated by proteins.
Whey Protein
Considered the “all-rounder” of supplements, whey protein is a must for any athlete’s nutritional arsenal. There’s nothing magical about where whey comes from either, it’s a by-product of cheese manufacture.
Cow’s milk contains two types of protein: whey (approx. 20% of total protein) and casein (approx. 80% of total protein) and we can further subdivide whey into three types:
Concentrate (the liquid is removed leaving a WPC with approx 70-85%)
Isolate (the concentrate is further processed to remove the fat, lactose and other biologically active compounds and has 90%+ protein)
Hydrolysates are predigested and partially hydrolyzed whey proteins.
Whey’s reputation as being the most versatile and one of the most beneficial sources of protein in the supplement market is not undeserved. For quality alone, whey scores top marks in all the frequently used testing methods: its Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) is 1.0 of a maximum 1.0; its Biological Value (BV) is 104 where eggs, which score 100, were originally considered the highest ranked of protein sources; it has a Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) of 3.2 where anything over 2.7 is considered excellent according to the FDA and a Protein Digestibility (PD) score of 1.14 where 1.0 is the max allowed score according to the USDA. And in case that wasn’t enough, as well as boasting a complete amino acid profile it is also an exceptional source of branch chain amino acids (BCAAs) and without fail consistently proves to be one of the best sources of protein that we can give our bodies.
Whey Protein Concentrate
In reality the protein in whey is not a singular protein but a collection of globular proteins. Beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin and serum albumin will account for approximately 98% of the total protein content of whey, with the remainder made up of smaller protein fractions like immunoglobulins. High in protein, low in fat and low in carbohydrates, WPC is truly one stop-stop supplement for delivering the basics as well as containing a whole host of added extras that will aid muscle growth and performance and improves all-over health.
Aside from whey protein’s role in muscle repair and growth, it provides a vast array of other functions thanks to the complexity of the collection of the globular proteins that can be isolated from it. Whey has antioxidant, antihypertensive, antitumor, hypolipidemic, antiviral, and antibacterial properties. It has also been tested as a treatment or supportive agent for cancer with bovine lactoferrin (bLf), one of the micro peptides founding the whey protein complex, shown repeatedly to protect against colon cancer by reducing adenocarcinoma incidence1 (Tsuda et al., 2000) and in vitro research has shown that the growth of breast cancer cells is strongly inhibited when exposed to low concentrations of whey protein. Whey proteins have also found to promote glutathione production, an essential water-soluble antioxidant that protects cells and serves to neutralize toxins and which may be helpful in immune function disorders.
Practically speaking whey is also one of the most convenient and time-saving ways to obtain high quality protein and allows high absorption rates when your body needs it most. Any time of the day is the ‘right’ time for whey, but first thing in the morning and post-workout are two periods during the day when your body will be able to utilize the protein best. Put simply, it’s hard to go wrong with whey!
Whey Protein Isolate
For athletes who want the ultimate in quality protein, whey isolate is a great option. Virtually fat and carbohydrate free whey isolate is a source of nearly pure protein when you can’t afford to compromise your macro-nutrient needs especially at key periods like the post-training nutrient window.
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Fat Burning Supplements - They Are No Magic Pills
Are those umpteen types of Fat Burning Supplements available in the market beckoning you to try them out? Surely they are very tempting promising the sky, aren’t they? Yes, they do help you to burn fat at a faster pace but they can’t replace a balanced diet and a good exercise regime.
You are.... Read the full article at
Important Facts About Bottle Feeding
Many moms that do not have a choice other than to bottle feed, will know the agony experienced when forced to feed their baby formula, as nothing can compare nutritionally to 'mother's milk'. If however you bottle feed by choice there are ways to make it a simple and enjoyable experience.
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
How to lose weight effectively
Overweight and obesity are widely recognized as one of the most serious public health concerns in the Western society. The number of overweight and obese people is constantly growing, and the fact that more children and teenagers fall into this category rings a bell in those responsible for.... Read the full article at
Are there Lebron James Supplements? We found out!
Get jacked as fast as the Superstar Basketballer himself with the (as we like to call them) Lebron James Supplements.
