If you are trying to lose weight you have probably been working out pretty hard. And when the weekend comes around it is tempting to just forget about your weight loss goal, break out the chocolate and spend the weekend on the couch.
However, it is vitally important to keep your momentum going.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/5-light-exercises-to-do-on-your-weekend/
Friday, March 31, 2017
5 Light Exercises to Do on Your Weekend
How to Overcome Fitness Laziness
Do you set your alarm for a 6am run but then hit snooze til 9? Do you plan on going to the gym after work but never seem to get there? Sounds like you’ve got a case of fitness laziness!
In this article I am going to give you some simple steps to overcome fitness laziness. For once you overcome.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/how-to-overcome-fitness-laziness/
Why ALL Women SHOULD Workout With Heavy Weights
I hear a lot of woman saying they don’t want to use heavy weights. They say they don’t want to get too bulky or too masculine. While these are legitimate fears they are not based in logic. In this post I want to tell you why all women should use heavy weights.
Why women don’t use heavy.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/why-all-women-should-workout-with-heavy-weights/
Free Weights or Exercise Machines - Which is better?
So, the big question, what is better – free weights or exercise machines? It is an interesting question and one that almost every gym-goer asks at some point in their career. In this post I am going to show you why I believe free weights to be a whole lot better than exercise machines.
Free.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/free-weights-or-exercise-machines-which-is-better/
Does Walking Really Help You Lose Weight?
At the gym today I overheard two women talking about whether walking actually helps you lose weight. One of the women was all for walking – she claimed it had helped her burn many kilos of fat. The other woman thought it was a waste of time and that, in reality, walking burned no calories.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/does-walking-really-help-you-lose-weight/
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Immune System Overload
I have always been convinced that our bodies are their own best healers. All we need do is stimulate the body’s healing processes and just let it get on with things.
However, this doesn’t work for everybody. Some schools of thought have declared that this is due to suspected.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/immune-system-overload/
Making your Migraine go away
THE toughest headache of them all – the migraine – affects up to 25% of adults in the West. Some suffer attacks weekly, and some only three or four times in their lives. But those who’ve suffered even one speak about it as the “headache you can never forget”.
More.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/making-your-migraine-go-away/
Monday, March 27, 2017
Free Radicals on the Rampage
We all know that pollution, radiation, ultra-violet lights, computer screens, drugs both medical and street, chemicals in food alcohol, antibiotics and hormones in meat, and numerous other toxins are dramatically affecting our health.
I call the health problems that they cause “debilitating” in.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/free-radicals-on-the-rampage/
Whether you were dancing on the table or nursing a hangover under it there are some well-researched aids to improving your drinking habits.
Today there are recognized stages of imbibing, which stretch you between being relaxed and speaking in a slurred fashion:
STAGE 1: one glass beer, one.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/hangover/
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Top 7 Health Benefits of Ginseng
Ginseng is widely used among all people across the globe. It is coined as one of the most nutritious and complete herbal plants used to maintain optimum health and prevent the occurrence of medical and emotional conditions.
Ginseng comes in two varieties: wild ginseng and cultivated ginseng..... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/top-7-health-benefits-ginseng/
Heal your Mind with Flowers
Your body is here to help you. Give it positive messages and it will fight for your life.” So said internationally acclaimed author and lecturer Dr Bernie Siegel He should know, he has survived a few life-threatening illnesses in his time.
Look back to the late 1800’s and discover the.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/heal-your-mind-with-flowers/
Friday, March 24, 2017
How to Get a Flat Tummy and Tight Abs
Every woman wants a flat tummy and tight abs. But despite so many late night TV commercials selling new abdominal machines, no one is getting the results they want. And why is no one getting the results they want? Because the information they have is mostly wrong – not to say the purchased.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/get-flat-tummy-tight-abs/
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Charlotte Rampling – The Epitome Of Aging Gracefully
Back in 1976 the woman then referred to as “the sexiest woman of the seventies” was not just an iconic movie star but also appeared to be light years ahead of her time when it came to matters of beauty and fitness. British actress Charlotte Rampling was 30 years old at the time, and her Vogue.... Read the full story at https://planetsupplement.com/charlotte-rampling-the-epitome-of-aging-gracefully/.
Monday, March 20, 2017
Song Hye Kyo – Aging Gracefully Korean Style
The immensely popular Korean star of hit shows like Descendants of the Sun and Autumn in my Heart is considered by many to be one of, if not the, most beautiful women in Korea. Certainly one thing that strikes you is her pure, alabaster smooth skin. Song works hard to keep it this way, using a.... Read the full story at https://planetsupplement.com/song-hye-kyo-aging-gracefully-korean-style/.
Saturday, March 18, 2017
How To Lose Belly Fat: Tips To Get A Leaner Midsection
Belly fat – wouldn’t it be nice if we just all had flat stomachs? The fact is that belly fat is a problem for a lot of people, even for thin people. Sometimes people don’t even realize what a problem it is as some of the fat hides inside you surrounding your inner organs which can possible cause.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/how-to-lose-belly-fat-tips-to-get-a-leaner-midsection/
How To Lose Belly Fat
Most people don’t like having that extra flab around their midsections, but we tend to just put up with it. The problem is that the extra fat around the stomach can be quite unhealthy. Even for people who are thin, having extra fat can cause health concerns.
Here’s the thing, people store their.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/how-to-lose-belly-fat/
Blast Belly Fat With Exercise
If you’re looking at one thing that you can do to fight fat and lose the belly fat, then exercise is one thing you definitely need to incorporate.
A recent study showed the following results:
Those who were inactive had more fat buildup deep inside their stomach.
Moderate amounts of exercise.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/blast-belly-fat-exercise/
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Charlize Theron – Aging Gracefully Without Hype
As a mom to two young children, South African born actress Charlize Theron finds that she no longer has time to indulge in a lengthy morning skin care regime. So she sticks with a good rinse in cold water or a quick wash with a hot washcloth before putting on sunblock, foundation and mascara. .... Read the full story at https://planetsupplement.com/charlize-theron-aging-gracefully/.
Chlamydia Symptoms - Chlamydia Infection
It’s often referred to as the ‘silent infection’ and in the US alone there are at least 4 million reported cases of this sexually transmissible infection every year. We’re talking about Chlamydia, one of the most common STI’s seen today.
Chlamydia Symptoms – Often Not Present
The symptoms.... Read the full story at https://planetsupplement.com/chlamydia-symptoms-chlamydia-infection/.
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Don't like "The Pill"? - Check 9 Alternative Methods of Contraception
Intra-Uterine Device (IUD)
The two main types are bio-active and unmedicated IUD’s, both offering immediate protection once inserted and no delay in fertility on it’s removal. The bio-active or medicated IUD, is very similar in comparison to the unmedicated type, although it differs.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/dont-like-the-pill-check-9-alternative-methods-of-contraception/
Contraceptives - Frequently Asked Questions
What do I do if I forget to take a tablet?
Assuming that you are less than 12 hours late in taking a tablet, just take the missed tablet and carry-on as per normal. Take the next tablet at the usual time, even if this means taking two tablets in one day. There will be no need for additional.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/contraceptives-frequently-asked-questions/
Tom Brady Supplements
The Tom Brady Supplements That Make A Star QB
Tom Brady is one of those guys who is a naturally talented athlete. In high school he was an exceptional baseball player and even got as far as being drafted to the MLB by the Montreal Expos. However, football was always his biggest passion and ultimately he chose that over baseball and what a career he’s had….
He’s probably one of the most successful quarterbacks in NFL history, having led the New England Patriots to 6 Super Bowl appearances for 4 wins. He has 3 Super Bowl MVP awards, 2 league MVP awards and his team has won 13 division titles during his playing time with them.
The Patriots have also participated in every AFC Championship Game since 2010 for a total of 10 all up between 2001 and 2015. They’ve won 6 of these. That’s a record no other quarterback has come near to breaking yet.
Unfortunately however one of the things Tom Brady is also going to be remembered for is the ‘deflategate’ scandal. The NFL hierarchy determined that whilst Tom may not have personally had a hand in the football-tampering scheme, he would almost certainly have known about it. Which makes him guilty by association.