He’s a superstar of the basketball court, a kid who finished high school as one of the most glorified players in history according to some sources. A reputation he carried into his adult career on the courts. With a string of Most Valuable Player Awards, 3 NBA championships, 2 Olympic gold medals, selection on a dozen NBA All-Star teams and a reputation as one of the country’s most popular, and influential, athletes, he hasn’t disappointed anyone who guessed he’d become someone in life. His sporting prowess has also earned him a lot of money in endorsement deals.
On top of all his decorations, he’s also considered by most experts to be amongst the most versatile and athletic players currently in the NBA. And whilst by most normal standards LeBron is a tall dude, at 6’8” he isn’t as tall as some players out there. However, that’s a lot of body to be keeping fit and at Planet Supplement we’re pretty interested in how he does that. Especially as he approaches his mid-thirties; LeBron has expressed a firm desire to be still playing at 40 and we’re guessing he probably will be. The guy is that fit and ripped, particularly since he got himself a new coach.
When we caught up with LeBron, we asked him outright how he does keep in shape and how he intends to keep doing so, given his intention of playing until he’s at least 40. He told us he has been using a couple of natural dietary supplements that have given his muscles a ton of support, allowing him to get more benefit from his workouts and resulting in the powerful, toned body we see on the court. He’s also been able to keep himself from gaining fat by using these supplements.
LeBron isn’t the only one to have commented on how well these natural muscle supplements work either. We’ve heard from hundreds of guys of all shapes and sizes how these 2 products work miracles when stacked together. We’re talking amazingly ripped abs and an enormous amount of lean muscle. So we decided to fill our readers on these (as we like to call them) Lebron James Supplements….
This muscle-building supplement stack has been clinically proven to:
- Get rid of body fat – it just melts away
- Help flush toxins from your body
- Pack on muscle – tons of it
As anyone who is into bodybuilding knows, this is an amazing combination if you want to get insanely ripped in short order. So we decided it warranted a special report and we’ll also tell you just why these alternative steroid products work, and work so insanely well.
Lebron James Supplements - Everything There Is To Know About Them
Have you often felt that building muscle is an almost impossible challenge?
We’ve assessed many ‘trendy’ muscle programs here at Planet Supplement, only to be disappointed by the cost and the lack of real results. It’s not that there is anything ‘bad’ about many of the programs. It’s just that they impose on your daily life with often-unrealistic restrictions, particularly in relation to diet. Some programs emphasize the importance of eating a lot of protein. Others stress the importance of carbs. Either way, it generally involves some pretty radical changes to your diet and who really wants to have to do that?! So when we heard about these Lebron James Supplements we decided to take a closer look at them. We figured that if they did even half of what they’re purported to do then we could be looking at the start of a new and promising trend that is easy to use AND brings real results.
One of the things we discovered is that trainers are calling this new supplement stack “nature’s steroid alternatives”. Steroids are a key component in building muscle and burning fat so it’s exciting news to find a completely natural product that does not have the bad rap of chemical steroids yet still works exceptionally well to achieve the same muscle building, fat burning results!
So what are these products we’ve heard so much about?
They’re called XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x. If you watch TV or read the news, you’ve possibly seen or heard about a supplement touted as the “secret”, and absolutely safe, alternative to chemical steroids that celebrities and body builders everywhere have been using to build those incredible bodies. Well, today it’s a secret no longer because we’re here to tell you all about it. And we’ll also teach you (for free) how you too can build the same celebrity type muscular body. It’s all here in the special report we’ve put together about XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x, two of the most exciting new products to hit the fitness and body building scene for some time.
Why The Sports Elite Are Using Muscle Supplements Like XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x …
When it comes to losing excess body fat and gaining action star muscle nothing works quite like XtremeNO. This muscle builder is very high in anti-oxidants and has some pretty powerful strength building properties which combine to make it a standout performer among muscle building supplements. XtremeNO is made from pure, high quality ingredients combined into a proprietary formula that is intended to provide the energy and additional strength required to do some incredible lifting. And even better, it revs up your metabolism and melts away body fat at a rate of knots. When combined with HyperGH 14x, a testosterone booster bar none, the results are nothing short of an automatic muscle-building machine.