He also didn’t help his cause by refusing to co-operate with authorities and by somehow destroying his cell phone before it could be scrutinized for evidence. Then there is the fact that the Patriots as an organization apparently have a bit of a reputation for bending rules! All of which have conspired against Tom to land him in very hot water.
Tom Brady is also approaching 40 so it’s possible that this scandal will also usher him towards his retirement from pro football. Nevertheless, he’s managed to stay in quite remarkable shape for a great many years. In better shape than many of the much younger players in fact and we’ve often wondered how Tom does it.
What supplements does Tom Brady take?
We recently discovered though that he uses a couple of natural muscle supplements that are extremely popular amongst pro athletes and also celebrities wanting to bulk up with lean muscle for one reason or another. They’ve also made their way into the mainstream market because guys from all over the place are confirming what the pros and celebs are saying. These (as we like to call them) Tom Brady Supplements, when taken together, are stacking on lean muscle and burning away those love handles in remarkable fashion. So we thought we’d fill you in on all the news….
This muscle-building supplement stack has been clinically proven to:
- Get rid of body fat – it just melts away
- Help flush toxins from your body
- Pack on muscle – tons of it
As anyone who is into bodybuilding knows, this is an amazing combination if you want to get insanely ripped in short order. So we decided it warranted a special report and we’ll also tell you just why these alternative steroid products work, and work so insanely well.
Tom Brady Muscle Supplements - Everything There Is To Know About Them
Have you often felt that building muscle is an almost impossible challenge?
We’ve assessed many ‘trendy’ muscle programs here at Planet Supplement, only to be disappointed by the cost and the lack of real results. It’s not that there is anything ‘bad’ about many of the programs. It’s just that they impose on your daily life with often-unrealistic restrictions, particularly in relation to diet. Some programs emphasize the importance of eating a lot of protein. Others stress the importance of carbs.
Either way, it generally involves some pretty radical changes to your diet and who really wants to have to do that?! So when we heard about these Tom Brady Supplements we decided to take a closer look at them. We figured that if they did even half of what they’re purported to do then we could be looking at the start of a new and promising trend that is easy to use AND brings real results.
One of the things we discovered is that trainers are calling this new supplement stack “nature’s steroid alternatives”. Steroids are a key component in building muscle and burning fat so it’s exciting news to find a completely natural product that does not have the bad rap of chemical steroids yet still works exceptionally well to achieve the same muscle building, fat burning results!
So what are these products we’ve heard so much about?
They’re called XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x. If you watch TV or read the news, you’ve possibly seen or heard about a supplement touted as the “secret”, and absolutely safe, alternative to chemical steroids that celebrities and body builders everywhere have been using to build those incredible bodies.
Well, today it’s a secret no longer because we’re here to tell you all about it. And we’ll also teach you (for free) how you too can build the same celebrity type muscular body. It’s all here in the special report we’ve put together about XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x, two of the most exciting new products to hit the fitness and body building scene for some time.
Why The Sports Elite Are Using Muscle Supplements Like XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x …
When it comes to losing excess body fat and gaining action star muscle nothing works quite like XtremeNO. This muscle builder is very high in anti-oxidants and has some pretty powerful strength building properties which combine to make it a standout performer among muscle building supplements. XtremeNO is made from pure, high quality ingredients combined into a proprietary formula that is intended to provide the energy and additional strength required to do some incredible lifting.
And even better, it revs up your metabolism and melts away body fat at a rate of knots. When combined with HyperGH 14x, a testosterone booster bar none, the results are nothing short of an automatic muscle-building machine.
Testosterone is an essential hormone that plays a critical role in regulating a number of fundamental bodily processes including bone formation, muscle building, efficient metabolism of fat, and regulating mood and energy.
The proven, all natural formula of HyperGH 14x provides a testosterone boost like no other similar supplement currently available. Small wonder then that when HyperGH 14x and XtremeNO are taken in combination the results are simply mind-blowing.
However, we certainly understand if you’re a little bit skeptical because, to be honest, we were too. Everything about this muscle building/fat burning combination absolutely screamed ‘fad’ to us when we first heard about it. But despite the fact that our ‘it’s just a fad’ radar was blaring loudly at us the numerous success stories just kept rolling in. From everywhere.
That more than anything convinced us to take another look at this product that was causing such a furor. And we found that we liked what we saw. Particularly the fact that people were getting awesome results without having to radically change their eating habits or their lifestyles. That’s a huge win/win situation in our book. Another thing that impressed us is that both XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x are clinically proven.
HyperGH 14x Clinically Proven To
- Boost testosterone levels
- Shorten recovery time
- Increase fat-burning
- Super-charge muscle development
- Improve sexual performance
XtremeNO Clinically Proven To
- Improve strength
- Boost energy naturally
- Delay the onset of muscle fatigue
- Increase metabolism and destroy fat
One guy we heard about – Jeremy Evans from California, describes on his blog how he lost 8 lbs of fat and stacked on 20lbs of muscle simply by taking the recommended daily dose of the XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x muscle building stack over a 5 week period. He wrote that he “really didn't believe it could be so easy. There were no changes to my diet or to my daily routine. All I had to do was pop two pills every day and the fat just melted off me like hot butter. At the same time all these muscles that were hiding underneath the fat appeared; most of them I didn't realize I had. And as for my new 6-pack... Well, suffice to say that the girls don't mind it at all."
So the upshot of all our research was that we thought we’d try XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x for ourselves just to see if this muscle building supplement stack really did do everything it was purported to do. I’d wanted to make some healthy changes to my body for a while now plus I’d entered a fitness competition so I put my hand up to be the guinea pig.
First up I contacted the manufacturers of XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x, introduced myself and explained that I was interested in trying their products with a view to writing about the results for you, our readers. Both companies were keen to help out and agreed to ship me a month’s worth of free product. It duly arrived within a couple of days and the experiment was on……
In the interests of accuracy, we took my initial body fat measurement and made a note of my weight at the start. I was a very unimpressive 150lbs with a body fat score of 14% and I needed to get down to 7 – 8% to get the results I was aiming for and for the fitness competition.
And so we began ...

I followed a fairly simple routine. Just one pill each of XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x twice daily. On days that I worked out I took the pills before and after my workout otherwise I just took one dose in the morning and the other at night. My diet and my exercise regime did not change at all. At the end of the 4 weeks, I’d packed on 15lbs of lean muscle!!
Week 1:
One of the things I noticed during the first week on my new regime was how quickly and dramatically the Tom Brady Supplements kicked in. For a start my energy levels were noticeably higher. I also wasn’t nearly as hungry thanks to the appetite curbing effects of the amino acids in HyperGH 14x. All in all I felt unbelievable and I hadn’t had to change my daily routine at all. When Day 7 came around I hopped on the scales and got out the caliper to measure my body fat. Unbelievably I’d gained 4lbs of lean muscle!
However, impressive though the results appeared to be, I still wasn’t 100% convinced. At the start of most muscle programs you tend to lose a fair amount of water without producing any lasting effect on the composition of your body. The tricky part would be seeing if I could sustain this amount of muscle gain over the remaining weeks. However, it was certainly a great feeling to be weighing less than 150 lbs for the first time in more years than I care to remember and I was keen to see how the next few weeks panned out.
Week 2:
My energy levels and focus continued to improve through the second week. I also found that I was sleeping much better due to the detoxifying effects of XtremeNO, which in turn allowed more time for my muscles to recover and grow. As I shed another 6lbs of fat I could see the outline of my 6-pack starting to develop, much to my girlfriend’s delight. By now I was starting to believe that these Tom Brady Supplements really were everything they were cracked up to be.
Week 3:
My muscle mass continued to develop whilst my body fat simultaneously continued to disappear. The fat around my stomach and hips was no longer and I was now sporting quite an impressive 6 pack. My energy levels were also staying consistently sky high right throughout the day.
By the end of the week I’d lost an impressive 14lbs of fat whilst gaining 12lbs of lean muscle. Amazing results considering that it was generally around about this time that previous programs I’d tried started to peter out and the water I’d lost during the first week returned.