Testosterone is an essential hormone that plays a critical role in regulating a number of fundamental bodily processes including bone formation, muscle building, efficient metabolism of fat, and regulating mood and energy. The proven, all natural formula of HyperGH 14x provides a testosterone boost like no other similar supplement currently available. Small wonder then that when HyperGH 14x and XtremeNO are taken in combination the results are simply mind-blowing.
However, we certainly understand if you’re a little bit skeptical because, to be honest, we were too. Everything about this muscle building/fat burning combination absolutely screamed ‘fad’ to us when we first heard about it. But despite the fact that our ‘it’s just a fad’ radar was blaring loudly at us the numerous success stories just kept rolling in. From everywhere. That more than anything convinced us to take another look at this product that was causing such a furor. And we found that we liked what we saw. Particularly the fact that people were getting awesome results without having to radically change their eating habits or their lifestyles. That’s a huge win/win situation in our book. Another thing that impressed us is that both XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x are clinically proven.
HyperGH 14x Clinically Proven To
- Boost testosterone levels
- Shorten recovery time
- Increase fat-burning
- Super-charge muscle development
- Improve sexual performance
XtremeNO Clinically Proven To
- Improve strength
- Boost energy naturally
- Delay the onset of muscle fatigue
- Increase metabolism and destroy fat
- Maximize sexual stamina
One guy we heard about – Jeremy Evans from California, describes on his blog how he lost 8lbs of fat and stacked on 20lbs of muscle simply by taking the recommended daily dose of the XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x muscle building stack over a 5 week period. He wrote that he “really didn't believe it could be so easy. There were no changes to my diet or to my daily routine. All I had to do was pop two pills every day and the fat just melted off me like hot butter. At the same time all these muscles that were hiding underneath the fat appeared; most of them I didn't realize I had. And as for my new 6-pack... Well, suffice to say that the girls don't mind it at all."
So the upshot of all our research was that we thought we’d try XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x for ourselves just to see if this muscle building supplement stack really did do everything it was purported to do. I’d wanted to make some healthy changes to my body for a while now plus I’d entered a fitness competition so I put my hand up to be the guinea pig.
First up I contacted the manufacturers of XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x, introduced myself and explained that I was interested in trying their products with a view to writing about the results for you, our readers. Both companies were keen to help out and agreed to ship me a month’s worth of free product. It duly arrived within a couple of days and the experiment was on……
In the interests of accuracy, we took my initial body fat measurement and made a note of my weight at the start. I was a very unimpressive 150lbs with a body fat score of 14% and I needed to get down to 7 – 8% to get the results I was aiming for and for the fitness competition.
And so we began ...

I followed a fairly simple routine. Just one pill each of XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x twice daily. On days that I worked out I took the pills before and after my workout otherwise I just took one dose in the morning and the other at night. My diet and my exercise regime did not change at all. At the end of the 4 weeks, I’d packed on 15lbs of lean muscle!!
Week 1:
One of the things I noticed during the first week on my new regime was how quickly and dramatically the Lebron James Supplements kicked in. For a start my energy levels were noticeably higher. I also wasn’t nearly as hungry thanks to the appetite curbing effects of the amino acids in HyperGH 14x. All in all I felt unbelievable and I hadn’t had to change my daily routine at all. When Day 7 came around I hopped on the scales and got out the caliper to measure my body fat. Unbelievably I’d gained 4lbs of lean muscle!
However, impressive though the results appeared to be, I still wasn’t 100% convinced. At the start of most muscle programs you tend to lose a fair amount of water without producing any lasting effect on the composition of your body. The tricky part would be seeing if I could sustain this amount of muscle gain over the remaining weeks. However, it was certainly a great feeling to be weighing less than 150lbs for the first time in more years than I care to remember and I was keen to see how the next few weeks panned out.
Week 2:
My energy levels and focus continued to improve through the second week. I also found that I was sleeping much better due to the detoxifying effects of XtremeNO, which in turn allowed more time for my muscles to recover and grow. As I shed another 6lbs of fat I could see the outline of my 6-pack starting to develop, much to my girlfriend’s delight. By now I was starting to believe that these Lebron James Supplements really were everything they were cracked up to be.
Week 3:
My muscle mass continued to develop whilst my body fat simultaneously continued to disappear. The fat around my stomach and hips was no longer and I was now sporting quite an impressive 6 pack. My energy levels were also staying consistently sky high right throughout the day.
By the end of the week I’d lost an impressive 14lbs of fat whilst gaining 12lbs of lean muscle. Amazing results considering that it was generally around about this time that previous programs I’d tried started to peter out and the water I’d lost during the first week returned.
Week 4:
The results of my trial were now clearly evident. Since starting a mere 4 weeks ago, I’d built up an amazing 16lbs of lean muscle mass and with the loss of a further 6lbs of fat, my body fat percentage was now in the single digit figures that I’d been aiming for! Watch out fitness comp, here I come! Needless to say, everyone else at PlanetSupplement is now trying to get hold of free trials of XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x….
Will I continue to use XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x?
Well, I think my results speak for themselves as to the consistent and amazing results of this product so yes, I will continue to use them. All in all, I really could not be happier with how my trial of XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x panned out. In just 4 weeks, without any special diet and with no severe exercise, I’d gained an amazing 16lbs of lean muscle.

The Dwayne Johnson Supplements everybody is talking about
Before we dive into this whole “Dwayne Johnson Supplements” hype, let’s be clear about one thing: He’s the archetypal Alpha Male but he wasn’t always that way. Dwayne Johnson once had aspirations to play football and at 6’5” tall, he probably would have made it big had fate not.... Read the full story at
Muscle Building Program Choices & Safety Concerns
Top on the list of things to consider when taking on a muscle building program is whether or not it is safe for you to perform while at the same time being a strong workout for your body.
Muscle Building Program & Safety
Although weight training to build muscle is all the rage these days,.... Read the full article at
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Skin Care Facts - What about all those creams, ointments, and lotions?
Skin care products that claim to reduce wrinkles or lighten age spots are turning up almost daily on the web and in stores. Billions of dollars are spent each year on these creams, ointments, and lotions. As usual we’re going to go against the flow and report the facts.
What damages our.... Read the full article at
Nutrition for Women - The Complete Supplement Guide
Proper nutrition for women isn’t about taking a vitamin pill every morning. In the year 2015 we lost 400,000 of our mothers, daughters and sisters due to poor diets and physical inactivity. With the wealth in the United States we find this appalling.
Less than 25% of the women in the U.S..... Read the full article at
Is Bottled Water Just The Latest Health Fad?
Bottled water is a big business and all signs point to the fact that it is still growing by leaps and bounds. Is bottled water just the latest health fad? In all honesty when we started research on this we truly believed it was. After reviewing as much material as we could find we now have a.... Read the full article at
Minerals Compendium - A Guide For Women Of All Ages
Minerals (also called elements) are as vital to your health as vitamins. Everyone has heard that you need calcium for strong bones. Did you know chromium helps break down fats into (good) HDL cholesterol?
Since you’re here at our site we know you care about your health. The information you read.... Read the full article at
How To Build Muscle - The 4 Key Elements
If you've landed in this section, chances are it wasn't by accident. You have a goal - A goal to gain size and you want to know how to build muscle.
If you're new to this game, then before we begin, let me be the first to welcome you and congratulate you on wanting to become a part of this amazing journey to improve your physique. When you're done reading this page, you'll have the knowledge and understanding on how to build muscles. This will be a huge head start over most other gym users.
I'll warn you though, this journey is long and at times, difficult but the rewards you will reap with your new body are worth every effort.
Knowing that this journey can be difficult and will require immense dedication:
Are you ready to continue? Are you ready to learn how to build muscle?
If yes, please read on and it will be my pleasure to show you how to build muscles.
You won't regret reading this if you're new because these are the most important elements to building muscle. Getting just one of these wrong will be detrimental to your gains!
If you've been in the game for a while but have seen little or no results then you may be missing one or more of the 4 key elements or not paying it as much attention as you should be. Ever heard the saying..
We've spoken a lot about these 4 mystery elements. I think it's about time they introduced themselves!
The 4 key elements needed to build muscle fast are ...