Week 4:
The results of my trial were now clearly evident. Since starting a mere 4 weeks ago, I’d built up an amazing 16lbs of lean muscle mass and with the loss of a further 6lbs of fat, my body fat percentage was now in the single digit figures that I’d been aiming for! Watch out fitness comp, here I come! Needless to say, everyone else at PlanetSupplement is now trying to get hold of free trials of XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x….
Will I continue to use XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x?
Well, I think my results speak for themselves as to the consistent and amazing results of this product so yes, I will continue to use them. All in all, I really could not be happier with how my trial of XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x panned out. In just 4 weeks, without any special diet and with no severe exercise, I’d gained an amazing 16lbs of lean muscle.

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Don't like "The Pill"? - Check 9 Alternative Methods of Contraception
Intra-Uterine Device (IUD)
The two main types are bio-active and unmedicated IUD’s, both offering immediate protection once inserted and no delay in fertility on it’s removal. The bio-active or medicated IUD, is very similar in comparison to the unmedicated type, although it differs.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/dont-like-the-pill-check-9-alternative-methods-of-contraception/
Monday, March 13, 2017
Women FAQ HIV/AIDS, Genital Herpes, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis & Chlamydia
Optimum sexual health depends on a number of factors, namely: positive self-image, knowing one’s genital anatomy and understanding it’s function and becoming better informed about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The ability to communicate sexual thoughts, fantasies and.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/women-faq-hivaids-genital-herpes-gonorrhoea-syphilis-chlamydia/
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Garcinia Cambogia Diet Pills – Best Garcinia Extract To Buy
Garcinia Cambogia is a popular weight loss supplement. This is a tropical fruit which is otherwise known as Malabar Tamarind. This fruit is generally mixed with other diets in proper proportion to make the pills for weight loss.
The fruit burns fat from your body. It curbs appetite and you.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/garcinia-cambogia-diet-pills-best-garcinia-extract-buy/
Friday, March 10, 2017
Donald Trump DOES Take a Hair Growth Drug
Update March 10, 2017
Hair-Growth Drug Finasteride Linked to Erectile Dysfunction That Lasts for Years
Hands up all those who’ve assumed over the years that Donald Trump is not simply the victim of a bad hairdo but does in fact wear a toupee. I’m betting that’s most of you! As it turns out, we’re all wrong because, according to Trump’s doctor, the infamous postiche look-alike hairstyle is indeed just a case of life imitating a hairpiece. His hair really is his own! Apparently grown with the help of a drug called finasteride and clearly styled to keep his detractors believing in the wig theory.
So what is finasteride? Being keenly interested in all things supplement related, we made it our mission to find out just what this wonder hair growth drug is, and does.
First and foremost, finasteride is a drug that inhibits the actions of an enzyme called 5α-reductase. 5α-reductase is responsible for converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, in certain types of body tissues. Notably the skin, hair follicles, liver, brain, prostate gland, epididymides and seminal vesicles.
DHT and testosterone are both agonists. Their job is to bind with specific receptor molecules in cell membranes to initiate a particular physiological response within the cell. As DHT and testosterone are androgen (male sex characteristic) agonists the cellular responses they trigger are the development and maintenance of male traits and characteristics.
DHT itself is pivotal in the foetal development of external male genitalia. In adult males, it controls cellular activities in the seminal vesicles, prostate gland, skin and hair follicles. It’s also a more powerful agonist than testosterone.
The effects and side effects of DHT abnormalities were first formally noted in a small group of pseudohermaphrodite children in the Caribbean. These children were born without fully formed male genitalia and were raised as females up until puberty, when their testosterone kicked in and they began developing male characteristics, including male genitalia. The researchers discovered that the children all had a common genetic mutation that caused them to have low levels of 5α-reductase. They also had correspondingly low levels of DHT and that was found to have been responsible for the abnormal foetal development of their male genitalia.
Researchers also noted that as these individuals matured, even though they developed male genitalia and some other male characteristics, they still had underdeveloped prostates. It was further documented that they had no incidences of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), prostate cancer, or male pattern baldness. They also had less body hair.
A researcher at Merck read the final presentation notes and became interested in the apparent link between low levels of DHT and small prostates. He figured that if he could develop a drug that blocked the actions of 5α-reductase and lowered DHT levels, it could conceivably be an effective treatment for men suffering from BPH. He was right! The result was the development of a drug called finasteride, marketed by Merck as Proscar. Finasteride was subsequently also approved for use in the treatment of male pattern baldness and marketed as Propecia.
How does DHT affect hair growth?
There are many reasons why men lose hair but androgenic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness or MPB, is the main one. MPB is a genetic condition that makes some hair follicles sensitive to DHT.
As we mentioned earlier, skin and hair follicle cells are part of the specialised group of cells in which DHT is produced. Oil glands in hair follicles store the 5α-reductase enzyme that produces DHT from testosterone. Amongst other things, DHT is responsible for signalling the skin and hair follicle cells to produce the heavier, coarser and denser hair growth that is a typical male characteristic.
But in someone who has inherited genetically DHT sensitive hair follicles, DHT causes those hair follicles to shrink over time so they produce progressively less viable hairs until eventually the follicle itself dies. However, when the level of DHT in the hair follicles is reduced undamaged hair follicles continue to function normally, particularly if treatment is started early enough. For men who have already started losing hair, finasteride slows down their hair loss and in some cases they may even start to grow their hair back. However, if treatment is discontinued, hair loss resumes as DHT levels increase again.
Whilst finasteride has not been effective in treating pattern hair loss in women, it has successfully been used to treat excessive body and facial hair growth, a condition called hirsutism.
And as for side effects…. During the first year of treatment with finasteride there is a greater risk of erectile dysfunction, impotence, ejaculation disorder and decreased libido. However, in most cases this subsides over time. Probably the biggest concern with finasteride is the fact that it also lowers levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), which may mask prostate cancer. Under normal circumstances, a significant rise in PSA levels is considered a marker for prostate cancer. But when PSA levels are being kept artificially low by finasteride, a prostate cancer screening PSA test, which measure blood levels of PSA, will obviously still register low to normal PSA levels even if prostate cancer is present.
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Lower Right Back Pain - Lower Left Back Pain
Lower right back pain is a special type of lower back pain which tortures thousands of individuals around the globe. It is distinguished by the common lower back pain because it affects a different part of the region – the right area, while sometimes it can extend even lower back until the.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/lower-right-back-pain-lower-left-back-pain/
Lower Back Pain In Pregnancy
Lower back pain in pregnancy is a situation which is very typical for most women. It usually appears between the fourth to fifth month of pregnancy (although in some cases it can start even earlier, 10 to 12 weeks after the woman becomes pregnant) and can vary, as standard lower back pain, from.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/lower-back-pain-in-pregnancy/
Lower Back Pain Exercises
What is Lower Back pain
Lower back pain is a very common musculoskeletal disorder which affects millions of adults around the world. Although its causes may vary, the most important of them include general factors like a simple muscle strain, overuse or injury; in most severe and complicated.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/lower-back-pain-exercises/
What NOT to do when you can’t sleep
If you are one of the millions of Americans who spend most of the early morning hours tossing and turning in bed, don’t feel too bad about it; the average American will have problems sleeping at one time or another. In fact, approximately 10 percent of the American population suffers from.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/not-cant-sleep/
2017 Garcinia Cambogia Review & Side Effects
In this day and age, obesity has become such a scourge that many people are extremely desperate to find a magic bullet that can do away with the issue with the minimum of fuss. The alternative doesn’t bear thinking about, chiefly because dieting and exercising are so prone to poor results, due to the laziness and backsliding of the individuals concerned. This is why Garcinia Cambogia is exciting a great deal of interest round about now, as it appears to offer a once in a lifetime way out of the fat trap.
Garcinia Cambogia – The Big Breakthrough
Until 2012, Garcinia Cambogia was known only as an obscure ingredient of curry dishes in various parts of the world. This pumpkin-like fruit has been added to traditional curry recipes in India, Indonesia, Africa, and elsewhere since time immemorial and it has been highly valued for its ability to make recipes more delicious and tasty. Now, new information has come to light that indicates Garcinia Cambogia is as good a fat buster as you will find bar none.
Dr Oz. was the man who basically started the wildfire that surrounds the effects of Garcinia Cambogia in promoting significant weight loss. This famous television personality took to the airwaves in America to extol the virtues of Garcinia Cambogia to his legion of fans. Once tongues began to wag after the show – broadcast in December 2012 – you can bet that news about Garcinia Cambogia effects was about to go viral as a weight loss marvel par excellence.
What are Garcinia Cambogia Effects?
When you ingest Garcinia Cambogia in its purest form, you can bet that it will have a raft of effects that, taken together, have the power to transform any weight loss quest. In short, Garcinia Cambogia makes it possible to achieve amazing weight loss results, but with very little effort.
First and foremost, Garcinia Cambogia has the power to rein in appetite. If you think about it, the temptation to chow down on a variety of delicious foods is the undoing of many tubby people. If that appetite impulse could be slashed, it would make it so much easier to resist the temptation to overindulge in unsuitable foods, as well as making it a breeze to refuse king size food portions with no regrets.
In the past, a range of appetite suppressants has been invented, but sooner or later all of them were made illegal, because it was discovered that they had dangerous side effects. Later in this article, we’ll take a look at the issue of Garcinia Cambogia side effects but, for now, let’s stick with the positive Garcinia Cambogia effects.
As previously stated, Garcinia Cambogia reduces appetite to a remarkable extent, which it accomplishes by massively boosting levels of serotonin in the human body.
Furthermore, Garcinia Cambogia has the ability to reduce the liver’s tendency to convert carbohydrate into stored fat. All in all, Garcinia Cambogia brings a hell of a lot that is good to the plate. But what about side effects?
Are there negative Garcinia Cambogia effects?
The good news is that Garcinia Cambogia is essentially safe as houses to use as a weight loss supplement. It gets the job done and it does not really have any particular side effects if used in moderation. However, it should be mentioned that some people have reported experiencing headaches and nausea, as well as laxative effects, but these effects are not only relatively mild but also uncommon.
Furthermore, it seems such unwanted Garcinia Cambogia effects are typically a consequence of individuals misguidedly ingesting far too much of the extract in a bid to shed pounds super fast. Provided you are sensible with it, Garcinia Cambogia has shown itself to be a fat loss winner every time.
Garcinia Cambogia Review 2017
In the western world, people with weight problems are always on the lookout for a brand new “magic bullet” that might have the power to zap fat and produce impressive results in the weight loss stakes. In the following Garcinia Cambogia review, we will be taking a long hard look at what this new kid on the diet pill block has to offer. Naturally it is important to read plenty of Garcinia Cambogia reviews before you plump for this aid to weight loss.
Garcinia Cambogia Review – Introduction
Before you embark on any diet incorporating Garcinia Cambogia, you will want to know what it is! Well, Garcinia Cambogia is a fruit that grows natively in Indonesia. The fruit, which is rather small, and either yellow or green in color, resembles a pumpkin in its general appearance.
In Indonesia and elsewhere, Garcinia Cambogia, or Brindleberry as it is sometimes known, is commonly used as a cooking ingredient, especially in the preparation of delicious curry dishes. You will find that a host of traditional recipes employ Garcinia Cambogia as an ingredient, chiefly because it is said to make meals more tasty and satisfying. Of course, any review of Garcinia Cambogia will be interested in a lot more than the everyday cooking application of this fruit. That’s because Garcinia Cambogia has been making a name for itself as a diet aid for those seeking to shed serious pounds.
Garcinia Cambogia Review – Weight Loss Claims
Reviews about Garcinia Cambogia are not all in agreement about how this little known fruit came to the attention of the weight loss scene. Some reviewers say it goes back a long way, but reliable information sources such as Wikipedia say that it was only late last year that Garcinia Cambogia first hit the weight loss headlines, which makes it all the more remarkable that Garcinia Cambogia could become a worldwide weight loss sensation in a matter of months!
Apparently, it was Dr. Oz, a famous American television personality, who first sprang the exciting news on his viewers that Garcinia Cambogia could have what it takes to act as a so-called magic bullet in an effective weight loss program. Now, Dr. Oz is the kind of person whose words carry great weight in certain quarters. If Oz endorses a product, you can bet that sales of it will skyrocket in pretty short order. Thus, Garcinia Cambogia has shot up in popularity this year, because chubby and obese people everywhere are now pinning their hopes on the fruit doing a fine job of work for them in reducing their weight dramatically.
The question is does Garcinia Cambogia really do what Dr. Oz says? This is something that has to be mentioned, because there are some people who disagree with Oz. But, do they have an axe to grind with this American diet guru, or are they talking sense as regards the actual performance of Garcinia Cambogia as a diet aid?
Garcinia Cambogia Review – What does this fruit actually do?
In the last few months, a host of Garcinia Cambogia reviews have been published, but readers in many cases find themselves scratching their heads as they are left none the wiser after plowing through the review. When all you want to know is whether or not Garcinia Cambogia can truly zap fat, it can be frustrating to be led around the houses by Garcinia Cambogia reviews in which lily-livered reviewers pull their punches and fail to nail their colors to the mast as regards whether Garcinia Cambogia is truly a fat loss miracle or not.
In actual fact, we can state with some confidence in this Garcinia Cambogia review that Garcinia Cambogia DOES have a lot to offer to individuals chasing fat loss. The bottom line with Garcinia Cambogia is that it has a remarkable effect on the body’s production of serotonin. Now, serotonin is crucial in the fat loss arena, because it is responsible for regulating mood and appetite. It is widely thought that too little serotonin in the body leads to increased appetite, which opens up the scenario where individuals are tempted to over-eat and pig out on fat-crammed snacks and meals instead of eating sensibly. Naturally, their bodies quickly balloon as a consequence of such behavior.
On the other hand, increased serotonin is linked with reduced appetite, which is where this Garcinia Cambogia review is prepared to stick its neck out and say that dieters can win big with this fruit. Time after time, other level-headed reviews on Garcinia Cambogia have come to the exact same conclusion, pointing out that the fruit has a remarkable impact on serotonin production in the body, which can be crucial in raising appetite and thus suppressing the temptation to eat to excess.
The good news is that suppression of appetite is by no means the only positive weight loss effect of Garcinia Cambogia. A second major effect has been highlighted in many a review on Garcinia Cambogia, where it has been pointed out that a diet rich in this fruit has a beneficial effect on the liver, causing it to reduce its tendency to turn carbohydrates into fat and store it in the body. That’s great news for anyone seeking to shed pounds without effort.
The Best Benefit Of Garcinia Cambogia
The third and final weight loss benefit of Garcinia Cambogia is that it has a positive effect on the way the body processes carbs and fats into energy. Basically, these bodily functions get ramped up and made more effective, so incorporating into your diet either extract of Garcinia Cambogia or the actual fruit itself will lead to you experiencing improved energy levels going forward.
Garcinia Cambogia Review – Conclusion
In this Garcinia Cambogia review, we have tried to be level-headed and not make inflated or misleading claims. Many a review for Garcinia Cambogia falls into the trap of being too favorable or unfavorable. This is rather unhelpful for the public as they end up not being able to see the wood for the trees, because of one-sided reviews for Garcinia Cambogia that do not tell the whole story.
The conclusion of this Garcinia Cambogia review is that this fruit appears to have a lot going for it and there seems to be no harm in dieters giving it a whirl. On the other hand, you should keep an open mind and not assume you will experience results that resemble sheer magic. Really and truly, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, so far as the fat loss benefits of Garcinia Cambogia are concerned.
Lemonade Diet - Definitely the quickest way to lose weight
If you are currently looking for a new diet that you can try out, the chances are that this is not the first time you are browsing the Internet in hope to find something that actually does what it is supposed to. It is not rare that people get even more frustrated with a certain diet because the.... Read the full story at https://planetsupplement.com/lemonade-diet-definitely-the-quickest-way-to-lose-weight/.
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Biotin Deficiency - Biotin Benefits - Hair Loss Vitamins
Ensuring Adequate Biotin Benefits Many Bodily Functions
Biotin, also commonly known as vitamin H or vitamin B7, is one of the essential B group vitamins that are responsible for the correct functioning of many of our body’s processes, especially our metabolism. Biotin particularly assists in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Other possible biotin benefits include helping with correct nervous system functioning and improving the health of our hair. This is why biotin is generally included in hair loss vitamins and supplements.