- Imagine the 4 elements as a chain: break one of them and the whole chain is broken.
- The relevance of this analogy is this - If you're missing one of these key elements (with the exception of Supplements) then you will get ZERO gains. Not a smaller amount of gain, not minimal gains but ZERO gains especially if you're not genetically gifted.
- In case you're wondering, yes, they have been put in order of importance. Let's take a look at each key element and understand why they are each so important. You'll also see a percentage figure of how important I believe each element to be. Pay close attention - Now you'll learn exactly how to build muscles. Class is in session! :)
Nutrition - 40%
- The most important of all 4 elements but easily the biggest mistake most gym users looking to build muscle fast will make is not eating enough calories or enough protein to grow.
- You can train as hard as you like but without fueling your muscles outside of the gym then all of your hard work will be for nothing!
- I'll say it again, your hard work in the gym will be for NOTHING!
- Can you imagine training as hard as you can? - Performing heavy squats until you've nearly puked, grinding out those last two reps on the bench press with the absolute last of your strength...for nothing!?
- Not something many of us would like to hear or think about but it's true. If you're not going to eat enough calories then you might as well not train because you'll be wasting your time and more importantly your blood, sweat and tears in the gym (well, hopefully not blood!)
- How much do we need to eat to build muscle?
- Unfortunately there isn't a 'one diet fits all' solution. How much and of what you need to eat will depend on your genetics and body type. One thing your diet definitely should have if your goal is to build muscle is at least a gram of protein per pound of your bodyweight daily (or your KG x 2)
- Example : A person weighing 150lbs should consume at least 150 grams of protein. Somebody weighing 75 KG should be eating at least 150 grams of protein per day
- Your ideal muscle building diet is going to be discovered by using trial and error to see what response you get from your body.
- However, we can follow some guidelines and a great place to start is the Harris Benedict formula BMR calculator. BMR stands for Basal Metabolic Rate and is the minimum amount of calories your body needs in a day to carry out it's basic functions. You can then use this figure to find out your 'Total Caloric Daily Expenditure'.
- You should be aiming to consume at least 500 calories MORE than your total daily expenditure if your goal is to build muscle. If you still aren't experiencing muscle gain then increase your daily calorie intake further until you do. Similarly, if you're gaining too much fat, cut back slightly on your daily calorie intake.
- This is by far the hardest thing to do if you're not used to eating this amount of food when you're first learning how to build muscles, but it's the most important element in your muscle gain phase! Stick with it and you'll be happy with your new rippling muscles!
Training - 30%
- On to another very important element - Training! If you don't subject your muscles to enough stress through muscle building workouts then they will have no reason to grow. The body is a very clever machine that adapts to everything we do in order to survive. That is our bodies number 1 goal (This explains why our body would much rather hold on to fat for a survival tool because it is over two times as energy dense than muscle!)
- So, when you are lifting weights in the gym during your workouts and it feels difficult, how do you think your body will react? It will react by thinking
- ''Wow! That was tough! I better make these muscles bigger and stronger so that they can handle the weight next time''
- Remember, that the body is efficient at surviving. Put stress on your muscles and your body will respond by making them bigger and stronger to survive your next workout. As we get bigger and stronger we need to be lifting heavier or in greater quantities to keep the body responding in this manner. This is called Progressive Overload and is super important.
- As a general rule of thumb, most muscle building workouts will have you working on specific body-parts 1-2x a week maximum to avoid over-training. (You'll learn more about over-training when we talk about recuperation)
- However, you need to feed your body with food too otherwise your body will have no tools with which to repair your muscles. Do you see how the chain analogy comes into play here?
- No muscle gain without training but no muscle gain without nutrition! Break one of these important links and you get NOTHING
- The take home lesson here is that you must train to build muscle BUT your muscles are built outside of the gym, not inside it which brings us nicely on to our 3rd key element...
Recovery and Recuperation - 20%
- If you've had a hard workout, it is now a waiting game for your muscles to recover and grow. DO NOT make the mistake of being so eager when starting out that you hit the gym every single day and work the same muscle groups 5 times a week.