Biotin Deficiency – Is It A Problem?
Most people who eat a well-rounded, healthy diet consisting of enough foods from each of the essential food groups will not have a biotin deficiency problem.
However, there are certain groups that are more at risk of not having enough biotin. These include:
- Women who are pregnant
- Crohn’s Disease sufferers
- People with liver disease
- Alcholics
- Heavy smokers
- People who eat a lot of processed foods at the expense of healthy foods
Biotin Deficiency – What To Watch Out For
Some of the symptoms of biotin deficiency may include loss of hair, scaly skin, cracking around the edges of your mouth as well as dry eyes, and even depression.
Benefits Of Biotin – Proven And Unproven
One of the most common benefits associated with biotin is that it helps to strengthen your nails and hair. Unfortunately there has not been a lot of research conducted into this and what research there has been is not conclusive. Nevertheless there is plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest that chronic hair loss in particular may be associated with a biotin deficiency.
Lack of cold hard evidence also hasn’t stopped companies who produce hair care products from adding biotin to their products. However, many health professionals suggest that taking biotin orally is a far more effective way to obtain maximum biotin benefits. Therefore, if you’re thinking about taking something to assist with hair loss, you’re probably going to be better off looking for reputable hair loss vitamins instead. However, as always, seek medical advice beforehand.
Getting enough dietary biotin has also been implicated in helping maintain good skin health. We know that the B group vitamins in general are crucial for maintaining normal hormone and nervous system function. When these get out of whack through an inadequate dietary intake the effects often show up on our skin.
Our skin is our largest organ but it’s frequently the most neglected too. To maintain good skin health, it needs to be fed from the inside via our diet. Insufficient biotin and indeed vitamin B group deficiencies in general have been linked to a number of adverse effects on skin such as itchiness, dermatitis, acne, rashes and psoriasis.
Pregnant women are another group who have been found to be biotin deficient. Studies done on pregnant mice discovered that low biotin levels led to a higher incident of birth defects in their offspring. Doctors therefore will often recommend pregnant women take a biotin supplement and folic acid just to be on the safe side. Biotin is water soluble and excess amounts are simply removed via the urinary tract. There are currently no known toxic side effects of taking too much biotin. However this doesn’t mean you should go out and take excess amounts of it because the reality is that most people get sufficient from a healthy diet.
An adequate intake of dietary biotin benefits the metabolism. As has been mentioned previously, biotin is an essential part of our digestive process as it helps to break down the protein, fats and carbohydrates we eat. When biotin is combined with chromium picolinate, a chromium supplement that helps insulin deal with carbohydrates, it’s particularly effective in many instances. Biotin has been linked to weight control but should in no way take the place of a healthy eating and exercise plan.
Which leads us to another way biotin benefits our body. Along with chromium, it helps to regulate our blood sugar levels. Biotin deficiency has in fact been associated with a reduced metabolic ability to deal with glucose, a major contributor to Type 2 diabetes. Therefore, a biotin / chromium picolinate supplement may be prescribed for people with Type 2 diabetes to help regulate their blood sugar uptake.
Early research has also shown that biotin may play a role in keeping cholesterol levels under control by reducing the amount of bad cholesterol in our system. This has important implications for heart health because high levels of bad cholesterol are a major cause of strokes and heart disease.
How Much Will Reduce The Risk Of A Biotin Deficiency
The recommended daily intake of biotin for adults and teenagers is 30 – 100mcg. The optimum way to get the best biotin benefits is by eating them naturally through a balanced diet. Good sources of natural biotin include egg yolks, nut (peanuts, almonds, walnuts etc), butters made from nuts (peanut butter, almond butter), soy beans, legumes, bananas, mushrooms, cauliflower cereals, whole grains and meats like kidney and liver. Cooking though does destroy biotin so wherever possible, it’s best to try and eat some of these foods raw or only partially processed. Eating raw egg whites will also reduce biotin uptake.
So, unless you belong to one of the high-risk groups, you probably don’t have a biotin deficiency so don’t need take supplements with biotin in them. However, biotin supplements are readily available across the counter as components in multivitamins, vitamin B mixes or on its own.
Hair Loss Vitamins – Valuable Or A Waste Of Money?
Biotin is only one of a range of vitamins and minerals that are dubbed ‘mineral and hair loss vitamins’. Therefore it’s doubtful that just biotin on its own will provide much in the way of relief from this condition, medically called alopecia. Other important ‘hair loss vitamins’ include vitamins A, B (particularly B3 and B6), C, D, E and of course biotin (vitamin B7 or H). Folic acid, zinc, iron, omega 3 and the amino acids methionine, cysteine, cystine and tyrosine round out the list of the most essential hair loss vitamins and minerals.
Where more effects are seen after supplementation with biotin is in hair growth and regrowth. For this reason many manufacturers now include biotin in hair care products. However the most efficient way to take biotin for maximum biotin benefits, even with hair regrowth, remains orally either as part of a balanced diet or if you decide to go the supplements path, in an all-round or vitamin B supplement or as part of a hair loss vitamins formula.
To sum up – many of the ways biotin benefits our body are not yet fully understood or conclusively proven by research. Nonetheless enough scientific and anecdotal evidence does exist to verify that biotin is indeed crucial for many normal functions that we take for granted. Ironically though one of the most important benefits attributed to biotin, and the reason it’s also called vitamin H (H for hair) even though it’s part of the vitamin B group, is also one of the least supported by current research. Biotin, as part of a good healthy diet, does assist with hair growth but its inclusion in many hair loss vitamin formulas is not actually backed by concrete evidence that it does help stop or slow down hair loss.
More on Hand Grip Exercises
In the previous article, we looked at the basics of how to start a fruitful exercise program for building the overall grip strength of your hands. This article describes how to use the barbell plates you have been using for pinch grip exercise to further develop your hand’s extensor muscles, as.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/more-on-hand-grip-exercises/
Hand Exercises to Help Cope with Tendinitis
Tendinitis is a painful inflammation of the tendons – in this case, those of the wrist and hands. This inflammation can result from injuries, repetitive use in stressful or awkward tasks, and similar sources. Pain, stiffness of the wrist or hand joints, swelling, an unpleasant “stuffed” feeling.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/hand-exercises-help-cope-tendinitis/
Unusual Hand Exercises to Improve Your Grip Strength
Although our era has lessened the frequency of hard physical labor as a lifetime profession, there are still many situations that require a good, strong grip to handle matters properly and, often, ensure your safety. When you are clinging to a crag with nothing but a thousand feet of frosty blue.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/unusual-hand-exercises-improve-grip-strength/
Hand Exercises to Prevent Future Carpal Tunnel Trouble
An ounce of prevention, as the time-proven proverb declares, is worth a pound of cure, and this is strongly true in the case of carpal tunnel syndrome. If your work necessitates carrying out any activity that puts repetitive, long-term strain on your wrists – including such work as keyboarding.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/hand-exercises-prevent-future-carpal-tunnel-trouble/
Hand Exercise to Forestall Carpal Tunnel Surgery
Carpal tunnel syndrome is an increasing affliction our age, when so many people work at keyboards and have generally low amounts of wrist strength in any case thanks to a sedentary lifestyle. Carpal tunnel syndrome can also occur spontaneously, though you are more apt to develop it if your.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/hand-exercise-forestall-carpal-tunnel-surgery/
More on Hand Grip Exercises
In the previous article, we looked at the basics of how to start a fruitful exercise program for building the overall grip strength of your hands. This article describes how to use the barbell plates you have been using for pinch grip exercise to further develop your hand’s extensor muscles, as.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/19880-2/
Exercises to Boost the Grip Strength of Your Hands
The strength of your grip is something that you seldom think about in day to day life, yet when you need this type of muscular development in your hand, you usually need it urgently. Grip strength comes into play in many different situations, ranging from carrying heavy objects or keeping.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/exercises-boost-grip-strength-hands/
Monday, March 6, 2017
Health Benefits of Trampolining
Getting in shape, whether you are losing weight, keeping it off or simply trying to improve your general health is a long-haul process. Almost any exercise routine can become dull and boring over time and when you’re not engaged, you won’t push yourself as far. One of the best things.... Read the full article at https://planetsupplement.com/health-benefits-trampolining/
Will These Hugh Jackman Supplements Be Banned
From Leopold To Wolverine and Logan– Will These Hugh Jackman Supplements Be Banned?
He hails from the big brown land down under and has never lost his accent to prove it. He’s also a remarkably talented actor, singer and dancer who, after a successful Australian movie career, has gone on to take Hollywood by storm. Hugh Jackman is also known for his versatility as an actor. He’s played romantic leads, done period pieces, musicals, drama, action and adventure.
However, he’s probably best known for his most recent roles in blockbuster fantasy action movies. More particularly as the 100 year old, multi-lingual, trained samurai with adamantium bones and claws called Wolverine in the X Men movies. And it’s to play Wolverine that we’ve noticed him putting on muscle, developing an awesome set of abs and losing body fat.
We spoke to Hugh’s trainer David Kingsbury, the guy responsible for helping bring about this amazing transformation. He told us Hugh has been taking a couple of supplements that, along with a daily workout routine, are responsible for the significant changes we’ve seen to his physique. These muscle supplements are pretty effective on their own but it’s when they’re combined that we see some remarkable things happening.
Since we spoke to Kingsbury, we’ve had guys everywhere tell us the same thing. When they combine these 2 Hugh Jackman supplements they are able to bulk up in the muscle department, get ripped and lose fat in no time flat. Even though we had Kingsbury’s word for it, we were still pretty skeptical so we decided to conduct a little bit of research ourselves.
And what we found out supported Kingsbury’s claims all the way. These all-natural muscle supplements (let's call them Hugh Jackman Supplements from now on) combine to create the most incredible muscle-building stack imaginable. We were so impressed we thought we’d run a little in-house experiment and diarise our results to create the special report we’ve presented below.
This muscle-building supplement stack has been clinically proven to:
- Get rid of body fat – it just melts away
- Help flush toxins from your body
- Pack on muscle – tons of it
As anyone who is into bodybuilding knows, this is an amazing combination if you want to get insanely ripped in short order. So we decided it warranted a special report and we’ll also tell you just why these alternative steroid products work, and work so insanely well.
Hugh Jackman Supplements - Everything There Is To Know About Them
Have you often felt that building muscle is an almost impossible challenge?
We’ve assessed many ‘trendy’ muscle programs here at Planet Supplement, only to be disappointed by the cost and the lack of real results. It’s not that there is anything ‘bad’ about many of the programs. It’s just that they impose on your daily life with often-unrealistic restrictions, particularly in relation to diet. Some programs emphasize the importance of eating a lot of protein. Others stress the importance of carbs. Either way, it generally involves some pretty radical changes to your diet and who really wants to have to do that?! So when we heard about these Hugh Jackman Supplements we decided to take a closer look at them. We figured that if they did even half of what they’re purported to do then we could be looking at the start of a new and promising trend that is easy to use AND brings real results.
One of the things we discovered is that trainers are calling this new supplement stack “nature’s steroid alternatives”. Steroids are a key component in building muscle and burning fat so it’s exciting news to find a completely natural product that does not have the bad rap of chemical steroids yet still works exceptionally well to achieve the same muscle building, fat burning results!
So what are these products we’ve heard so much about?
They’re called XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x. If you watch TV or read the news, you’ve possibly seen or heard about a supplement touted as the “secret”, and absolutely safe, alternative to chemical steroids that celebrities and body builders everywhere have been using to build those incredible bodies. Well, today it’s a secret no longer because we’re here to tell you all about it. And we’ll also teach you (for free) how you too can build the same celebrity type muscular body. It’s all here in the special report we’ve put together about XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x, two of the most exciting new products to hit the fitness and body building scene for some time.
Why The Hollywood Elite Are Using Muscle Supplements Like XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x …
When it comes to losing excess body fat and gaining action star muscle nothing works quite like XtremeNO. This muscle builder is very high in anti-oxidants and has some pretty powerful strength building properties which combine to make it a standout performer among muscle building supplements. XtremeNO is made from pure, high quality ingredients combined into a proprietary formula that is intended to provide the energy and additional strength required to do some incredible lifting. And even better, it revs up your metabolism and melts away body fat at a rate of knots. When combined with HyperGH 14x, a testosterone booster bar none, the results are nothing short of an automatic muscle-building machine.
Testosterone is an essential hormone that plays a critical role in regulating a number of fundamental bodily processes including bone formation, muscle building, efficient metabolism of fat, and regulating mood and energy. The proven, all natural formula of HyperGH 14x provides a testosterone boost like no other similar supplement currently available. Small wonder then that when HyperGH 14x and XtremeNO are taken in combination the results are simply mind-blowing.
However, we certainly understand if you’re a little bit skeptical because, to be honest, we were too. Everything about this muscle building/fat burning combination absolutely screamed ‘fad’ to us when we first heard about it. But despite the fact that our ‘it’s just a fad’ radar was blaring loudly at us the numerous success stories just kept rolling in. From everywhere. That more than anything convinced us to take another look at this product that was causing such a furor. And we found that we liked what we saw. Particularly the fact that people were getting awesome results without having to radically change their eating habits or their lifestyles. That’s a huge win/win situation in our book. Another thing that impressed us is that both XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x are clinically proven.
HyperGH 14x Clinically Proven To
- Boost testosterone levels
- Shorten recovery time
- Increase fat-burning
- Super-charge muscle development
- Improve sexual performance
XtremeNO Clinically Proven To
- Improve strength
- Boost energy naturally
- Delay the onset of muscle fatigue
- Increase metabolism and destroy fat
- Maximize sexual stamina
One guy we heard about – Jeremy Evans from California, describes on his blog how he lost 8lbs of fat and stacked on 20lbs of muscle simply by taking the recommended daily dose of the XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x muscle building stack over a 5 week period. He wrote that he “really didn't believe it could be so easy. There were no changes to my diet or to my daily routine. All I had to do was pop two pills every day and the fat just melted off me like hot butter. At the same time all these muscles that were hiding underneath the fat appeared; most of them I didn't realize I had. And as for my new 6-pack... Well, suffice to say that the girls don't mind it at all."
So the upshot of all our research was that we thought we’d try XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x for ourselves just to see if this muscle building supplement stack really did do everything it was purported to do. I’d wanted to make some healthy changes to my body for a while now plus I’d entered a fitness competition so I put my hand up to be the guinea pig.
First up I contacted the manufacturers of XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x, introduced myself and explained that I was interested in trying their products with a view to writing about the results for you, our readers. Both companies were keen to help out and agreed to ship me a month’s worth of free product. It duly arrived within a couple of days and the experiment was on……
In the interests of accuracy, we took my initial body fat measurement and made a note of my weight at the start. I was a very unimpressive 150lbs with a body fat score of 14% and I needed to get down to 7 – 8% to get the results I was aiming for and for the fitness competition.
And so we began ...

I followed a fairly simple routine. Just one pill each of XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x twice daily. On days that I worked out I took the pills before and after my workout otherwise I just took one dose in the morning and the other at night. My diet and my exercise regime did not change at all. At the end of the 4 weeks, I’d packed on 15lbs of lean muscle!!
Week 1:
One of the things I noticed during the first week on my new regime was how quickly and dramatically the Hugh Jackman Supplements kicked in. For a start my energy levels were noticeably higher. I also wasn’t nearly as hungry thanks to the appetite curbing effects of the amino acids in HyperGH 14x. All in all I felt unbelievable and I hadn’t had to change my daily routine at all. When Day 7 came around I hopped on the scales and got out the caliper to measure my body fat. Unbelievably I’d gained 4lbs of lean muscle!
However, impressive though the results appeared to be, I still wasn’t 100% convinced. At the start of most muscle programs you tend to lose a fair amount of water without producing any lasting effect on the composition of your body. The tricky part would be seeing if I could sustain this amount of muscle gain over the remaining weeks. However, it was certainly a great feeling to be weighing less than 150lbs for the first time in more years than I care to remember and I was keen to see how the next few weeks panned out.