- Why? Because you will regress rather than progress. Relax, I know you're excited and you want to build muscle fast but your muscles need time and fuel to grow. Less is more with muscle building. If you hit the gym again before your muscles have repaired from your last workout then you will not be stronger or bigger resulting in no progression in your workouts thus no progression in muscle size.
- This is called over-training and something you want to avoid at all costs!
- How much recuperation do you need? Due to genetics and different body types, again, there isn't a 'one size fits all' answer to that question unfortunately.
- However, you will notice that most decent muscle building workouts will have you working your specific body parts once or twice a week maximum. This normally means training 2-4 days a week. Check here to find out more and for some sample muscle building workouts.
- Another component of recovery is nutrition. If you don't consume the right nutrients in the right amounts, then you will not recover. Do you see how nutrition crosses over into recovery as well? No more needs to be said about nutrition - It is vital!
- Sleep is also important for recuperation. How much we need has been argued but at least 7-8 hours is normally recommended for optimum muscle building and day to day function. This makes sense - Firstly, high levels of the anabolic (muscle building) hormone, GH (growth hormone) are released during a deep sleep. This hormone will help your muscle building efforts.
- Secondly, how good do you feel when you've had little sleep? Most of us can't function or concentrate properly without a good nights sleep so how do you expect to get through your workout with maximum intensity if you're lacking in energy or concentration? If you can function normally, then more power to you but for the rest of us...Get some sleep!
Supplements - 10%
- Some will argue that this 4th element isn't 'Key' and that most gym users focus too much on this aspect rather than the more important things such as nutrition.
- I definitely agree but I would also argue that for some people, supplements will have a direct correlation to whether they achieve their nutrition goals. How important is nutrition? You know the answer to that.
- At the very basic level of supplements (I'm talking protein and multivitamins), they can be the difference maker. If you can't eat enough protein through solid food then you won't build muscle. Adding one or two protein shakes to supplement (important word - Means 'in addition to', not 'instead of') your diet and hitting your protein target will mean that you will gain muscle.
- That's what the goal is right? Gain muscle! Don't get me wrong - Most supplements are not worth the fancy labels they're wrapped up in and most trainees spend far too much time and money on supplements when the solution is usually much more straight forward - Nutrition nutrition nutrition! Eat more! Key element number 1.
- Pick a standard whey protein powder and a good multivitamin and you're on your way. Creatine is also an option. You can build muscle without supplements but you will build slightly more with them.
- Do not waste your money on fancy, exotic sounding supplements and remember that supplements are only 10% important to your gains for a reason. Focus more on the top 3 elements for fast muscle gain!
- I'd say you are now better equipped than 90% of new starters to this journey and also probably know more about how to build muscles than 70% of people who have been working out for years!
- Look at these 4 key elements as a template to building muscle. I've given you a basic template but now YOU need to find the finer details that will give the optimal results for your body.
Which nutrient ratio works best for your body?
What muscle building workout will work best for you?
How much recovery will your body need?
Which supplements will your body respond well to?
- These are all questions that can only be answered on your muscle building journey through your own personal experience.
- This site was built to further your knowledge about muscle building and fat loss but ultimately it will all boil down to actually doing and experiencing it for yourself.
- You can never stop learning how to build muscles and the muscle building tips and articles section was created for exactly this purpose so do make sure you read up often.
- Thanks for reading, I hope that your journey is a rewarding one and people will soon come to you for advice on how to build muscles!
- You may now begin your muscle building journey but remember - Break one of the Key Elements and it will break you!Save
Monday, June 19, 2017
Becoming A Vegetarian: Is It A Good Weight Loss Solution?
It seems that medicine has ‘officially’ realized something every vegetarian, and vegan, has known for some time! That a meatless lifestyle is not just an ethical choice but also a healthy one! Overall as a group, vegetarians have much healthier body mass index (BMI) scores. BMI is a tool used.... Read the full article at
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Skinny Fiber Vs Garcinia Cambogia – Who Comes Out Ahead?