Week 2:
My energy levels and focus continued to improve through the second week. I also found that I was sleeping much better due to the detoxifying effects of XtremeNO, which in turn allowed more time for my muscles to recover and grow. As I shed another 6lbs of fat I could see the outline of my 6-pack starting to develop, much to my girlfriend’s delight. By now I was starting to believe that these Hugh Jackman Supplements really were everything they were cracked up to be.
Week 3:
My muscle mass continued to develop whilst my body fat simultaneously continued to disappear. The fat around my stomach and hips was no longer and I was now sporting quite an impressive 6 pack. My energy levels were also staying consistently sky high right throughout the day.
By the end of the week I’d lost an impressive 14lbs of fat whilst gaining 12lbs of lean muscle. Amazing results considering that it was generally around about this time that previous programs I’d tried started to peter out and the water I’d lost during the first week returned.
Week 4:
The results of my trial were now clearly evident. Since starting a mere 4 weeks ago, I’d built up an amazing 16lbs of lean muscle mass and with the loss of a further 6lbs of fat, my body fat percentage was now in the single digit figures that I’d been aiming for! Watch out fitness comp, here I come! Needless to say, everyone else at PlanetSupplement is now trying to get hold of free trials of XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x….
Will I continue to use XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x?
Well, I think my results speak for themselves as to the consistent and amazing results of this product so yes, I will continue to use them. All in all, I really could not be happier with how my trial of XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x panned out. In just 4 weeks, without any special diet and with no severe exercise, I’d gained an amazing 16lbs of lean muscle.

All About The Wolverine Diet & The Logan Diet
Male celebrities are among the sexiest people on earth with great physiques. This does not come without breaking a sweat though. Male celebrities have invested a lot of money and time in keeping fit to help them get those bodies their fans would die for. Having such bodies does not have to be that hard. We are here to guide you through this journey by giving you all the details about the fitness of your favorite male celebrities. From their daily exercise routines to their coaches and fitness programs to tips they consider helpful, we give you all the information you need to know.
Fitness is not only about exercising; what you eat matters too. For this reason, top celebrities have nutritional experts who advise them on what to take and what not to. If you have been wondering what foods you need to take to build lean muscles then we have the right advice for you. The male celebrities we feature on our website share the secrets on what to eat and what not to. The better news is that they are living proof that what they recommend actually works. The celebrities share things they have tried and given great results as is evident in their great physique.
Why is what we are offering you worthwhile? Keeping fit is an expensive venture that will usually require you to invest in expensive programs some of which may not have proof of effectiveness. With our celebrity fitness information, however, everything has been set up for you. All you have to do is copy it. Celebrities have already paid their personal trainers and nutritionists to come up with the perfect regime for keeping fit and you need not do the same. Just take the advice and put it into action. It is that simple!
On our site, you can expect to find all the male celebrities with great bodies. From athletes to actors and even musicians you can expect to find their workout programs on our website. From the many available celebrities whose program can you choose to follow? Do you just use your favorite celebrity’s? While this may work, it may not always give successful results. The best way to approach it is to choose the fitness program of a celebrity with a body type similar to yours and if possible, those who have set fitness goals same as yours. With the many male celebrities, we have on our site, you will definitely find a celebrity with a fitness regime that will work for you.
If there’s anyone who’s a living proof that you can look fetching with a bulked-up body in your 40’s, it could easily be Hugh Jackman.
The Wolverine Diet - The Logan Diet
The man behind the mutant portrayals of Wolverine in the X-Men movie franchise has upped his fitness game with an intensive four-week workout that is now popularly known as “The Hugh Jackman Workout”.
While most men of similar age range experience a slowdown in their stamina, this actor seems to defy the fitness myths with his strict and focused exercise program specifically created by his trainer in order for him to get the actor into character.
The good news is that you don’t need to be an actor to achieve a body that will have women drooling over you and men feeling jealous.
Whether you’re looking for a safe way to gain muscles instantly or just inspired by Jackman’s astonishing off-screen transformation, you can simply follow his lead so you can finally feel better about yourself.
Who is David Kingsbury?
Before anything else, you should get to know the trainer who is responsible for Jackman’s “Wolverine physique” so you can be sure that you’re heading on the right track and going through the tried-and-tested route.
David Kingsbury is a former UK-based MMA fighter who is currently a head trainer at The Fitness Room.
Although his initial goal was to train athletes, fate has other plans for him which include being able to work at a film studio.
It was through this new opportunity that he had met Hugh Jackman. His usual clientele is composed of individuals in the film industry, both concerned with the production and office work.
It is because of one of his satisfied clients that he got to work in several films.
The Hugh Jackman Workout
Jackman’s Pre-Training Stage
Kingsbury noted that Jackman was already in “great shape” prior to their training.
He described him as very lean, although a little smaller since he had just finished filming “Les Miserables” wherein he was required to look slimmer while still retaining some muscles.
Kingsbury eventually set a goal, which is to exceed Jackman’s portrayals in the past installments by adjusting his muscle mass and leanness in the new films.
This bit of information should give you an idea of how Jackman had started and where he was in the fitness scale at that time.
You should be anywhere near his starting weight to effectively see the results if you opted to undergo the same training.
The Downside of the Training
You need to understand that when you choose to follow this training program, you are setting yourself up for some intense and exhaustive exercises.
Perhaps the only disadvantage of the Hugh Jackman workout is that you will need to work your body until dusk—especially if you have a schedule as packed as Jackman’s.
Both Kingsbury and Jackman started very early in the morning and worked long days, only sneaking in short naps during the day whenever possible.
There were also days when they would be required only 5-6 hours sleep just to keep up with the training schedule.
If you want to see immediate results, you will need to follow the strict training schedule for four weeks.
Whether you have plenty of time to spare or you practically don’t get enough sleep, the four-week-rule should apply to both. Results should be noticeable after this period.
The Training Approach
Kingsbury also noted that Jackman had not been doing direct strength workouts prior to their training and that the actor mostly worked within 8 to 12 reps.
Hence, he formulated a workout system that would require only 1-5 reps of heavy work for the first three weeks.
This is done to allow the myofibril hypertrophy to kick in.
After this period, the reps will shift up to 10 times to stimulate the sarcoplasmic hypertrophy.
Kingsbury pointed out that working on low reps increases one’s strength while also upping his capacity for higher reps.
With Jackman’s training, Kingsbury designed main lift reps that changes every week.
The weight Jackman lifts needs to increase each week for the first three weeks, and then reduced to the minimum by the fourth week so he can perform 10 reps.
The main lifts that are used in the program include the barbell bench press, back squat, weighted pull-up and deadlift.
To know how much weight Jackman needs to lift in a week, Kingsbury formulated a percentage system that calculates Jackman’s working 1-rep max.
He shares how you can figure out this percentage by taking 95% of your 1-rep max (1rm).
An example of a week’s worth of training involves 60% of W1RM for the first set, and increasing the weight up to 75% by Set 4.
According to Kingsbury, the main aim of this workout is to improve strength and built, all while ensuring that body fat is being kept at minimum.
If your plan is to extend the training beyond the four-week period, you should add up 5-10% to your W1RM. Kingsbury offered a tip, saying that when the progress is slow, you need to add at least 5%.
On the other hand, if you can comfortably achieve your target reps, you may increase it to up to 10%.
To cap off each session, you will need to perform flexibility work like static stretching and foam rolling.
“The Wolverine Diet”
No workout has ever been effective without a matching diet program.
Such is the case with Jackman’s training; he also underwent strict nourishment plan to achieve his perfectly-sculpted body.
As a trainer, Kingsbury painstakingly calculated Jackman’s calories to attain leanest muscle gain.
He had also adjusted them to fill the requirements that he need in a day.
The menu varies by stages, although the duo followed a diet principle in which Jackman undergoes a cycle of carb intakes.
During the weight training, he would have carbs on the menu while it was a “low-carb day” every rest day.
Aside from strict diet, the Hugh Jackman workout also include supplement intake; Creatine for bulking up and L-carnitine for trimming down.