Body fat can be a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. Why is this? The answer is a very easy and clear one to give. Body fat in itself is not a good thing on all fronts from a good health perspective. However, body fat does serve one purpose, and this purpose is to protect one’s.... Read the full article at
Optimind For An Intelligent Mind - An Unbiased Review
Optimind is a kind of supplement that contains nootropics that are all natural in order for the memory cognition to be increased, promote the kind of focus that we need as well as the mental energy is improved. It is important that our brain should be in its proper condition to make us feel that.... Read the full article at
Skinny Fiber: The Supplement for Effective Weight Loss
Do you have a problem in your body weight? Well, skinny fiber will give you a unique way to help you lose weight and help you get a perfect shape of body. The main target of this product is to burn the fat that you have in your body. But, how does it work? These are just common questions that.... Read the full article at
Unbiased Slimfy Review – The Truth Exposed
Slimfy is a highly popular weight loss product that takes a revolutionary approach to helping you get in shape and which is incredibly powerful when it comes to busting plateaus and getting the weight to fall away.
If you’ve tried other products, diet or training regimes in the past and have.... Read the full article at
Deer Antler Spray: Better Your Performance
Deer Antler Spray is one of the most talked supplements nowadays. Many superstar athletes and famous body builders are using this supplement and they’re really amazed with its effective, fast results. If you are wanting to become stronger, faster and bigger, then you should use this supplement.... Read the full article at
Choose Safe Pills for Weight Loss
When women choose to take tablets to aid their weight loss and which ones are safe, it is important that they consider the side effects of these pills, as many can have ingredients which have side effects ranging from small to major. Getting tablets to aid weight loss is fairly straightforward,.... Read the full article at
Face Care Tips - Why You Should be Drinking More Water
Face Care Tips and More!
When on the subject of good skin care, the benefits of drinking enough water are important to address. Water plays an important part in staying healthy. Water carries the nutrients around your body to all the cells. So it would be unthinkable to speak of skin care and.... Read the full article at
Saturday, June 17, 2017
What Are Antioxidants?
Antioxidants, free radicals and oxidation are words that are commonly used these days. If we are concerned for our long term health then we must have an understanding of what they mean and the affect they have on our bodies.
When I first heard about antioxidants, I was a bit confused and didn’t fully understand what they were. So, I read a few books to try and understand their meaning and why they are so important for our health. Even though most of the information that I read was technical, I came to understand the basics. I understood what free radicals are, where they come from and what effects they have on our health. I also understood what antioxidants were and where they come from. I then knew how I could easily and cheaply maximize our dietary intake of antioxidants through food and dietary supplements.
So, what are antioxidants? To fully understand what antioxidants are, what they do and how they work, we first need to understand what free radicals are and how they affect our health.
What are free radicals? How Do Antioxidants Work?
Antioxidants are substances which deactivate free radicals and oxidants, rendering them harmless. In other words, they clean up as many free radicals as they can before damage occurs to the cells. Where damage has already happened, antioxidants come in to repair the problem.
It’s interesting to know that the older you get, the less your body produces antioxidants to keep free radicals in check. As these free radicals accumulate, health deteriorates and the aging process accelerates.What this basically means, if you have enough antioxidants, you stay healthy. If you don’t have enough of the right antioxidants, the free radicals can cause any of the long list of diseases. The older you get the more you need antioxidants.
There are many kinds of antioxidants, some of which are produced in the body, and others, like vitamin C, come from the foods we eat. Have you ever cut up a banana or apple and left them out in the air for a little while? Notice that they turn brown? That is oxidation, free radicals at work. They attack the cell walls and make a layer of brown mush on the surface of the fruit. How can you avoid this so that the fruit still looks fresh after sitting out for a while? Just dip it in lemon juice – vitamin C! You fight oxidants or free radical damage with an antioxidant.
So antioxidants, that are found in foods, vitamins, minerals and herbs can actually slow down the oxidation process and help fight the rust and rot caused by free radical damage in your body.
That’s why antioxidant foods and supplements are needed in our diets and the sooner they are included the greater the long term benefits. Many antioxidants also have other beneficial properties, such as being antibacterial and antiviral.
Types of Antioxidants
There are many types of antioxidants, those that are produced by your body and those that come from food sources. Foods contain a mixture of antioxidants and they work in conjunction with each other. Below is information on some of the main antioxidants that come from food sources.
The main antioxidant vitamins are vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E.
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps maintain the health of soft tissues like mucous membranes, skin, hair and eyes. Vitamin A comes from two basic forms, retinol and carotenoids. Retinol is found in animal food sources while carotenoids are found in plant food sources. It’s interesting to know that the biggest difference between these two forms of vitamin A is that retinol can become toxic if taken in large quantities over a period of time.
Vitamin C is an important water-soluble vitamin, but also a powerful antioxidant. It scavenges free radicals and oxidants and protects membranes from oxidant damage. Vitamin C is known to help keep your body’s immune system strong and healthy. Vitamin C is also needed by some enzymes to work properly, and also helps your body absorb iron.It also works together with vitamin E to prevent oxidation of LDL cholesterol (bad Cholesterol) that could form plaque in the arteries.The body does not produce vitamin C at all. So you must get it from your diet and supplements.
Vitamin E is also a fat-soluble vitamin and a powerful and important antioxidant. It is noted for its protective effects against heart disease. Vitamin E also supports normal blood clotting, helps prevent anaemia and is associated with healthy nerves, muscle, skin and hair.
As mentioned above, the effectiveness of vitamin E is enhanced by vitamin C. According to the book “The Super Antioxidants by Dr James F. Balch” (1998), one of the benefits of vitamin E is that it helps to reduce vascular stress caused by heavy eating. When a person eats a heavy fatty meal, blood flow decreases for the next two to four hours. This is the lethargic feeling you get after eating a heavy meal. Studies showed that if you take vitamin C and E before a heavy meal, that problem will be prevented. So, next time you eat a heavy or high-fat meal, just take some vitamin C and E beforehand. Seeds and nuts are a great source of vitamin E, especially almonds.
All minerals have antioxidant activity, but not one can be produced by the body. All minerals must be acquired through your diet and supplements. They are essential in the body, since vitamins cannot function without the help of minerals. Two important antioxidant minerals that are talked about often are selenium and zinc.
Selenium is only needed in minute proportions and is essential in the production of certain enzymes in the body. Selenium also works together with vitamin E. Together they increase each other’s effectiveness. It is known to have many health benefits like helping to strengthen our immune system. It has also been known to be important for cancer prevention. It helps also to keep our heart, liver and pancreas healthy.
The best food sources of selenium are organ meats, seafood, grains, nuts, seeds, broccoli and onions. It is also found in herbs like alfalfa, hawthorn berry, garlic, ginseng and parsley. It only takes, one to three Brazil nuts a day to provide you with enough selenium.
Zinc is important for the production of enzymes in the body. It has also been known to enhance the immune system at the cellular level. Zinc is known to be a potent fighter of the common cold. That’s why you might have seen “contains zinc” advertised on the labels of multivitamin supplements, cough drops or lozenges.Zinc together with selenium is known to be good for prostate health.The best food sources of zinc are shellfish, lean meat, milk, grains, lentils and nuts.
Antioxidant Foods
Most antioxidants are nutrients that come from foods. The foods with the majority of antioxidants are plant-based like fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains and herbs. Unfortunately, many people in western society eat a diet that provides an insufficient amount of dietary antioxidants. That’s why it’s imperative to have a large portion of your diet as plant-based foods because that’s where the antioxidants are.
If you can eat organically grown, great! If you can grow your own fruits and vegetables, even better! I get the majority of my vegetables from my parent’s backyard, where I know they are grown organically, no chemicals or pesticides used and taste fantastic!
Antioxidant Health Supplement
It’s always best to get your antioxidants from natural food sources and consume a diet that is rich in plant-based foods. Unfortunately, due to a number of factors, some people do not consume enough fruits and vegetables on a daily basis.
Are you eating enough fruits and vegetables? Here in the US, the recommended daily amount of fruit and vegetables is approximately five servings a day. If you find it hard to follow the daily recommendation, you can always add an antioxidant health supplement.
There are also a number of environmental and lifestyle factors, for example, smoking, pollution and processed foods, which affect our body’s ability to absorb and utilize the required nutrients from our food. Again, that’s why it’s a good insurance to take supplements.
Personally, even though the majority of our daily diet is plant-based we still use an antioxidant health supplement as a nutritional insurance due to factors outside our control.