For the last couple of months we’ve been hearing stories about how guys in Hollywood such as Vin Diesel and Zac Efron or top NBA players like Derrick Rose have been using two insane new products to lose body fat and add some incredible muscle bulk in mere weeks. Needless to say, when word of these ‘wonder-products’ leaked out men everywhere went crazy over them and their popularity simply exploded! Understandably, our readers have also been going mad over them too and why wouldn’t they?
This muscle-building supplement stack has been clinically proven to:
- Get rid of body fat – it just melts away
- Help flush toxins from your body
- Pack on muscle – tons of it
As anyone who is into bodybuilding knows, this is an amazing combination if you want to get insanely ripped in short order. So we decided it warranted a special report and we’ll also tell you just why these alternative steroid products work, and work so insanely well.
Hugh Jackman Workout Supplements - Everything There Is To Know About Them
Have you often felt that building muscle is an almost impossible challenge?
We’ve assessed many ‘trendy’ muscle programs here at PlanetSupplement, only to be disappointed by the cost and the lack of real results. It’s not that there is anything ‘bad’ about many of the programs. It’s just that they impose on your daily life with often-unrealistic restrictions, particularly in relation to diet. Some programs emphasize the importance of eating a lot of protein. Others stress the importance of carbs.
Either way, it generally involves some pretty radical changes to your diet and who really wants to have to do that?! So when we heard about these workout supplements we decided to take a closer look at them. We figured that if they did even half of what they’re purported to do then we could be looking at the start of a new and promising trend that is easy to use AND brings real results.
One of the things we discovered is that trainers are calling this new supplement stack “nature’s steroid alternatives”. Steroids are a key component in building muscle and burning fat so it’s exciting news to find a completely natural product that does not have the bad rap of chemical steroids yet still works exceptionally well to achieve the same muscle building, fat burning results!
So what are these products we’ve heard so much about?
They’re called XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x. If you watch TV or read the news, you’ve possibly seen or heard about a supplement touted as the “secret”, and absolutely safe, alternative to chemical steroids that celebrities and body builders everywhere have been using to build those incredible bodies. Well, today it’s a secret no longer because we’re here to tell you all about it. And we’ll also teach you (for free) how you too can build the same celebrity type muscular body. It’s all here in the special report we’ve put together about XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x, two of the most exciting new products to hit the fitness and body building scene for some time.
Why The Sports And Hollywood Elite Is Using Muscle Supplements Like XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x …
When it comes to losing excess body fat and gaining action star muscle nothing works quite like XtremeNO. This muscle builder is very high in anti-oxidants and has some pretty powerful strength building properties which combine to make it a standout performer among muscle building supplements. XtremeNO is made from pure, high quality ingredients combined into a proprietary formula that is intended to provide the energy and additional strength required to do some incredible lifting. And even better, it revs up your metabolism and melts away body fat at a rate of knots. When combined with HyperGH 14x, a testosterone booster bar none, the results are nothing short of an automatic muscle-building machine.
Testosterone is an essential hormone that plays a critical role in regulating a number of fundamental bodily processes including bone formation, muscle building, efficient metabolism of fat, and regulating mood and energy. The proven, all natural formula of HyperGH 14x provides a testosterone boost like no other similar supplement currently available. Small wonder then that when HyperGH 14x and XtremeNO are taken in combination the results are simply mind-blowing.
However, we certainly understand if you’re a little bit skeptical because, to be honest, we were too. Everything about this muscle building/fat burning combination absolutely screamed ‘fad’ to us when we first heard about it. But despite the fact that our ‘it’s just a fad’ radar was blaring loudly at us the numerous success stories just kept rolling in. From everywhere. That more than anything convinced us to take another look at this product that was causing such a furor. And we found that we liked what we saw. Particularly the fact that people were getting awesome results without having to radically change their eating habits or their lifestyles. That’s a huge win/win situation in our book. Another thing that impressed us is that both XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x are clinically proven.
HyperGH 14x Clinically Proven To
- Boost testosterone levels
- Shorten recovery time
- Increase fat-burning
- Super-charge muscle development
- Improve sexual performance
XtremeNO Clinically Proven To
- Improve strength
- Boost energy naturally
- Delay the onset of muscle fatigue
- Increase metabolism and destroy fat
- Maximize sexual stamina
One guy we heard about – Jeremy Evans from California, describes on his blog how he lost 8lbs of fat and stacked on 20lbs of muscle simply by taking the recommended daily dose of the XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x muscle building stack over a 5 week period. He wrote that he “really didn't believe it could be so easy. There were no changes to my diet or to my daily routine. All I had to do was pop two pills every day and the fat just melted off me like hot butter. At the same time all these muscles that were hiding underneath the fat appeared; most of them I didn't realize I had. And as for my new 6-pack... Well, suffice to say that the girls don't mind it at all."
So the upshot of all our research was that we thought we’d try XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x for ourselves just to see if this muscle building supplement stack really did do everything it was purported to do. I’d wanted to make some healthy changes to my body for a while now plus I’d entered a fitness competition so I put my hand up to be the guinea pig.
First up I contacted the manufacturers of XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x, introduced myself and explained that I was interested in trying their products with a view to writing about the results for you, our readers. Both companies were keen to help out and agreed to ship me a month’s worth of free product. It duly arrived within a couple of days and the experiment was on……
In the interests of accuracy, we took my initial body fat measurement and made a note of my weight at the start. I was a very unimpressive 150lbs with a body fat score of 14% and I needed to get down to 7 – 8% to get the results I was aiming for and for the fitness competition.
And so I began ...

I followed a fairly simple routine. Just one pill each of XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x twice daily. On days that I worked out I took the pills before and after my workout otherwise I just took one dose in the morning and the other at night. My diet and my exercise regime did not change at all. At the end of the 4 weeks, I’d packed on 15lbs of lean muscle!!
Week 1:
One of the things I noticed during the first week on my new regime was how quickly and dramatically these Workout Supplements kicked in. For a start my energy levels were noticeably higher. I also wasn’t nearly as hungry thanks to the appetite curbing effects of the amino acids in HyperGH 14x. All in all I felt unbelievable and I hadn’t had to change my daily routine at all. When Day 7 came around I hopped on the scales and got out the caliper to measure my body fat. Unbelievably I’d gained 4lbs of lean muscle!
However, impressive though the results appeared to be, I still wasn’t 100% convinced. At the start of most muscle programs you tend to lose a fair amount of water without producing any lasting effect on the composition of your body. The tricky part would be seeing if I could sustain this amount of muscle gain over the remaining weeks. However, it was certainly a great feeling to be weighing less than 150lbs for the first time in more years than I care to remember and I was keen to see how the next few weeks panned out.
Week 2:
My energy levels and focus continued to improve through the second week. I also found that I was sleeping much better due to the detoxifying effects of XtremeNO, which in turn allowed more time for my muscles to recover and grow. As I shed another 6lbs of fat I could see the outline of my 6-pack starting to develop, much to my girlfriend’s delight. By now I was starting to believe that these Workout Supplements really were everything they were cracked up to be.
Week 3:
My muscle mass continued to develop whilst my body fat simultaneously continued to disappear. The fat around my stomach and hips was no longer and I was now sporting quite an impressive 6 pack. My energy levels were also staying consistently sky high right throughout the day.
By the end of the week I’d lost an impressive 14lbs of fat whilst gaining 12lbs of lean muscle. Amazing results considering that it was generally around about this time that previous programs I’d tried started to peter out and the water I’d lost during the first week returned.
Week 4:
The results of my trial were now clearly evident. Since starting a mere 4 weeks ago, I’d built up an amazing 16lbs of lean muscle mass and with the loss of a further 6lbs of fat, my body fat percentage was now in the single digit figures that I’d been aiming for! Watch out fitness comp, here I come! Needless to say, everyone else at PlanetSupplement is now trying to get hold of free trials of XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x….
Will I continue to use XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x?
Well, I think my results speak for themselves as to the consistent and amazing results of this product so yes, I will continue to use them. All in all, I really could not be happier with how my trial of XtremeNO and HyperGH 14x panned out. In just 4 weeks, without any special diet and with no severe exercise, I’d gained an amazing 16lbs of lean muscle.